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=={{header|8080 Assembly}}==
This assumes the CP/M operating system. The count will terminate after the largest unsigned 16-bit value is reached.
; useful equates
bdos equ 5 ; CP/M BDOS entry
conout equ 2 ; BDOS console output function
cr equ 13 ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 10 ; ASCII line feed
; main code begins here
org 100h ; start of tpa under CP/M
lxi h,0 ; save CP/M's stack
dad sp
shld oldstk
lxi sp,stack ; set our own stack
lxi h,1 ; start counting at 1
count: call putoct
call crlf
inx h
mov a,h ; check for overflow (hl = 0)
ora l
jnz count
; all finished. clean up and exit.
lhld oldstk ; get CP/M's stack back
sphl ; restore it
ret ; back to the ccp w/o warm booting
; Console output routine
; print character in A register to console
putchr: push h
push d
push b
mov e,a ; character to E for CP/M
mvi c,2 ; console output function
call bdos ; call on BDOS to perform
pop b
pop d
pop h
; output CRLF to console
crlf: mvi a,cr
call putchr
mvi a,lf
call putchr
; Octal output routine
; entry: hl = number to output on console in octal
; this is a recursive routine and uses 6 bytes of stack
; space for each digit
putoct: push b
push d
push h
mvi b,3 ; hl = hl >> 3
div2: call shlr
dcr b
jnz div2
mov a,l ; test if hl = 0
ora h
cnz putoct
pop h ; get unshifted hl back
push h
mov a,l ; get low byte
ani 7 ; a = a mod 8
adi '0' ; make printable
call putchr
pop h
pop d
pop b
; logical shift of 16-bit value in HL right by one bit
shlr: ora a ; clear carry
mov a,h ; begin with most significant byte
rar ; bit 0 goes into carry
mov h,a ; put shifted byte back
mov a,l ; get least significant byte
rar ; bit 0 of MSB has shifted in
mov l,a
; data area
oldstk: dw 1
stack equ $+128 ; 64 level stack
Showing the last 10 lines of the output.

=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==
=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==