Determine if a string has all unique characters: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|AppleScript}}: Added an AppleScript draft.)
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:*   [ determine if a string is collapsible]
:*   [ determine if a string is collapsible]


Following AppleScript's convention of one-based indices:
<lang applescript>use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

on run
script showSource
on |λ|(s)
quoted("'", s) & " (" & length of s & ")"
end |λ|
end script
script showDuplicate
on |λ|(mb)
script go
on |λ|(tpl)
set {c, ixs} to tpl
quoted("'", c) & " at " & intercalate(", ", ixs)
end |λ|
end script
maybe("None", go, mb)
end |λ|
end script
fTable("Indices (1-based) of any duplicated characters:\n", ¬
showSource, showDuplicate, ¬
duplicatedCharIndices, ¬
{"", ".", "abcABC", "XYZ ZYX", "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ"})
end run

------------------CHARACTER DUPLICATIONS-------------------

-- duplicatedCharIndices :: String -> Maybe (Char, [Int])
on duplicatedCharIndices(s)
script positionRecord
on |λ|(dct, c, i)
set k to (id of c) as string
script additional
on |λ|(xs)
insertDict(k, xs & i, dct)
end |λ|
end script
maybe(insertDict(k, {i}, dct), additional, lookupDict(k, dct))
end |λ|
end script
script firstDuplication
on |λ|(sofar, idxs)
set {iCode, xs} to idxs
if 1 < length of xs then
script earliest
on |λ|(kxs)
if item 1 of xs < (item 1 of (item 2 of kxs)) then
Just({chr(iCode), xs})
end if
end |λ|
end script
maybe(Just({chr(iCode), xs}), earliest, sofar)
end if
end |λ|
end script
foldl(firstDuplication, Nothing(), ¬
assocs(foldl(positionRecord, {name:""}, chars(s))))
end duplicatedCharIndices


-- Just :: a -> Maybe a
on Just(x)
-- Constructor for an inhabited Maybe (option type) value.
-- Wrapper containing the result of a computation.
{type:"Maybe", Nothing:false, Just:x}
end Just

-- Nothing :: Maybe a
on Nothing()
-- Constructor for an empty Maybe (option type) value.
-- Empty wrapper returned where a computation is not possible.
{type:"Maybe", Nothing:true}
end Nothing

-- Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
on Tuple(a, b)
-- Constructor for a pair of values, possibly of two different types.
{type:"Tuple", |1|:a, |2|:b, length:2}
end Tuple

-- assocs :: Map k a -> [(k, a)]
on assocs(m)
script go
on |λ|(k)
set mb to lookupDict(k, m)
if true = |Nothing| of mb then
{{k, |Just| of mb}}
end if
end |λ|
end script
concatMap(go, keys(m))
end assocs

-- keys :: Dict -> [String]
on keys(rec)
(current application's ¬
NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:rec)'s allKeys() as list
end keys

-- chr :: Int -> Char
on chr(n)
character id n
end chr

-- chars :: String -> [Char]
on chars(s)
characters of s
end chars

-- compose (<<<) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
on compose(f, g)
property mf : mReturn(f)
property mg : mReturn(g)
on |λ|(x)
mf's |λ|(mg's |λ|(x))
end |λ|
end script
end compose

-- concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
on concatMap(f, xs)
set lng to length of xs
set acc to {}
tell mReturn(f)
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set acc to acc & (|λ|(item i of xs, i, xs))
end repeat
end tell
return acc
end concatMap

-- enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
on enumFromTo(m, n)
if m ≤ n then
set lst to {}
repeat with i from m to n
set end of lst to i
end repeat
end if
end enumFromTo

-- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
on foldl(f, startValue, xs)
tell mReturn(f)
set v to startValue
set lng to length of xs
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set v to |λ|(v, item i of xs, i, xs)
end repeat
return v
end tell
end foldl

-- fst :: (a, b) -> a
on fst(tpl)
if class of tpl is record then
|1| of tpl
item 1 of tpl
end if
end fst

-- fTable :: String -> (a -> String) -> (b -> String) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> String
on fTable(s, xShow, fxShow, f, xs)
set ys to map(xShow, xs)
set w to maximum(map(my |length|, ys))
script arrowed
on |λ|(a, b)
justifyRight(w, space, a) & " -> " & b
end |λ|
end script
s & linefeed & unlines(zipWith(arrowed, ¬
ys, map(compose(fxShow, f), xs)))
end fTable

-- insertDict :: String -> a -> Dict -> Dict
on insertDict(k, v, rec)
tell current application
tell dictionaryWithDictionary_(rec) of its NSMutableDictionary
its setValue:v forKey:(k as string)
it as record
end tell
end tell
end insertDict

-- intercalate :: String -> [String] -> String
on intercalate(delim, xs)
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
{my text item delimiters, delim}
set str to xs as text
set my text item delimiters to dlm
end intercalate

-- justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
on justifyRight(n, cFiller, strText)
if n > length of strText then
text -n thru -1 of ((replicate(n, cFiller) as text) & strText)
end if
end justifyRight

-- length :: [a] -> Int
on |length|(xs)
set c to class of xs
if list is c or string is c then
length of xs
(2 ^ 29 - 1) -- (maxInt - simple proxy for non-finite)
end if
end |length|

-- lookupDict :: a -> Dict -> Maybe b
on lookupDict(k, dct)
-- Just the value of k in the dictionary,
-- or Nothing if k is not found.
set ca to current application
set v to (ca's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:dct)'s objectForKey:k
if missing value ≠ v then
Just(item 1 of ((ca's NSArray's arrayWithObject:v) as list))
end if
end lookupDict

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
on map(f, xs)
-- The list obtained by applying f
-- to each element of xs.
tell mReturn(f)
set lng to length of xs
set lst to {}
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs)
end repeat
return lst
end tell
end map

-- maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
on maximum(xs)
on |λ|(a, b)
if a is missing value or b > a then
end if
end |λ|
end script
foldl(result, missing value, xs)
end maximum

-- maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
on maybe(v, f, mb)
-- The 'maybe' function takes a default value, a function, and a 'Maybe'
-- value. If the 'Maybe' value is 'Nothing', the function returns the
-- default value. Otherwise, it applies the function to the value inside
-- the 'Just' and returns the result.
if Nothing of mb then
tell mReturn(f) to |λ|(Just of mb)
end if
end maybe

-- min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
on min(x, y)
if y < x then
end if
end min

-- mReturn :: First-class m => (a -> b) -> m (a -> b)
on mReturn(f)
-- 2nd class handler function lifted into 1st class script wrapper.
if script is class of f then
property |λ| : f
end script
end if
end mReturn

-- quoted :: Char -> String -> String
on quoted(c, s)
-- string flanked on both sides
-- by a specified quote character.
c & s & c
end quoted

-- Egyptian multiplication - progressively doubling a list, appending
-- stages of doubling to an accumulator where needed for binary
-- assembly of a target length
-- replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
on replicate(n, a)
set out to {}
if 1 > n then return out
set dbl to {a}
repeat while (1 < n)
if 0 < (n mod 2) then set out to out & dbl
set n to (n div 2)
set dbl to (dbl & dbl)
end repeat
return out & dbl
end replicate

-- take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
-- take :: Int -> String -> String
on take(n, xs)
set c to class of xs
if list is c then
if 0 < n then
items 1 thru min(n, length of xs) of xs
end if
else if string is c then
if 0 < n then
text 1 thru min(n, length of xs) of xs
end if
else if script is c then
set ys to {}
repeat with i from 1 to n
set v to |λ|() of xs
if missing value is v then
return ys
set end of ys to v
end if
end repeat
return ys
missing value
end if
end take

-- unlines :: [String] -> String
on unlines(xs)
-- A single string formed by the intercalation
-- of a list of strings with the newline character.
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
{my text item delimiters, linefeed}
set str to xs as text
set my text item delimiters to dlm
end unlines

-- zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
on zip(xs, ys)
zipWith(Tuple, xs, ys)
end zip

-- zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
on zipWith(f, xs, ys)
set lng to min(|length|(xs), |length|(ys))
if 1 > lng then return {}
set xs_ to take(lng, xs) -- Allow for non-finite
set ys_ to take(lng, ys) -- generators like cycle etc
set lst to {}
tell mReturn(f)
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs_, item i of ys_)
end repeat
return lst
end tell
end zipWith</lang>
<pre>Indices (1-based) of any duplicated characters:

'' (0) -> None
'.' (1) -> None
'abcABC' (6) -> None
'XYZ ZYX' (7) -> 'X' at 1, 7
'1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ' (36) -> '0' at 10, 25</pre>

Line 92: Line 501:

In interactive mode, strings with spaces have to be enclosed in double quotes ("")
In interactive mode, strings with spaces have to be enclosed in double quotes ("")