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length= 17 output=««« - Hary S Truman »»»
<lang Scala>
/**Collapse a string (if possible)*/
def collapseString (s : String) : String = {
var res = s
for(i <- 0 to s.toList.length-2 by 1) if(s(i) == s(i+1)) res = res.take(i) ++ res.drop(i + 1)
/**Check if a string is collapsible*/
def isCollapsible (s : String) : Boolean = if(collapseString(s).length == s.length) false else true
/**Display results as asked in the task*/
def reportResults (s : String) : String = {
val sCollapsed = collapseString(s)
val originalRes = "ORIGINAL : length = " + s.length() + ", string = «««" + s + "»»»"
val collapsedRes = "COLLAPSED : length = " + sCollapsed.length() + ", string = «««" + sCollapsed + "»»»"
if(s.length != sCollapsed.length) originalRes + "\n" + collapsedRes + "\n" + "This string IS collapsible !"
else originalRes + "\n" + collapsedRes + "\n" + "This string is NOT collapsible !"
println(reportResults("The better the 4-whel drive, the further you'll be from help when ya get stuck!"))
println(reportResults("ab cd ef"))
ORIGINAL : length = 79, string = «««The better the 4-whel drive, the further you'll be from help when ya get stuck!»»»
COLLAPSED : length = 77, string = «««The beter the 4-whel drive, the further you'l be from help when ya get stuck!»»»
This string IS collapsible !
ORIGINAL : length = 16, string = «««headmistressship»»»
COLLAPSED : length = 14, string = «««headmistreship»»»
This string IS collapsible !
ORIGINAL : length = 8, string = «««ab cd ef»»»
COLLAPSED : length = 8, string = «««ab cd ef»»»
This string is NOT collapsible !