Distributed programming/AutoHotkey

Revision as of 17:24, 6 February 2010 by Underscore (talk | contribs) (moved Distributed program/AutoHotkey to Distributed programming/AutoHotkey: UnderBot missed this one because a page named "Distributed programming" already existed.)
Library: WinSock2.ahk

WinSock2 library created by derRaphael. Basic code structure created by Trikster. Everything else created by B R (skylord5816 on IRC).

<lang autohotkey>#Include WinSock2.ahk
  1. Persistent
  2. SingleInstance, force
  3. Include, WinSock2.ahk

SetBatchLines, -1 SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% Gui, Add, Button, gB1, Button number One! Gui, Add, Edit, vE1, Type in me! Gui, Add, Button, gB2, Press me after you're done typing! Gui, Add, DropDownList, vDDL1 gDDL1, Select something!||One|Two|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine|Ten Gui, Add, Button, gB3, Click me!

Server  := "irc.freenode.net" Port  := "6667"

Channel := "#aokjf" ; Choose something long and random - a channel sure to be deserted.

Nick := "aokjfONE"  ; Register this! You can drop it later if you want, but register it! Pass := "aokjfONE"  ; It can be any nick and any pass.

Name := "distributed program"

BotCmd := "!" OtherBotCmd := "~"

OnExit, CleanUp WS2_CleanUp() If (!Socket := WS2_Connect(Connection := Server . ":" . Port)) {

  MsgBox, 16, Error!, An error occured wilist connecting to %Connection%


  ; Set OnMessage function
  WS2_AsyncSelect(Socket, "DataProcess")

  ; Send AUTH info to the server
  ; USER A-trivial-nickname a-domain-like-google.com some-trivial-stuff :your-real-name
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "USER " . Nick . " google.com AHKBOT :" . Name . "`n") ; All data send to the server must be
                                                                              ; followed by a newline.

  ; PASS A-trivial-pass
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "PASS " . Pass . "`n")

  ; NICK A-trivial-nick
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "NICK " . Nick . "`n")

  ; Join channel
  ; JOIN A-trivial-channel
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "JOIN " . Channel . "`n")

  Gui, Show


DataProcess(Socket, Data) ; OnMessage function {

  global Server,Port,Channel,Nick,Pass,Name,BotCMD
  StringSplit, Param, Data, %A_Space%
  Name := SubStr(Data, 2, InStr(Data, "!")-2)
  StringReplace, Command, Param5, % Chr(10),, All
  StringReplace, Command, Command, % Chr(13),, All

  If (Param1 == "PING")
     WS2_SendData(Socket, "PONG " . Param2 . "`n")
  Else If (RegExMatch(Data, ":\" . BotCMD . " "))
     If (Command == "B1")
        MsgBox, The other person pressed Button Number One
     Else If (Command == "E1B2")
        out :=
           If (A_Index < 6)
           If Param%A_Index%
              out := out . " " . Param%A_Index%
        StringTrimRight, out, out, 1
        MsgBox, The other person typed:`n%out%
     Else If (Command == "DDL1")
        MsgBox, The other person selected %Param6% %Param7% in the drop-down-list.
     Else If (Command == "B3")
        MsgBox, The other person clicked Button Three.

} B1: WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B1`n") return B2: Gui, Submit, NoHide WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " E1B2 " . E1 . "`n") return DDL1: Gui, Submit, NoHide WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " DDL1 " . DDL1 . "`n") return B3: WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B3" . "`n") return CleanUp: GuiClose: WS2_CleanUp()


Put the above on one computer, and run it. Then put the below on a different computer (no need for a network, just add Internet!) and run it.

<lang autohotkey>#Include WinSock2.ahk
  1. Persistent
  2. SingleInstance, force
  3. Include WinSock2.ahk

SetBatchLines, -1 SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% Gui, Add, Button, gB1, Button number One! Gui, Add, Edit, vE1, Type in me! Gui, Add, Button, gB2, Press me after you're done typing! Gui, Add, DropDownList, vDDL1 gDDL1, Select something!||One|Two|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine|Ten Gui, Add, Button, gB3, Click me!

Server  := "irc.freenode.net" Port  := "6667"

Channel := "#aokjf" ; Choose something long and random - a channel sure to be deserted.

Nick := "aokjfTWO"  ; Register this! You can drop it later if you want, but register it! Pass := "aokjfTWO"  ; It can be any nick and any pass.

Name := "distributed program"

BotCmd := "~" OtherBotCmd := "!"

OnExit, CleanUp WS2_CleanUp() If (!Socket := WS2_Connect(Connection := Server . ":" . Port)) {

  MsgBox, 16, Error!, An error occured wilist connecting to %Connection%


  ; Set OnMessage function
  WS2_AsyncSelect(Socket, "DataProcess")

  ; Send AUTH info to the server
  ; USER A-trivial-nickname a-domain-like-google.com some-trivial-stuff :your-real-name
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "USER " . Nick . " google.com AHKBOT :" . Name . "`n") ; All data send to the server must be
                                                                              ; followed by a newline.

  ; PASS A-trivial-pass
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "PASS " . Pass . "`n")

  ; NICK A-trivial-nick
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "NICK " . Nick . "`n")

  ; Join channel
  ; JOIN A-trivial-channel
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "JOIN " . Channel . "`n")

  Gui, Show


DataProcess(Socket, Data) ; OnMessage function {

  global Server,Port,Channel,Nick,Pass,Name,BotCMD
  StringSplit, Param, Data, %A_Space%
  Name := SubStr(Data, 2, InStr(Data, "!")-2)
  StringReplace, Command, Param5, % Chr(10),, All
  StringReplace, Command, Command, % Chr(13),, All

  If (Param1 == "PING")
     WS2_SendData(Socket, "PONG " . Param2 . "`n")
  Else If (RegExMatch(Data, ":\" . BotCMD . " "))
     If (Command == "B1")
        MsgBox, The other person pressed Button Number One
     Else If (Command == "E1B2")
        out :=
           If (A_Index < 6)
           If Param%A_Index%
              out := out . " " . Param%A_Index%
        StringTrimRight, out, out, 1
        MsgBox, The other person typed:`n%out%
     Else If (Command == "DDL1")
        MsgBox, The other person selected %Param6% %Param7% in the drop-down-list.
     Else If (Command == "B3")
        MsgBox, The other person clicked Button Three.

} B1: WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B1`n") return B2: Gui, Submit, NoHide WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " E1B2 " . E1 . "`n") return DDL1: Gui, Submit, NoHide WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " DDL1 " . DDL1 . "`n") return B3: WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B3" . "`n") return CleanUp: GuiClose: WS2_CleanUp()
