Decorate-sort-undecorate idiom: Difference between revisions

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<pre>a is site Code Rosetta programming chrestomathy
<pre>a is site Code Rosetta programming chrestomathy
chrestomathy programming Rosetta Code site is a</pre>
chrestomathy programming Rosetta Code site is a</pre>

In Nim, there are several ways to sort a list either by creating an explicit temporary list or using a map-sort-map idiom.

The easiest way to sort a list of words by word length consists to use the “sortedByIt” template which eliminates the need to create a decorated list. But this is not what is required in this task.

Here is one way to sort the words by length using the decorate-sort-decorate idiom:

<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/[algorithm, sequtils]

let wordList = ["Rosetta", "Code", "is", "a", "programming", "chrestomathy", "site"]

echo wordList.mapIt((value: it, length: it.len)).sortedByIt(it.length).mapIt(it.value)

<pre>@["a", "is", "Code", "site", "Rosetta", "programming", "chrestomathy"]

Note that words with same length will appear in the original list order. If we want them to appear in
alphabetical order, we need to sort the list alphabetically first. As Nim sorting algorithm is stable,
the order of items with same key value (i.e. length in this example) is preserved when sorting.

Of course, it is also possible to define a comparison function to sort by length then alphabetically and use it when sorting.
