Delegates: Difference between revisions

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Show how objects are created and used. First, without a delegate, then with a delegate that does not implement "thing", and last with a delegate that implements "thing".
Show how objects are created and used. First, without a delegate, then with a delegate that does not implement "thing", and last with a delegate that implements "thing".

All that is needed in order to implement this is a common base type. The delegator holds a pointer to an "untyped" object from the base class. Querying if the target implements the delegate interface is done using run-time type identification.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Delegation is
package Things is
-- We need a common root for our stuff
type Object is tagged null record;
type Object_Ptr is access all Object'Class;
-- Objects that have operation thing
type Substantial is new Object with null record;
function Thing (X : Substantial) return String;
-- Delegator objects
type Delegator is new Object with record
Delegate : Object_Ptr;
end record;
function Operation (X : Delegator) return String;
No_Thing : aliased Object; -- Does not have thing
Has_Thing : aliased Substantial; -- Has one
end Things;
package body Things is
function Thing (X : Substantial) return String is
return "delegate implementation";
end Thing;
function Operation (X : Delegator) return String is
if X.Delegate /= null and then X.Delegate.all in Substantial'Class then
return Thing (Substantial'Class (X.Delegate.all));
return "default implementation";
end if;
end Operation;
end Things;

use Things;

A : Delegator; -- Without a delegate
Put_Line (A.Operation);
A.Delegate := No_Thing'Access; -- Set no thing
Put_Line (A.Operation);
A.Delegate := Has_Thing'Access; -- Set a thing
Put_Line (A.Operation);
end Delegation;
Sample output:
default implementation
default implementation
delegate implementation