Cycles of a permutation: Difference between revisions

Python example
(Python example)
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<lang python>""" For Rosetta Code task Cycles_of_a_permutation """
from math import lcm # in python 3.9+
class Perm:
""" 1 -based permutations of range of integers """
def __init__(self, range_or_list):
""" make a perm from a list or range of integers """
self.a = list(range_or_list)
assert sorted(self.a) == list(range(1, len(self.a) + 1)),\
'Perm should be a shuffled 1-based range'
def __repr__(self):
return 'Permutation class Perm'
def cycleformat(self, AlfBettyForm = False):
""" stringify the Perm as its cycles, optionally if Rosetta Code task format """
p = self.inv() if AlfBettyForm else self
cyclestrings = ["(" + " ".join([str(i) for i in c]) + ")" for c in p.cycles()]
return '( ' + ' '.join(cyclestrings) + ' )'
def onelineformat(self):
""" stringify the Perm in one-line permutation format """
return '[ ' + ' '.join([str(i) for i in self.a]) + ' ]'
def len(self):
""" length """
return len(self.a)
def sign(self):
""" sign """
return 1 if sum([len(c) % 2 == 0 for c in self.cycles()]) % 2 == 0 else -1
def order(self):
""" order of permutation for Perm """
return lcm(*[len(c) for c in self.cycles()])
def __mul__(self, p2):
""" Composition of Perm permutations with the * operator """
length = len(self.a)
assert length == len(p2.a), 'Permutations must be of same length'
return Perm([self.a[p2.a[i] - 1] for i in range(len(self.a))])
def inv(self):
""" inverse of a Perm """
length = len(self.a)
newa = [0 for _ in range(length)]
for idx in range(length):
jidx = self.a[idx]
newa[jidx - 1] = idx + 1
return Perm(newa)
def cycles(self, *, includesingles = False):
Get cycles of a Perm permutation as a list of integer lists,
optionally with single cycles included, otherwise omitiing singles
v = self.a
length = len(v)
unchecked = [True] * length
foundcycles = []
for idx in range(length):
if unchecked[idx]:
c = [idx + 1]
unchecked[idx] = False
jidx = idx
while unchecked[v[jidx] - 1]:
jidx = v[jidx]
jidx -= 1
unchecked[jidx] = False
if len(c) > 1 or includesingles:
return sorted(foundcycles)
def cycles_to_Perm(cycles, *, addsingles = True):
""" Create a Perm from a vector of cycles """
elements = [e for c in cycles for e in c]
allpossible = list(range(1, len(elements) + 1))
if addsingles:
missings = [x for x in allpossible if not x in elements]
for elem in missings:
assert sorted(elements) == allpossible, 'Invalid cycles for creating a Perm'
a = [0 for _ in range(len(elements))]
for c in cycles:
length = len(c)
for idx in range(length):
jidx, n = c[idx], c[(idx + 1) % length]
a[jidx - 1] = n
return Perm(a)
def string_to_Perm(s):
""" Create a Perm from a string with only one of each of its letters """
letters = sorted(list(set(list(s))))
return Perm([letters.index(c) + 1 for c in s])
def two_string_to_Perm(s1, s2):
""" Create a Perm from two strings permuting first string to the second one """
return Perm([s1.index(c) + 1 for c in s2])
def permutestring(s, p):
""" Create a permuted string from another string using Perm p """
return ''.join([s[i - 1] for i in p.a])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Testing code
days = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
dayperms = [two_string_to_Perm(daystrings[(i - 1) % 7], daystrings[i]) for i in range(7)]
print('On Thursdays Alf and Betty should rearrange\ntheir letters using these cycles:',
' ', dayperms[3].cycleformat(True), '\n\n\nSo that ', daystrings[2], ' becomes ',
daystrings[3], '\n\nor they could use the one-line notation: ',
'\n\n\n\nTo revert to the Wednesday arrangement they\nshould use these cycles: ',
dayperms[3].inv().cycleformat(True), '\n\n\nor with the one-line notation: ',
dayperms[3].inv().onelineformat(), '\n\n\nSo that ', daystrings[3], ' becomes ',
'\n\n\n\nStarting with the Sunday arrangement and applying each of the daily',
'\npermutations consecutively, the arrangements will be:\n\n ',
daystrings[6], '\n')
for i in range(7):
if i == 6:
print(days[i], ': ', permutestring(daystrings[(i - 1) % 7], dayperms[i]))
print('\n\n\nTo go from Wednesday to Friday in a single step they should use these cycles: ')
print(two_string_to_Perm(daystrings[2], daystrings[4]).cycleformat(True))
print('\n\nSo that ', daystrings[2], ' becomes ', daystrings[4])
print('\n\n\nThese are the signatures of the permutations:\n\n Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun')
for i in range(7):
j = 6 if i == 0 else i - 1
print(str(two_string_to_Perm(daystrings[(i - 1) % 7],
daystrings[i]).sign()).rjust(4), end='')
print('\n\n\nThese are the orders of the permutations:\n\n Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun')
for i in range(7):
print(str(dayperms[i].order()).rjust(4), end='')
print("\n\nApplying the Friday cycle to a string 10 times:\n")
print(" ", SPE, '\n')
for i in range(10):
SPE = permutestring(SPE, PFRI)
print(str(i+1).rjust(2), ' ', SPE, '\n' if i == 8 else '')
</lang> {{out}}
Same as Quackery.
