Discordian date: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|ALGOL 68}}: ditto typos - grr!!!)
(Add CLU)
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"Setting Orange, The Aftermath 73, YOLD 3179"</pre>
<lang clu>% This program needs to be merged with PCLU's "useful.lib",
% so it can use get_argv to read the command line.
% pclu -merge $CLUHOME/lib/useful.lib -compile cmdline.clu
% Represent a day in the Discordian calendar %
eris_date = cluster is from_greg_y_m_d,
greyface = 1166
% A Discordian day is either St. Tib's day
% or a day in a season
season_day = struct[season, day: int]
eris_day = oneof[st_tibs: null, season_day: season_day]
% A Discordian date is a day in a year
rep = struct[year: int, day: eris_day]
% Offset of each Gregorian month in a non-leap year
own month_offset: sequence[int] := sequence[int]$[
0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334
% Length of each Gregorian month in a non-leap year
own month_length: sequence[int] := sequence[int]$[
31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
own week_days: sequence[string] := sequence[string]$[
"Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle",
"Setting Orange"
own seasons: sequence[string] := sequence[string]$[
"Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureacuracy",
"The Aftermath"
own apostle_holydays: sequence[string] := sequence[string]$[
"Mungday", "Mojoday", "Syaday", "Zaraday", "Maladay"
own season_holydays: sequence[string] := sequence[string]$[
"Chaoflux", "Discoflux", "Confuflux", "Bureflux", "Afflux"
% Check if a Gregorian year is a leap year
is_leap = proc (year: int) returns (bool)
if year // 4 ~= 0 then return(false)
elseif year // 100 ~= 0 then return(true)
elseif year // 400 ~= 0 then return(false)
else return(true)
end is_leap
% Convert a Gregorian date to a Discordian date
from_greg_y_m_d = proc (year, month, day: int)
returns (cvt) signals (invalid)
% Make sure the month is valid
if month<1 cor month>12 then signal invalid end
% Saint Tib's Day?
if month=2 cand day=29 then
% Only valid in leap years
if ~is_leap(year) then signal invalid end
return(rep${year: year+greyface, day: eris_day$make_st_tibs(nil)})
% If not, make sure the day of the month is valid
if day<1 cor day>month_length[month] then signal invalid end
% The Discordian calendar doesn't consider Saint Tib's Day
% part of a season, so we can use the day number for a non-leap
% year even in a leap year
year_day: int := (day + month_offset[month]) - 1
sd: season_day := season_day${
season: year_day / 73 + 1,
day: year_day // 73 + 1
return(rep${year: year+greyface,
day: eris_day$make_season_day(sd)})
end from_greg_y_m_d
% Convert a CLU 'date' object to a Discordian date (ignoring the time)
from_date = proc (d: date) returns (cvt) signals (invalid)
return(down(from_greg_y_m_d(d.year, d.month, d.day)))
resignal invalid
end from_date
% Retrieve year, season, day, weekday number
get_year = proc (d: cvt) returns (int) return(d.year) end get_year
get_day = proc (d: cvt) returns (int) signals (st_tibs)
tagcase d.day
tag st_tibs: signal st_tibs
tag season_day (s: season_day): return(s.day)
end get_day
get_season = proc (d: cvt) returns (int) signals (st_tibs)
tagcase d.day
tag st_tibs: signal st_tibs
tag season_day (s: season_day): return(s.season)
end get_season
get_weekday = proc (d: cvt) returns (int) signals (st_tibs)
day: int := up(d).day resignal st_tibs
season: int := up(d).season resignal st_tibs
weekday: int := ( (season-1)*73 + (day-1) ) // 5 + 1
return( weekday )
end get_weekday
% Retrieve formatted day in year
get_day_name = proc (d: cvt) returns (string)
fmt: stream := stream$create_output()
stream$puts(fmt, week_days[up(d).weekday])
stream$puts(fmt, ", day " || int$unparse(up(d).day))
stream$puts(fmt, " of " || seasons[up(d).season])
end except when st_tibs:
return("St. Tib's Day")
end get_day_name
% Retrieve holyday name if there is one
get_holyday = proc (d: cvt) returns (string) signals (no_holyday)
if up(d).day = 5 then return(apostle_holydays[up(d).season])
elseif up(d).day = 50 then return(season_holydays[up(d).season])
else signal no_holyday
end except when st_tibs:
signal no_holyday % St. Tib's Day is not a normal holyday
end get_holyday
% Retrieve long format
get_format = proc (d: cvt) returns (string)
fmt: stream := stream$create_output()
stream$puts(fmt, up(d).day_name)
stream$puts(fmt, " in the YOLD ")
stream$puts(fmt, int$unparse(up(d).year))
stream$puts(fmt, ": celebrate " || up(d).holyday) except when no_holyday: end
end get_format
end eris_date
% Parse a date string (MM/DD/YYYY) and return a date object
parse_date = proc (s: string) returns (date) signals (bad_format)
parts: array[int] := array[int]$[]
while true do
slash: int := string$indexc('/', s)
if slash=0 then
array[int]$addh(parts, int$parse(s))
array[int]$addh(parts, int$parse(string$substr(s, 1, slash-1)))
s := string$rest(s, slash+1)
if array[int]$size(parts) ~= 3 then signal bad_format end
return(date$create(parts[2], parts[1], parts[3], 0, 0, 0))
end resignal bad_format
end parse_date
% Read date(s) from the command line, or use the current date,
% and convert to the Discordian date
start_up = proc ()
po: stream := stream$primary_output()
args: sequence[string] := get_argv()
dates: array[date] := array[date]$[]
if sequence[string]$empty(args) then
% No argument - use today's date
stream$puts(po, "Today is ")
array[date]$addh(dates, now())
% There are argument(s) - parse each of them
for arg: string in sequence[string]$elements(args) do
array[date]$addh(dates, parse_date(arg))
% Convert all dates
for d: date in array[date]$elements(dates) do
stream$putl(po, eris_date$from_date(d).format)
end start_up</lang>
<pre>$ ./ddate
Today is Boomtime, day 45 of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3187
$ ./ddate 4/27/2020 9/26/1995 2/29/1996 7/22/2011 1/5/2005
Boomtime, day 44 of Discord in the YOLD 3186
Prickle-Prickle, day 50 of Bureacuracy in the YOLD 3161: celebrate Bureflux
St. Tib's Day in the YOLD 3162
Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3177
Setting Orange, day 5 of Chaos in the YOLD 3171: celebrate Mungday</pre>
Line 1,772 ⟶ 1,984:
Sweetmorn, day 1 of Chaos in the YOLD 1166
Sweetmorn, day 1 of Chaos in the YOLD 0</pre>
{{libheader| System.SysUtils}}
