Department numbers: Difference between revisions

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(Added Arturo implementation)
(Added Example for ocaml)
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SOLUTION #13: 7 2 3
SOLUTION #13: 7 2 3
SOLUTION #14: 7 4 1
SOLUTION #14: 7 4 1

<lang Ocaml>(*
* Caution: This is my first Ocaml program and anyone with Ocaml experience probably thinks it's horrible
* So please don't use this as an example for "good ocaml code" see it more as
* "this is what my first lines of ocaml might look like"
* The only reason im publishing this is that nobody has yet submitted an example in ocaml

(* sfp is just a convenience to put a combination if sanitation (s) fire (f) and police (p) department in one record*)
type sfp = {s : int; f : int; p : int}

(* Convenience Function to print a single sfp Record *)
let print_sfp e =
Printf.printf "%d %d %d\n" e.s e.f e.p

(* Convenience Function to print a list of sfp Records*)
let print_sfp_list l =
l |> List.iter print_sfp

(* Computes sum of list l *)
let sum l = List.fold_left (+) 0 l

(* checks if element e is in list l *)
let element_in_list e l =
l |> List.find_map (fun x -> if x == e then Some(e) else None) <> None

(* returns a list with only the unique elements of list l *)
let uniq l =
let rec uniq_helper acc l =
match l with
| [] -> acc
| h::t -> if element_in_list h t then uniq_helper acc t else uniq_helper (h::acc) t in
uniq_helper [] l |> List.rev

(* checks wheter or not list l only contains unique elements *)
let is_uniq l = uniq l = l

(* computes all combinations for a given list of sanitation, fire & police departments
im not very proud of this function...maybe someone with some experience can clean it up? ;)
let department_numbers sl fl pl =
sl |> List.fold_left (fun aa s ->
fl |> List.fold_left (fun fa f ->
pl |> List.fold_left (fun pa p ->
sum [s;f;p] == 12 &&
is_uniq [s;f;p] then
{s = s; f = f; p = p} :: pa
pa) []
|> List.append fa) []
|> List.append aa) []

(* "main" function *)
let _ =
let s = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7] in
let f = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7] in
let p = [2;4;6] in
let result = department_numbers s f p in
print_endline "S F P";
print_sfp_list result;

<pre>S F P
1 5 6
1 7 4
2 4 6
2 6 4
3 5 4
3 7 2
4 2 6
4 6 2
5 1 6
5 3 4
6 2 4
6 4 2
7 1 4
7 3 2