Count in factors: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: remove some extraneous punctuation)
(→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: A more symbolic implementation; factors are returned as an array, and formatted by the caller to factor().)
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=={{header|Perl 6}}==
=={{header|Perl 6}}==

The two <tt>multi prime</tt> lines are adapted from Perl 6's entry at [[Primality by Trial Division]].
The first two <tt>multi prime</tt> lines are adapted from Perl 6's entry at [[Primality by Trial Division]].
<lang perl6>multi prime (Int $n --> Bool) {
<lang perl6>multi prime (Int $n --> Bool) {
$n %% none 2, 3, *+2 ...^ * > sqrt $n;
$n %% none 2, 3, *+2 ...^ * > sqrt $n;
Line 16: Line 16:
sub next_prime(Int $start --> Int) {
sub next_prime(Int $start --> Int) {
my $check = $start + 1;
my $check = $start + 1;
if $check %% 2 and $check > 2 { ++$check }
if $check %% 2 and $check > 2 { ++$check }

until prime($check) { $check += 2 }
until prime($check) { $check += 2 }
Line 25: Line 25:
my @primes := 2, -> $a { next_prime($a) } ... *;
my @primes := 2, -> $a { next_prime($a) } ... *;

multi factor(Int $inFactor where ( $inFactor == 1 ) )
say "1: 1";

multi factor(Int $toFactor)
for 2..* {
print "$_: ";
my $currentRemainder = $toFactor;
#say "L1 ... $_";
my $toFactor = $_;
my $currentProduct = 1;
# It's not prime? Find its prime factors.
until 1 == $toFactor {
# Iterate through our primes until we find a prime number that's a factor of $toFactor.
my $prime_index = 0;
until $toFactor %% @primes[$prime_index] { ++$prime_index }

my @factors;
# We found our next factor.
my $factor = @primes[$prime_index];

# Iterate through our primes until we find a prime number that's a factor of $currentRemainder;
if $currentProduct == 1 { print $factor } else { print " x $factor" }
until 1 == $currentRemainder {
my $primeIndex = 0;

# Bookkeeping, to keep track of how far we have to go.
# Find a factor of our current remainder.
until $currentRemainder %% @primes[$primeIndex] { ++$primeIndex }
$toFactor /= $factor;
$currentProduct *= $factor;

# We found our next factor.

# Some bookkeeping.
$currentRemainder /= @primes[$primeIndex];

say "";

print "$_: ";
say factor($_).join(" x ");