Determine sentence type: Difference between revisions

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(Added XPL0 example.)
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S <- Just make sure you (or Mrs.Smith) don't break it.
S <- Just make sure you (or Mrs.Smith) don't break it.
Q <- By the way, what the heck is an exclamatory question!?
Q <- By the way, what the heck is an exclamatory question!?

<lang XPL0>include xpllib; \for StrLen
int Sentence, N, Len;
char Str;
[Sentence:= ["hi there, how are you today?",
"I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.",
"You have been nominated to win one of these!",
"Just make sure you don't break it"];
for N:= 0 to 3 do
[Str:= Sentence(N);
Len:= StrLen(Str);
case Str(Len-1) of
^!: ChOut(0, ^E);
^?: ChOut(0, ^Q);
^.: ChOut(0, ^S)
other ChOut(0, ^N);
if N < 3 then ChOut(0, ^|);
