Delegates: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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(Simplify the task to the minimum required to show the pattern)
(Fix python section)
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return 0;
class Delegator:
def __init__(self, delegate=None):
self.delegate = delegate
def thing(self):
if hasattr(self.delegate, 'thing'):
return self.delegate.thing()
return 42
def other(self):
if hasattr(self.delegate, 'other'):
return self.delegate.thing()
return 5
class Delegate:
def thing(self):
return 37
if __name__ == '__main__':
# No delegate
a = Delegator()
assert a.thing() == 42
assert a.other() == 5
# With delegate
a.delegate = Delegate()
assert a.thing() == 37
assert a.other() == 5

Revision as of 21:25, 3 October 2007

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A delegate is a helper object used by another object. The delegator may send the delegate certain messages, and provide a default implementation when there is not delegate or the delegate does not respond to a message. This pattern is heavily used in Cocoa framework on Mac OS X

Objects responsibilities:


  • Keep an optional delegate instance.
  • Implement "operation" method, returning the delegate "thing" if the delegate respond to "thing", or the string "default implementation".


  • Implement "thing" and return the string "delegate implementaion"

Show how objets are created and used. First, without a delegate, then with a delegate.


@interface Delegator : NSObject
    id delegate;
- (id)delegate;
- (void)setDelegate:(id)obj;
- (NSString *)operation;

@implementation Delegator
- (id)delegate;
    return delegate;
- (void)setDelegate:(id)obj;
    delegate = obj; // Weak reference
- (NSString *)operation;
    if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(thing)])
        return [delegate thing];
    return @"default implementation";

// Any object may implement these
@interface NSObject (DelegatorDelegating)
- (NSString *)thing;

@interface Delegate : NSObject
// Don't need to declare -thing because any NSObject has this method

@implementation Delegate
- (NSString *)thing;
    return @"delegate implementation";

// Example usage
// Memory management ignored for simplification
int main()
    // Without a delegate
    Delegator *a = [[Delegator alloc] init];
    assert([[a operation] isEqualToString:@"default implementation"]);

    // With a delegate
    Delegate *d = [[Delegate alloc] init];
    [a setDelegate:d];
    assert([isEqualToString:@"delegate implementation"]);

    return 0;