Dragon curve: Difference between revisions

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Calculates the absolute location of each step iteratively by bit-twiddling and then prints terminal output with unicode box-drawing characters:
<syntaxhighlight lang="clojure">(defn i->dir
(mod (Long/bitCount (bit-xor n (bit-shift-right n 1))) 4))
(defn safe-bit-or [v bit] (bit-or (or v 0) bit))
(let [steps 511
{[minx maxx miny maxy] :bbox data :data}
(loop [i 0
[x y] [0 0]
out {}
[minx maxx miny maxy] [0 0 0 0]]
(let [dir (i->dir i)
[nx ny] [(+ x (condp = dir 0 1 2 -1 0))
(+ y (condp = dir 1 1 3 -1 0))]
[ob ib] (nth [[8 4][2 1][4 8][1 2]] dir)
out (-> (update-in out [y x] safe-bit-or ob)
(update-in [ny nx] safe-bit-or ib))
bbox [(min minx nx) (max maxx nx)
(min miny ny) (max maxy ny)]]
(if (< i steps)
(recur (inc i) [nx ny] out bbox)
{:data out :bbox bbox})))]
(doseq [y (range miny (inc maxy))]
(->> (for [x (range minx (inc maxx))]
(nth " ╵╷│╴┘┐┤╶└┌├─┴┬┼" (get-in data [y x] 0)))
(apply str)
[[File:Clj-dragon-terminal-screenshot.png|alt=terminal output of Clojure dragon curve program]]
