Dijkstra's algorithm: Difference between revisions

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<pre>shortest path from a to e has cost 20:
<pre>shortest path from a to e has cost 20:
a -> c -> f -> e</pre>
a -> c -> f -> e</pre>

Use network solver in SAS/OR:
<lang sas>/* create SAS data set */
data Edges;
input Start $ End $ Cost;
a b 7
a c 9
a f 14
b c 10
b d 15
c d 11
c f 2
d e 6
e f 9

/* call OPTMODEL procedure in SAS/OR */
proc optmodel;
/* declare sets and parameters, and read input data */
set <str,str> LINKS;
num cost {LINKS};
read data Edges into LINKS=[start end] cost;
set NODES = union {<i,j> in LINKS} {i,j};
set SOURCES = {'a'};
set SINKS = {'e'};
/* <source,sink,order,from,to> */
set <str,str,num,str,str> PATHS;

/* call network solver */
solve with network /
shortpath=(source=SOURCES sink=SINKS) links=(weight=cost) out=(sppaths=PATHS);

/* write shortest path to SAS data set */
create data path from [source sink order from to]=PATHS cost[from,to];

/* print shortest path */
proc print data=path;

Obs source sink order from to cost
1 a e 1 a c 9
2 a e 2 c f 2
3 a e 3 e f 9
