Discordian date: Difference between revisions

Add 8086 assembly version
(Add 8080 assembly version)
(Add 8086 assembly version)
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Setting Orange, day 05 of Chaos in the YOLD 3171: celebrate Mungday!
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
{{trans|8080 Assembly}}
This program runs under DOS. It can take a date on the command line in the form
<code>MM/DD/YYYY</code>, and if a date is not given, it asks DOS for the system date
and uses that instead.
It is mostly a port of the 8080 (CP/M) version, but it does use the 8086's new capabilities
where possible, e.g. multiplication and division, and the string lookups are done
using an 8086 string instruction.
This code is written to compile to a <code>.COM</code> file using <code>nasm</code>.
<lang asm> ;; DDATE for MS-DOS (assembles using nasm)
bits 16
cpu 8086
tlength: equ 80h
cmdtail: equ 81h
putch: equ 2
puts: equ 9
getdate: equ 2Ah
org 100h
section .text
;; Check if a date was given
mov bl,[tlength] ; Length of command line
and bl,bl ; Is it zero?
jz gettoday ; Then get today's date
;; Parse the date given on the command line
cmp bl,10+1 ; MM/DD/YYYY is ten characters long
jne printusage ; If it doesn't match, print usage.
xor bh,bh
add bx,cmdtail
mov byte [bx],0 ; Zero terminate the date
mov si,cmdtail+1 ; Get month,
call atoi
mov dh,al ; store in DH,
inc si ; get day,
call atoi
mov dl,al ; store in DL,
inc si ; get year,
call atoi
mov cx,ax ; and store in CX.
jmp convertdate
;; Ask MS-DOS for the date
gettoday: mov ah,puts ; Prefix output with 'Today is '
mov dx,todayis
int 21h
mov ah,getdate ; And get the current date.
int 21h
;; Convert the date to the Discordian calendar
;; (DL=day, DH=month, CX=year)
convertdate: add cx,1166 ; Erisian year is 1166 years onwards.
cmp dx,21dh ; Is it St. Tib's Day?
jne notibs
mov dx,tibsday ; If yes, print "St. Tib's Day"
mov ah,puts
int 21h
;; Print "in the YOLD NNNN" and then end.
intheyold: mov dx,yold ; In the YOLD
mov ah,puts
int 21h
mov ax,cx ; print the year
call printn
ret ; If Tibs, this ends the program.
;; It isn't St. Tib's Day.
notibs: cmp dh,1 ; Month < 1 = error
jb printinval
cmp dl,1 ; Day < 1 = error
jb printinval
cmp dh,12 ; Month > 12 = error
ja printinval
mov bx,monthlengths-1
xor ah,ah ; Day higher than it should be
mov al,dh ; (according to month table)
add bx,ax ; = error
cmp dl,[bx]
ja printinval
mov bx,monthdays-2 ; Calculate day of year
mov al,dh ; Cumulative months
sal al,1 ; Multiply by 2 (2 bits per entry)
add bx,ax
mov ax,[bx] ; Days since start of month
xor dh,dh
add dx,ax ; Add day of month
dec dx ; Start at 0 (For array lookup)
mov ax,dx ; Get weekday
mov bl,5 ; Divide by 5
div bl ; AH = weekday (modulo)
mov bl,ah
mov di,weekdays
call strselect ; Print the weekday
mov bx,dx ; Keep day of year in bx for now
mov dx,commaday ; ... ', day '
call printstr
mov dl,73 ; Each season is 73 days long
mov ax,bx ; Divide day of year by 73
div dl ; DH=AH=day of season (modulo)
mov dx,ax ; DL=AL=season number
xor ah,ah ; Print day of season
mov al,dh
inc al ; One more (days do start at 1)
call printn
mov bx,dx ; Store day and season in bx
mov dx,of ; Print ... ' of '
call printstr
mov dx,bx ; Day and season in dx again
mov di,seasons ; Print season
call strselect ; BL is still season number
mov bx,dx ; Day and season in BX again.
call intheyold ; Print the year
cmp bh,5-1 ; Something to celebrate?
je party ; (Day 5 or 50?
cmp bh,50-1
je party
ret ; If not, stop.
party: mov al,bh ; Day in AL.
mov bx,holydays5 ; Day 5 holydays.
mov cx,xday
cmp al,50-1 ; Unless it's 50
jne holyday
mov bx,holydays50 ; Then we need day 50 holydays.
mov cx,xflux
holyday: mov dx,celebrate ; Print ... ', celebrate: '
call printstr
mov dx,bx
call printstr
mov dx,cx
jmp printstr
;; Print "invalid date".
printinval: mov dx,inval
jmp printstr
;; Print usage.
printusage: mov dx,usage
;; Print DX.
printstr: mov ah,puts
int 21h
;; Subroutine: print the BL'th string from DI
strselect: inc bl ; Counter the 'dec bl' later
mov al,'$' ; String end
push cx ; Keep registers
push dx
.search dec bl ; Are we there yet?
jz .found
mov cx,-1
repne scasb ; Scan to end of string
jmp .search
.found mov dx,di ; Found the string, print it
mov ah,puts
int 21h
pop dx ; Restore registers
pop cx
;; Subroutine: print number in AX.
printn: push cx ; Don't trample registers
push dx
mov si,numend ; End of number string.
mov cx,10 ; Divisor, ten.
.loop xor dx,dx ; Zero DX.
dec si ; Back up one digit.
div cx ; Divide AX by ten.
add dl,'0' ; Remainder is now in DX; make ASCII
mov [si],dl ; and store.
and ax,ax ; Quotient is in AX, check if zero
jnz .loop ; loop for next digit if there is one.
mov dx,si ; Print SI - move it to DX,
mov ah,puts ; and then call the DOS print function
int 21h
pop dx ; Restore the registers
pop cx
;; Subroutine: parse number at [SI], store in AX.
atoi: push bx ; Don't trample registers
push cx
push dx
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX.
xor bh,bh ; BH as well.
mov cx,10 ; Multiplier, ten.
.loop mov bl,[si] ; Current number.
sub bl,'0' ; Subtract '0'.
jc .done ; If <0, then done.
cmp bl,9 ; If it's higher than 9,
jnbe .done ; also done.
mul cx ; Multiply accumulator by 10
add ax,bx ; Add the digit in.
inc si ; Next digit
jmp .loop
.done pop dx ; Restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
section .data
;; Accumulated days at start of Gregorian months
monthdays: dw 0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334
;; Days per month
monthlengths: db 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31
;; Strings
inval: db 'Invalid date.$'
usage: db `DDATE [MM/DD/YYYY]\r\n`
db `\r\n\tPrint today's date or the given date in the`
db ` Discordian calendar.$`
number: db '00000'
numend: db '$'
todayis: db 'Today is $'
weekdays: db 'Sweetmorn$Boomtime$Pungenday$Prickle-Prickle$'
db 'Setting Orange$'
commaday: db ', day $'
of: db ' of $'
seasons: db 'Chaos$Discord$Confusion$Bureaucracy$The Aftermath$'
celebrate: db ': celebrate $'
holydays5: db 'Mung$Mojo$Sya$Zara$Mala$'
xday: db 'day!$'
holydays50: db 'Chao$Disco$Confu$Bure$Af$'
xflux: db 'flux!$'
tibsday: db "Saint Tib's Day$"
yold: db ' in the YOLD $'</lang>
