Doubly-linked list/Definition: Difference between revisions

Added PicoLisp
(→‎{{header|AutoHotkey}}: moved to new url)
(Added PicoLisp)
Line 759:
2 fwd_pointer handle(Node);
For the list of double-cell structures described in
[[Doubly-linked list/Element definition#PicoLisp]],
we define a header structure, containing one pointer to the start
and one to the end of the list.
+------------> end
| | | ---+---> start
<lang PicoLisp># Build a doubly-linked list
(de 2list @
(let Prev NIL
(let L
(while (args)
(setq Prev (chain (list (next) Prev))) ) )
(cons L Prev) ) ) )
(setq *DLst (2list 'was 'it 'a 'cat 'I 'saw))</lang>
For output of the example data, see [[Doubly-linked list/Traversal#PicoLisp]].
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