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* Further [ explanation and interpretation]
* [ Video demonstration] of the funnel experiment at the Mayo Clinic.
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.math, std.algorithm, std.range, std.typecons;
alias sum = reduce!q{a + b};
auto mean(T)(in T[] xs) pure {
return xs.sum / xs.length;
auto stdDev(T)(in T[] xs) pure {
immutable m = xs.mean;
return sqrt(!(x => (x - m) ^^ 2).sum / xs.length);
alias TF = double function(in double, in double) pure nothrow;
auto funnel(T)(in T[] dxs, in T[] dys, in TF rule) {
T x = 0, y = 0;
immutable(T)[] rxs, rys;
foreach (const dx, const dy; zip(dxs, dys)) {
immutable rx = x + dx;
immutable ry = y + dy;
x = rule(x, dx);
y = rule(y, dy);
rxs ~= rx;
rys ~= ry;
return tuple(rxs, rys);
void experiment(T)(in string label,
in T[] dxs, in T[] dys, in TF rule) {
//immutable (rxs, rys) = funnel(dxs, dys, rule);
immutable rs = funnel(dxs, dys, rule);
writefln("Mean x, y: %.4f, %.4f", rs[0].mean, rs[1].mean);
writefln("Std dev x, y: %.4f, %.4f", rs[0].stdDev, rs[1].stdDev);
void main() {
immutable dxs = [
-0.533, 0.270, 0.859, -0.043, -0.205, -0.127, -0.071, 0.275,
1.251, -0.231, -0.401, 0.269, 0.491, 0.951, 1.150, 0.001,
-0.382, 0.161, 0.915, 2.080, -2.337, 0.034, -0.126, 0.014,
0.709, 0.129, -1.093, -0.483, -1.193, 0.020, -0.051, 0.047,
-0.095, 0.695, 0.340, -0.182, 0.287, 0.213, -0.423, -0.021,
-0.134, 1.798, 0.021, -1.099, -0.361, 1.636, -1.134, 1.315,
0.201, 0.034, 0.097, -0.170, 0.054, -0.553, -0.024, -0.181,
-0.700, -0.361, -0.789, 0.279, -0.174, -0.009, -0.323, -0.658,
0.348, -0.528, 0.881, 0.021, -0.853, 0.157, 0.648, 1.774,
-1.043, 0.051, 0.021, 0.247, -0.310, 0.171, 0.000, 0.106,
0.024, -0.386, 0.962, 0.765, -0.125, -0.289, 0.521, 0.017,
0.281, -0.749, -0.149, -2.436, -0.909, 0.394, -0.113, -0.598,
0.443, -0.521, -0.799, 0.087];
immutable dys = [
0.136, 0.717, 0.459, -0.225, 1.392, 0.385, 0.121, -0.395,
0.490, -0.682, -0.065, 0.242, -0.288, 0.658, 0.459, 0.000,
0.426, 0.205, -0.765, -2.188, -0.742, -0.010, 0.089, 0.208,
0.585, 0.633, -0.444, -0.351, -1.087, 0.199, 0.701, 0.096,
-0.025, -0.868, 1.051, 0.157, 0.216, 0.162, 0.249, -0.007,
0.009, 0.508, -0.790, 0.723, 0.881, -0.508, 0.393, -0.226,
0.710, 0.038, -0.217, 0.831, 0.480, 0.407, 0.447, -0.295,
1.126, 0.380, 0.549, -0.445, -0.046, 0.428, -0.074, 0.217,
-0.822, 0.491, 1.347, -0.141, 1.230, -0.044, 0.079, 0.219,
0.698, 0.275, 0.056, 0.031, 0.421, 0.064, 0.721, 0.104,
-0.729, 0.650, -1.103, 0.154, -1.720, 0.051, -0.385, 0.477,
1.537, -0.901, 0.939, -0.411, 0.341, -0.411, 0.106, 0.224,
-0.947, -1.424, -0.542, -1.032];
static assert(dxs.length == dys.length);
experiment("Rule 1:", dxs, dys, (z, dz) => 0.0);
experiment("Rule 2:", dxs, dys, (z, dz) => -dz);
experiment("Rule 3:", dxs, dys, (z, dz) => -(z + dz));
experiment("Rule 4:", dxs, dys, (z, dz) => z + dz);
<pre>Rule 1:
Mean x, y: 0.0004, 0.0702
Std dev x, y: 0.7153, 0.6462
Rule 2:
Mean x, y: 0.0008, -0.0103
Std dev x, y: 1.0371, 0.8999
Rule 3:
Mean x, y: 0.0438, -0.0063
Std dev x, y: 7.9871, 4.7784
Rule 4:
Mean x, y: 3.1341, 5.4210
Std dev x, y: 1.5874, 3.9304</pre>