Countdown: Difference between revisions

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(Created Nim solution.)
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Here is, with some minor modifications, a program I already wrote to solve this game. It gets the six values and the target value from the command line.
The program uses brute force, but no recursion, to find one of the best solutions.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/[os, strutils, tables]
Operator = enum opAdd = "+", opSub = "-", opMul = "×", opDiv = "/", opNone = ""
Operation = tuple[op1, op2: int; op: Operator; r: int]
func result(values: seq[int]; target: int): tuple[val: int; ops: seq[Operation]] =
type Results = Table[seq[int], seq[Operation]]
var results: Results
results[values] = @[]
var terminated = false
while not terminated:
terminated = true
var next: Results
for vals, ops in results:
var v1 = vals
for i1, val1 in vals:
v1.delete i1
var v2 = v1
for i2, val2 in v1:
v2.delete i2
for op in opAdd..opNone:
let newVal = case op
of opAdd: val1 + val2
of opSub: (if val1 > val2: val1 - val2 else: 0)
of opMul: val1 * val2
of opDiv: (if val1 mod val2 == 0: val1 div val2 else: 0)
of opNone: val1
if newVal > 0:
v2.add newVal
if v2.len > 1: terminated = false
let newOps = if op != opNone: ops & (val1, val2, op, newVal) else: ops
if v2 notin next or newOps.len < next[v2].len:
next[v2] = newOps
discard v2.pop
v2 = v1
v1 = vals
results = move next
var best = int.high
var bestOps: seq[Operation]
for vals, ops in results:
let val = vals[0]
if val == target: return (val, ops)
if abs(val - target) < abs(best - target):
best = val
bestOps = ops
result = (best, bestOps)
let params = commandLineParams()
if params.len != 7:
quit "Six values + the target value are expected.", QuitFailure
var values: seq[int]
for param in params:
var val: int
val = parseInt(param)
if val <= 0:
raise newException(ValueError, "")
except ValueError:
quit "Wrong value: " & param, QuitFailure
values.add val
let target = values.pop()
let (val, ops) = result(values, target)
echo "Target value: ", target
echo "Nearest value computed: ", val
echo "Operations:"
for (op1, op2, op, r) in ops:
echo " ", op1, " ", op, " ", op2, " = ", r
Using command <code>./countdown 3 6 25 50 75 100 952</code>, we get the following result:
<pre>Target value: 952
Nearest value computed: 952
6 + 100 = 106
3 × 75 = 225
106 × 225 = 23850
23850 - 50 = 23800
23800 / 25 = 952