Cyclops numbers: Difference between revisions

Added AppleScript.
(Added AppleScript.)
Line 298:
3680863 3970793 7190917 7250527 7310137 7540457 7630367 7690967 7750577 7820287
<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">on task()
script o
property cyclopses : {}
property primeCyclopses : {}
property blindPrimeCyclopses : {}
property palindromicPrimeCyclopses : {}
on add1(digitList)
set carry to 1
repeat with i from (count digitList) to 1 by -1
set columnSum to (digitList's item i) + carry
if (columnSum < 10) then
set digitList's item i to columnSum
return false -- Finish and indicate "no carry".
end if
-- Otherwise set this digit to 1 instead of to 0 and "carry" on. ;)
set digitList's item i to 1
end repeat
return true
end add1
on intFromDigits(digitList)
if (digitList = {}) then return 0
set n to digitList's beginning
repeat with i from 2 to (count digitList)
set n to n * 10 + (digitList's item i)
end repeat
return n
end intFromDigits
on store(cyclops, lst, counter)
if (counter < 51) then
set lst's end to cyclops
else if (cyclops > 10000000) then
set lst's end to {cyclops, counter}
return false -- No more for this list, thanks.
end if
return true
end store
end script
set {leftDigits, rightDigits, rightless, shiftFactor} to {{}, {}, 0, 10}
set {cRef, pcRef, bpcRef, ppcRef} to {a reference to o's cyclopses, ¬
a reference to o's primeCyclopses, a reference to o's blindPrimeCyclopses, ¬
a reference to o's palindromicPrimeCyclopses}
set {cCount, pcCount, bpcCount, ppcCount} to {0, 0, 0, 0}
set {cActive, pcActive, bpcActive, ppcActive} to {true, true, true, true}
repeat while ((bpcActive) or (ppcActive))
set |right| to o's intFromDigits(rightDigits)
set cyclops to rightless + |right|
if (cActive) then
set cCount to cCount + 1
set cActive to o's store(cyclops, cRef, cCount)
end if
if (isPrime(cyclops)) then
if (pcActive) then
set pcCount to pcCount + 1
set pcActive to o's store(cyclops, pcRef, pcCount)
end if
if (bpcActive) then
set blinded to rightless div 10 + |right|
if (isPrime(blinded)) then
set bpcCount to bpcCount + 1
set bpcActive to o's store(cyclops, bpcRef, bpcCount)
end if
end if
if ((ppcActive) and (rightDigits = stigiDtfel)) then
set ppcCount to ppcCount + 1
set ppcActive to o's store(cyclops, ppcRef, ppcCount)
end if
end if
if (o's add1(rightDigits)) then
-- Adding 1 to rightDigits produced a carry. Add 1 to leftDigits too.
if (o's add1(leftDigits)) then
-- Also carried. Extend both lists by 1 digit.
set {leftDigits's beginning, rightDigits's beginning} to {1, 1}
set shiftFactor to shiftFactor * 10
end if
set rightless to (o's intFromDigits(leftDigits)) * shiftFactor
set stigiDtfel to leftDigits's reverse
end if
end repeat
set output to {}
repeat with this in {{"", o's cyclopses}, {"prime ", o's primeCyclopses}, ¬
{"blind prime ", o's blindPrimeCyclopses}, ¬
{"palindromic prime ", o's palindromicPrimeCyclopses}}
set {type, cyclopses} to this
set output's end to linefeed & "First 50 " & type & "cyclops numbers:"
repeat with i from 1 to 50 by 10
set row to {}
repeat with j from i to (i + 9)
set row's end to (" " & cyclopses's item j)'s text -7 thru -1
end repeat
set output's end to join(row, " ")
end repeat
set {nth, n} to cyclopses's end
set output's end to "The first such number > ten million is the " & n & "th: " & nth
end repeat
join(output, linefeed)
end task
on isPrime(n)
if (n < 4) then return (n > 1)
if ((n mod 2 is 0) or (n mod 3 is 0)) then return false
repeat with i from 5 to (n ^ 0.5) div 1 by 6
if ((n mod i is 0) or (n mod (i + 2) is 0)) then return false
end repeat
return true
end isPrime
on join(lst, delim)
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
set txt to lst as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return txt
end join
<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">"
First 50 cyclops numbers:
0 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 301
302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 401 402
403 404 405 406 407 408 409 501 502 503
504 505 506 507 508 509 601 602 603 604
The first such number > ten million is the 538085th: 111101111
First 50 prime cyclops numbers:
101 103 107 109 307 401 409 503 509 601
607 701 709 809 907 11027 11047 11057 11059 11069
11071 11083 11087 11093 12011 12037 12041 12043 12049 12071
12073 12097 13033 13037 13043 13049 13063 13093 13099 14011
14029 14033 14051 14057 14071 14081 14083 14087 15013 15017
The first such number > ten million is the 39320th: 111101129
First 50 blind prime cyclops numbers:
101 103 107 109 307 401 503 509 601 607
701 709 809 907 11071 11087 11093 12037 12049 12097
13099 14029 14033 14051 14071 14081 14083 14087 15031 15053
15083 16057 16063 16067 16069 16097 17021 17033 17041 17047
17053 17077 18047 18061 18077 18089 19013 19031 19051 19073
The first such number > ten million is the 11394th: 111101161
First 50 palindromic prime cyclops numbers:
101 16061 31013 35053 38083 73037 74047 91019 94049 1120211
1150511 1160611 1180811 1190911 1250521 1280821 1360631 1390931 1490941 1520251
1550551 1580851 1630361 1640461 1660661 1670761 1730371 1820281 1880881 1930391
1970791 3140413 3160613 3260623 3310133 3380833 3460643 3470743 3590953 3670763
3680863 3970793 7190917 7250527 7310137 7540457 7630367 7690967 7750577 7820287
The first such number > ten million is the 67th: 114808411"</syntaxhighlight>
