Currying: Difference between revisions

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m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(Add Ecstasy example)
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[[EchoLisp]] has native support for curry, which is implemented thru closures, as shown in [[CommonLisp]] .
[[EchoLisp]] has native support for curry, which is implemented thru closures, as shown in [[CommonLisp]] .
Line 449: Line 450:
→ (λ _#:g1004 (#apply-curry #* (2 3 4) _#:g1004))
→ (λ _#:g1004 (#apply-curry #* (2 3 4) _#:g1004))

<syntaxhighlight lang="java">module CurryPower
@Inject Console console;
void run()
function Int(Int, Int) divide = (x,y) -> x / y;

function Int(Int) half = divide(_, 2);
function Int(Int) partsOf120 = divide(120, _);

console.println($|half of a dozen is {half(12)}
|half of 120 is {partsOf120(2)}
|a third is {partsOf120(3)}
|and a quarter is {partsOf120(4)}
