De Bruijn sequences: Difference between revisions

Line 2,037:
PIN number 5814 is missing
PIN number 8145 is missing</pre>
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
def allDigits:
all(explode[]; 48 <= . and . <= 57);
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | ("0" * $l) + .;
def deBruijn:
{deBruijn: ""}
| reduce range(0; 100) as $n (.;
($n|lpad(2)) as $a
| ($a | explode) as [$a1, $a2]
| if $a2 >= $a1
then .deBruijn += (if ($a1 == $a2) then ([$a1]|implode) else $a end)
| .m = $n + 1
| until(.m > 99;
(.m|lpad(2)) as $ms
| if ($ms[1:2]|explode[0]) > $a1
then .deBruijn += $a + $ms
| .m += 1 )
end )
| .deBruijn + "000" ;
def describe:
. as $d
| "de Bruijn sequence length: \($d|length)",
"First 130 characters:",
"Last 130 characters:",
def check:
. as $text
| { res: [],
found: [range(0;10000) | 0],
k: 0 }
| reduce range( 0; $text|length-3) as $i (.;
$text[$i : $i+4] as $s
| if ($s|allDigits)
then .k = ($s|tonumber)
| .found[.k] += 1
end )
| reduce range(0; 10000) as $i (.;
.k = .found[$i]
| if .k != 1
then (" Pin number \($i) "
+ (if .k == 0 then "missing" else "occurs \(.k) times" end ) ) as $e
| .res += [$e]
end )
| .k = (.res|length)
| if .k == 0
then .res = "No errors found"
(if .k == 1 then "" else "s" end) as $s
| .res = "\(.k) error\($s) found:\n" + (.res | join("\n"))
| .res ;
# The tasks
| describe,
"Missing 4 digit PINs in this sequence: \(check)",
"Missing 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence: \(explode|reverse|implode|check)",
"4,444th digit in the sequence: '\(.[4443])' (setting it to '.')",
( .[0:4443] + "." + .[4444:]
| "Re-running checks: \(check)" )
de Bruijn sequence length: 10003
First 130 characters:
Last 130 characters:
Missing 4 digit PINs in this sequence: No errors found
Missing 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence: No errors found
4,444th digit in the sequence: '4' (setting it to '.')
Re-running checks: 4 errors found:
Pin number 1459 missing
Pin number 4591 missing
Pin number 5814 missing
Pin number 8145 missing
