Date manipulation: Difference between revisions

(11 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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=={{header|Emacs Lisp}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">
(defun fix-time-string (calendar-string)
"If CALENDAR-STRING has no space between time and am/a.m./pm/p.m., add a space.
Return string with space between time and am/a.m./pm/p.m."
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\([[:digit:]]\\)\\([ap]\\)" "\\1 \\2" calendar-string))
(defun is-pm (calendar-string)
"Test if CALENDAR-STRING has PM/pm/P.M/p.m in it."
(string-match-p "[Pp][.]?[Mm]" calendar-string))
(defun is-hour-1-to-11 (a-calendar-list)
"Test if hour in A-CALENDAR-LIST is between 1 and 11."
(let ((hour-value))
(setq hour-value (nth 2 a-calendar-list))
(and (>= hour-value 1) (<= hour-value 11))))
(defun adjust-if-pm (time-as-string)
"If TIME-AS-STRING includes pm/PM, and hour is 1 to 11, add 12 hours.
Return CALENDAR-LIST modified if date is pm and hour is 1-11; otherwise
return CALENDAR-LIST of original TIME-AS-STRING."
(let ((calendar-list))
(setq calendar-list (parse-time-string time-as-string))
(if (and (is-pm time-as-string) (is-hour-1-to-11 calendar-list))
(decoded-time-add calendar-list (make-decoded-time :hour 12))
(defun add-hours (calendar-list number-of-hours)
(decoded-time-add calendar-list (make-decoded-time :hour number-of-hours)))
(defun calc-future-time (string-calendar-date number-of-hours-in-future)
"Calculate future time by adding NUMBER-OF-HOURS-IN-FUTURE to STRING-CALENDAR-DATE ."
(let ((fixed-calendar-string)
(setq fixed-calendar-string (fix-time-string string-calendar-date))
(setq 24-hour-calendar-list (adjust-if-pm fixed-calendar-string))
(setq calendar-list-future-time (add-hours 24-hour-calendar-list number-of-hours-in-future))
(setq coded-future-time (encode-time calendar-list-future-time))
(format-time-string "%B %e %Y %R %p %Z" coded-future-time)))
(calc-future-time "March 7 2009 7:30pm EST" 12)
"March 8 2009 08:30 AM EDT"
And a second solution, which modifies the ELisp timestamp to calculate 12 hours in the future
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">
(defun fix-time-string (calendar-string)
"If CALENDAR-STRING has no space between time and a.m./p.m., add a space."
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\([[:digit:]]\\)\\([ap]\\)" "\\1 \\2" calendar-string))
(defun is-pm (calendar-string)
"Test if CALENDAR-STRING has PM/pm in it."
(string-match-p "[Pp][Mm]" time-as-string))
(defun is-hour-1-to-11 (a-calendar-list)
"Test if hour in A-CALENDAR-LIST is between 1 and 11."
(let ((hour-value))
(setq hour-value (nth 2 a-calendar-list))
(and (>= hour-value 1) (<= hour-value 11))))
(defun adjust-if-pm (time-as-string)
"If TIME-AS-STRING includes pm/PM, and hour is 1 to 11, add 12 hours.
Return time as integer of seconds past the epoch."
(let ((calendar-list)
(setq calendar-list (parse-time-string time-as-string))
(setq temp-time-stamp (encode-time calendar-list))
(setq time-stamp-as-integer (time-convert temp-time-stamp 'integer))
(if (and (is-pm time-as-string) (is-hour-1-to-11 calendar-list))
(+ time-stamp-as-integer (* 12 60 60)) ; return time + 12 hours, so that hour is 13-23
time-stamp-as-integer))) ; return time unchanged, leaving hour 0-12
(defun add-seconds (start-time-stamp-integer number-of-seconds)
(+ start-time-stamp-integer number-of-seconds))
(defun calc-future-time (string-calendar-date number-of-seconds-in-future)
"Calculate future time by adding NUMBER-OF-SECONDS-IN-FUTURE to STRING-CALENDAR-DATE ."
(let ((fixed-calendar-string)
(setq fixed-calendar-string (fix-time-string string-calendar-date))
(setq time-stamp-as-integer (adjust-if-pm fixed-calendar-string))
(setq future-time-as-integer (add-seconds time-stamp-as-integer number-of-seconds-in-future))
(format-time-string "%B %e %Y %R %p %Z" future-time-as-integer)))
(calc-future-time "March 7 2009 7:30pm EST" (* 12 60 60))
"March 8 2009 08:30 AM EDT"
Line 1,794 ⟶ 1,902:
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">
Langur currently uses the Go time package. Testing with Go 1.14.1 on Linux, the time package doesn't seem to parse "EST" correctly, and it seems to fail silently. Given these conditions, I use "-05:00" instead of "EST" in the input string.
val input = "March 7 2009 7:30pm -05:00"
val iformat = "January 2 2006 3:04pm -07:00"
val oformat = "January 2 2006 3:04pm MST"
val d1 = datetime(input, iformat)
{{works with|langur|0.10.1}}
val d2 = d1 + dr/T12h/
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">val .input = "March 7 2009 7:30pm -05:00"
val d3 = datetime(d2, "US/Arizona")
val .iformat = "January 2 2006 3:04pm -07:00" # input format
val d4 = datetime(d2, zls)
val .format = "January 2 2006 3:04pm MST" # output format
val d5 = datetime(d2, "Z")
val d6 = datetime(d2, "+02:30")
val d7 = datetime(d2, "EST")
writeln "input string: ", input
val .d1 = toDateTime .input, .iformat
writeln "input format string: ", iformat
val .d2 = .d1 + dt/PT12H/
writeln "output format string: ", oformat
val .d3 = toDateTime .d2, "US/Arizona"
val .d4 = toDateTime .d2, ZLS
val .d5 = toDateTime .d2, "Z"
val .d6 = toDateTime .d2, "+02:30"
val .d7 = toDateTime .d2, "EST"
writeln "input string: ", .input
writeln "input format string: ", .iformat
writeln "output format string: ", .format
writeln $"original: \.{{d1;}} (\.{{d1:dt.format; oformat}})"
writeln $"+12 hours: \.{{d2;}} (\.{{d2:dt.format; oformat}})"
writeln $"in Arizona: \.{{d3;}} (\.{{d3:dt.format; oformat}})"
writeln $"in local time zone: \.{{d4;}} (\.{{d4:dt.format; oformat}})"
writeln $"in UTC: \.{{d5;}} (\.{{d5:dt.format; oformat}})"
writeln $"+02:30 time zone: \.{{d6;}} (\.{{d6:dt.format; oformat}})"
writeln $"in EST: \.{{d7;}} (\.{{d7:dt.format; oformat}})"</syntaxhighlight>
Line 1,973 ⟶ 2,080:
<syntaxhighlight lang="mathematica">dstr = "March 7 2009 7:30pm EST";
DateString[DatePlus[dstr, {12, "Hour"}], {"DayName", " ", "MonthName", " ", "Day", " ", "Year", " ", "Hour24", ":", "Minute", "AMPM"}]</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="miniscript">import "dateTime"
import "stringUtil"
months = [
"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December",
date = "March 7 2009 7:30pm EST"
print "Original date/time : " + date
// change the date to standard format
items = date.split
month = months.indexOf(items[0]) + 1
day = items[1]
year = items[2]
time = items[3]
hour = time.split(":")[0].val
minute = time.split(":")[1][0:2]
pm = time.endsWith("pm")
if pm then hour = hour + 12
time = hour + ":" + minute
zone = items[4]
date = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + time
// add 12 hours and display in original format
dval = dateTime.val(date) + 12*60*60
dfmt = "MMMM d yyyy h:mmtt"
date2 = dateTime.str(dval, dfmt) + " " + zone
print "12 hours later : " + date2
// change from EST to MST (2 hours earlier)
date3 = dateTime.str(dval - 2*60*60, dfmt) + " MST"
print "Adjusted to MST : " + date3</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Original date/time : March 7 2009 7:30pm EST
12 hours later : March 8 2009 7:30am EST
Adjusted to MST : March 8 2009 5:30am MST
=={{header|mIRC Scripting Language}}==
Line 3,308 ⟶ 3,457:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./date" for Date
var fmt = "mmmm| |d| |yyyy| |H|:|MM|am| |zz|"
