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You have been nominated to win one of these!: E
You have been nominated to win one of these!: E
Just make sure you don't break it: N</pre>
Just make sure you don't break it: N</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">type SentenceType {.pure.} = enum Q, E, S, N

func sentenceType(s: string): SentenceType =
## Return the type of a sentence.
if s.len == 0: return
result = case s[^1]
of '?': Q
of '!': E
of '.': S
else: N

iterator sentences(text: string): string =
## Cut a text into sentences.
var sentence = ""
for ch in text:
if ch == ' ' and sentence.len == 0: continue
sentence.add ch
if ch in "?!.":
yield sentence
if sentence.len > 0:
yield sentence

const Text = "hi there, how are you today? " &
"I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. " &
"You have been nominated to win one of these!" &
"Just make sure you don't break it"

for sentence in Text.sentences():
echo sentence, " → ", sentenceType(sentence)

<pre>hi there, how are you today? → Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. → S
You have been nominated to win one of these! → E
Just make sure you don't break it → N
