Discordian date: Difference between revisions

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2015-10-19 is Bureaucracy 73, 3181 YOLD
2015-10-19 is Bureaucracy 73, 3181 YOLD
2015-10-20 is The Aftermath 1, 3181 YOLD</pre>
2015-10-20 is The Aftermath 1, 3181 YOLD</pre>

<lang FORTRAN>
program discordianDate
implicit none
! Declare variables
character(32) :: arg
character(15) :: season,day,holyday
character(80) :: Output,fmt1,fmt2,fmt3
character(2) :: dayfix,f1,f2,f3,f4
integer :: i,j,k,daysofyear,dayofweek,seasonnum,yold,dayofseason,t1,t2,t3
integer,dimension(8) :: values
integer, dimension(12) :: daysinmonth
logical :: isleapyear, isholyday, Pleapyear
! Get the current date
call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
! Set some values up to defaults
daysinmonth = (/ 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 /)
isleapyear = .false.
isholyday = .false.
! process any command line arguments
! using arguments dd mm yyyy
j = iargc()
do i = 1, iargc()
call getarg(i, arg) ! fetches argument as a character string
if (j==3) then
if (i==1) then
read(arg,'(i2)') values(3) ! convert to integer
if (i==2) then
read(arg,'(i2)') values(2) ! convert to integer
if (i==3) then
read(arg,'(i4)') values(1) ! convert to integer
if (j==2) then ! arguments dd mm
if (i==1) then
read(arg,'(i2)') values(3) ! convert to integer
if (i==2) then
read(arg,'(i2)') values(2) ! convert to integer
if (j==1) then ! argument dd
read(arg,'(i2)') values(3) ! convert to integer
end do
!Start the number crunching here

yold = values(1) + 1166
daysofyear = 0
if (values(2)>1) then
do i=1 , values(2)-1 , 1
daysofyear = daysofyear + daysinmonth(i)
end do
end if
daysofyear = daysofyear + values(3)
isholyday = .false.
isleapyear = Pleapyear(yold)
dayofweek = mod (daysofyear, 5)
seasonnum = ((daysofyear - 1) / 73) + 1
dayofseason = daysofyear - ((seasonnum - 1) * 73)
k = mod(dayofseason,10) ! just to get the day number postfix
select case (k)
case (1)
case (2)
case (3)
case default
end select
! except between 10th and 20th where we always have 'th'
if (((dayofseason > 10) .and. (dayofseason < 20)) .eqv. .true.) then
dayfix = 'th'
end if
select case (Seasonnum)
case (1)
season ='Choas'
f4 = '5'
case (2)
season ='Discord'
f4 = '7'
case (3)
season ='Confusion'
f4 = '9'
case (4)
season ='Bureaucracy'
f4 = '10'
case (5)
season ='The Aftermath'
f4 = '13'
end select
select case (dayofweek)
case (0)
day='Setting Orange'
f2 = '14'
case (1)
day ='Sweetmorn'
f2 = '9'
case (2)
day = 'Boomtime'
f2 = '8'
case (3)
day = 'Pungenday'
f2 = '9'
case (4)
day = 'Prickle-Prickle'
f2 = '15'
end select
! check for holydays
select case (dayofseason)
case (5)
isholyday = .true.
select case (seasonnum)
case (1)
holyday ='Mungday'
f1 = '7'
case (2)
holyday = 'Mojoday'
f1 = '7'
case (3)
holyday = 'Syaday'
f1 = '6'
case (4)
holyday = 'Zaraday'
f1 = '7'
case (5)
holyday = 'Maladay'
f1 = '7'
end select
Case (50)
isholyday = .true.
select case (seasonnum)
case (1)
holyday = 'Chaoflux'
f1 = '8'
case (2)
holyday = 'Discoflux'
f1 = '9'
case (3)
holyday = 'Confuflux'
f1 = '9'
case (4)
holyday = 'Bureflux'
f1 = '8'
case (5)
holyday = 'Afflux'
f1 = '6'
end select
end select

! Check if it is St. Tibbs day
if (isleapyear .eqv. .true.) then
if ((values(2) == 2) .and. (values(3) == 29)) then
isholyday = .true.
end if
end if
! Construct our format strings
f3 = "2"
if (dayofseason < 10) then
f3 = "1"
end if
fmt1 = "(a,i4)"
fmt2 = "(A,a" // f1 // ",A,A" // f2 // ",A,I" // f3 // ",A2,A,A" // f4 // ",A,I4)"
fmt3 = "(A,A" // f2 // ",A,I" // f3 //",A2,A,A" // f4 // ",A,I4)"
! print an appropriate line
if (isholyday .eqv. .true.) then
if (values(3) == 29) then
print fmt1,'Celebrate for today is St. Tibbs Day in the YOLD ',yold
print fmt2, 'Today is ',holyday, ' on ',day,' the ',dayofseason,dayfix,' day of ',season,' in the YOLD ',yold
end if
else ! not a holyday
print fmt3, 'Today is ',day,' the ',dayofseason,dayfix, ' day of ',season,' in the YOLD ',yold
end if
end program discordianDate

! Function to check to see if this is a leap year returns true or false!

function Pleapyear(dloy) result(leaper)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: dloy
logical :: leaper
leaper = .false.
if (mod((dloy-1166),4) == 0) then
leaper = .true.
end if
if (mod((dloy-1166),100) == 0) then
leaper = .false.
if (mod((dloy-1166),400)==0) then
leaper = .true.
end if
end if
end function Pleapyear
compiled as ddate.
useage ./ddate
./ddate dd mm yyyy
Today is Pungenday the 56th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3184
./ddate 29 02 2020
Celebrate for today is St. Tibbs Day in the YOLD 3186
