Distribution of 0 digits in factorial series: Difference between revisions

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Same as 'brute force' version.
'''Works with jq'''
The precision of jq's integer arithmetic is not up to this task, so in the following we borrow from the "BigInt" library and use a string representation of integers.
Unfortunately, although gojq (the Go implementation of jq) does support unbounded-precision integer arithmetic, it is unsuited for the task because of memory management issues.
'''From BigInt.jq'''
<lang jq>
# multiply two decimal strings, which may be signed (+ or -)
def long_multiply(num1; num2):
def stripsign:
.[0:1] as $a
| if $a == "-" then [ -1, .[1:]]
elif $a == "+" then [ 1, .[1:]]
else [1, .]
def adjustsign(sign):
if sign == 1 then . else "-" + . end;
# mult/2 assumes neither argument has a sign
def mult(num1;num2):
(num1 | explode | map(.-48) | reverse) as $a1
| (num2 | explode | map(.-48) | reverse) as $a2
| reduce range(0; num1|length) as $i1
([]; # result
reduce range(0; num2|length) as $i2
($i1 + $i2) as $ix
| ( $a1[$i1] * $a2[$i2] + (if $ix >= length then 0 else .[$ix] end) ) as $r
| if $r > 9 # carrying
.[$ix + 1] = ($r / 10 | floor) + (if $ix + 1 >= length then 0 else .[$ix + 1] end )
| .[$ix] = $r - ( $r / 10 | floor ) * 10
.[$ix] = $r
| reverse | map(.+48) | implode;
(num1|stripsign) as $a1
| (num2|stripsign) as $a2
| if $a1[1] == "0" or $a2[1] == "0" then "0"
elif $a1[1] == "1" then $a2[1]|adjustsign( $a1[0] * $a2[0] )
elif $a2[1] == "1" then $a1[1]|adjustsign( $a1[0] * $a2[0] )
else mult($a1[1]; $a2[1]) | adjustsign( $a1[0] * $a2[0] )
'''The task'''
<lang jq>
def count(s): reduce s as $x (0; .+1);
def meanfactorialdigits:
def digits: tostring | explode;
def nzeros: count( .[] | select(. == 48) ); # "0" is 48
. as $N
| 0.16 as $goal
| label $out
| reduce range( 1; 1+$N ) as $i ( {factorial: "1", proportionsum: 0.0, first: null };
.factorial = long_multiply(.factorial; $i|tostring)
| (.factorial|digits) as $d
| .proportionsum += ($d | (nzeros / length))
| (.proportionsum / $i) as $propmean
| if .first
then if $propmean > $goal then .first = null else . end
elif $propmean <= $goal then .first = $i
else .
| "Mean proportion of zero digits in factorials to \($N) is \(.proportionsum/$N);" +
(if .first then " mean <= \($goal) from N=\(.first) on." else " goal (\($goal)) unmet." end);
# The task:
100, 1000, 10000 | meanfactorialdigits</lang>
Mean proportion of zero digits in factorials to 100 is 0.24675318616743216; mean <= 0.16 from N=null on.
Mean proportion of zero digits in factorials to 1000 is 0.20354455110316458; mean <= 0.16 from N=null on.
Mean proportion of zero digits in factorials to 10000 is 0.17300384824186707; mean <= 0.16 from N=null on.
