Determine if a string is collapsible: Difference between revisions

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m →‎{{header|REXX}}: corrected an input field string in the program and also it counterpart in the output.
Aamrun (talk | contribs)
Added C implementation
Line 87:
Identical implementation as in [[Determine_if_a_string_is_squeezable]], as both tasks are very similar. The Lincoln quote contains backslashes to accommodate the double quotes via the command line. strcmpi is not part of the C Standard Library, thus comment out the definition in the code if testing on a system where it is already included.
<lang C>
#define COLLAPSE 0
#define SQUEEZE 1
typedef struct charList{
char c;
struct charList *next;
} charList;
Implementing strcmpi, the case insensitive string comparator, as it is not part of the C Standard Library.
Comment this out if testing on a compiler where it is already defined.
int strcmpi(char* str1,char* str2){
int len1 = strlen(str1), len2 = strlen(str2), i;
return 1;
return 1;
else if((str2[i]>='A'&&str2[i]<='Z')&&(str1[i]>='a'&&str1[i]<='z')&&(str1[i]-65!=str2[i]))
return 1;
else if(str1[i]!=str2[i])
return 1;
return 0;
charList *strToCharList(char* str){
int len = strlen(str),i;
charList *list, *iterator, *nextChar;
list = (charList*)malloc(sizeof(charList));
list->c = str[0];
list->next = NULL;
iterator = list;
nextChar = (charList*)malloc(sizeof(charList));
nextChar->c = str[i];
nextChar->next = NULL;
iterator->next = nextChar;
iterator = nextChar;
return list;
char* charListToString(charList* list){
charList* iterator = list;
int count = 0,i;
char* str;
iterator = iterator->next;
str = (char*)malloc((count+1)*sizeof(char));
iterator = list;
str[i] = iterator->c;
iterator = iterator->next;
str[i] = '\0';
return str;
char* processString(char str[100],int operation, char squeezeChar){
charList *strList = strToCharList(str),*iterator = strList, *scout;
scout = iterator->next;
while(scout!=NULL && scout->c==squeezeChar){
iterator->next = scout->next;
scout->next = NULL;
scout = iterator->next;
iterator = iterator->next;
while(iterator!=NULL && iterator->next!=NULL){
if(iterator->c == (iterator->next)->c){
scout = iterator->next;
squeezeChar = iterator->c;
while(scout!=NULL && scout->c==squeezeChar){
iterator->next = scout->next;
scout->next = NULL;
scout = iterator->next;
iterator = iterator->next;
return charListToString(strList);
void printResults(char originalString[100], char finalString[100], int operation, char squeezeChar){
printf("Specified Operation : SQUEEZE\nTarget Character : %c",squeezeChar);
printf("Specified Operation : COLLAPSE");
printf("\nOriginal %c%c%c%s%c%c%c\nLength : %d",174,174,174,originalString,175,175,175,(int)strlen(originalString));
printf("\nFinal %c%c%c%s%c%c%c\nLength : %d\n",174,174,174,finalString,175,175,175,(int)strlen(finalString));
int main(int argc, char** argv){
int operation;
char squeezeChar;
printf("Usage : %s <SQUEEZE|COLLAPSE> <String to be processed> <Character to be squeezed, if operation is SQUEEZE>\n",argv[0]);
return 0;
if(strcmpi(argv[1],"SQUEEZE")==0 && argc!=4){
scanf("Please enter characted to be squeezed : %c",&squeezeChar);
operation = SQUEEZE;
else if(argc==4){
operation = SQUEEZE;
squeezeChar = argv[3][0];
else if(strcmpi(argv[1],"COLLAPSE")==0){
operation = COLLAPSE;
return 0;
Output :
C:\My Projects\networks>a collapse "The better the 4-wheel drive, the further you'll be from help when ya get stuck!"
Specified Operation : COLLAPSE
Original «««The better the 4-wheel drive, the further you'll be from help when ya get stuck!»»»
Length : 80
Final «««The beter the 4-whel drive, the further you'l be from help when ya get stuck!»»»
Length : 77
C:\My Projects\networks>a collapse headmistressship
Specified Operation : COLLAPSE
Original «««headmistressship»»»
Length : 16
Final «««headmistreship»»»
Length : 14
C:\My Projects\networks>a collapse ""
Specified Operation : COLLAPSE
Original «««»»»
Length : 0
Final «««»»»
Length : 0
C:\My Projects\networks>a collapse "\"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?\" --- Abraham Lincoln"
Specified Operation : COLLAPSE
Original «««"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?" --- Abraham Lincoln»»»
Length : 71
Final «««"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?" - Abraham Lincoln»»»
Length : 69
C:\My Projects\networks>a collapse ..1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117777888
Specified Operation : COLLAPSE
Original «««..1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117777888»»»
Length : 72
Final «««.178»»»
Length : 4
C:\My Projects\networks>a collapse "I never give 'em hell, I just tell the truth, and they think it's hell."
Specified Operation : COLLAPSE
Original «««I never give 'em hell, I just tell the truth, and they think it's hell.»»»
Length : 71
Final «««I never give 'em hel, I just tel the truth, and they think it's hel.»»»
Length : 68
C:\My Projects\networks>a collapse " --- Harry S Truman"
Specified Operation : COLLAPSE
Original ««« --- Harry S Truman»»»
Length : 70
Final ««« - Hary S Truman»»»
Length : 16
<lang factor>USING: formatting io kernel sbufs sequences strings ;