Count in factors: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: rewrite more idiomatically, with explanations)
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The first two <tt>multi prime</tt> lines are adapted from Perl 6's entry at [[Primality by Trial Division]].
The first two <tt>multi prime</tt> lines are adapted from Perl 6's entry at [[Primality by Trial Division]].
<lang perl6>multi prime (Int $n --> Bool) {
<lang perl6>multi prime(Int $n where ( $n <= 1)) { False }
multi prime(Int $n --> Bool) {
$n %% none 2, 3, *+2 ...^ * > sqrt $n;
$n %% none 2, 3, *+2 ...^ * > sqrt $n;

multi prime (Int $n where ( $n <= 1)) {
multi next_prime(2) { 3 }
multi next_prime(Int $check is copy --> Int) {
repeat until prime($check) { $check += 2 }

sub next_prime(Int $start --> Int) {
my $check = $start + 1;
if $check %% 2 and $check > 2 { ++$check }

until prime($check) { $check += 2 }

return $check;
return $check;

# binding to an array memoizes primes list
my @primes := 2, -> $a { next_prime($a) } ... *;
my @primes := 2, { next_prime($^a) } ... *;

multi factor(Int $inFactor where ( $inFactor == 1 ) )
multi factors(1) { 1 }
multi factors(Int $remainder is copy) {
gather for @primes -> $factor {
# How many times can we divide by this prime?
while $remainder %% $factor {

take $factor;
multi factor(Int $toFactor)
last if ($remainder /= $factor) == 1;
my $currentRemainder = $toFactor;
last if $remainder == 1;

my @factors;

# Iterate through our primes until we find a prime number that's a factor of $currentRemainder;
until 1 == $currentRemainder {
my $primeIndex = 0;

# Find a factor of our current remainder.
until $currentRemainder %% @primes[$primeIndex] { ++$primeIndex }

# We found our next factor.

# Some bookkeeping.
$currentRemainder /= @primes[$primeIndex];


say "$_: ", factors($_).join(" x ") for 1..*;</lang>
for 1..* {
print "$_: ";
say factor($_).join(" x ");

The first twenty numbers:
The first twenty numbers:
Line 131: Line 107:
19: 19
19: 19
20: 2 x 2 x 5</pre>
20: 2 x 2 x 5</pre>
Here we use a <tt>multi</tt> declaration with a constant parameter to match the degenerate case. We use <tt>copy</tt> parameters when we wish to reuse the formal parameter as a mutable variable within the function. (Parameters default to readonly in Perl&nbsp;6.) Note the use of <tt>gather</tt>/<tt>take</tt> as the final statement in the function, which is a common Perl&nbsp;6 idiom to set up a coroutine within a function to return a lazy list on demand.

The second <tt>last</tt> is a workaround since rakudo does not yet support loop exit via loop labels.


Revision as of 03:23, 24 December 2010

Count in factors is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Write a program which counts up from 1, displaying each number as the multiplication of its prime factors. For the purpose of this task, may be shown as itself.

For examle, is prime, so it would be shown as itself. is not prime; it would be shown as . Likewise, 2144 is not prime; it would be shown as .

c.f. Prime decomposition


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.math, std.conv, std.algorithm, std.array, std.string ; import xt.uiprimes ;

pragma(lib, "uiprimes.lib") ;

// function _factorize_ included in uiprimes.lib ulong[] factorize(ulong n) {

   if(n == 0) return [] ;
   if(n == 1) return [1] ;
   ulong[] res ;
   uint limit = cast(uint) (1 + sqrt(n)) ;
   foreach(p; Primes(limit)) {
       if(n == 1) break ;
       if(0UL == (n % p ))
           while((n > 1) && (0UL == (n % p ))) {
               res ~= p ;
               n = n / p ;
   if(n > 1)
       res ~= [n] ;
   return res ;


string productStr(T)(T[] nums) {

   return array(map!q{to!string(a)}(nums)).join(" x ") ;


void main() {

       writefln("%2d = %s", i, productStr(factorize(i))) ;


Library: uiprimes

Library uiprimes is a homebrew library to generate prime numbers upto the maximum 32bit unsigned integer range 2^32-1, by using a pre-generated bit array of Sieve of Eratosthenes (a dll in size of ~256M bytes :p ).


Solution:Use J's factoring primitive, <lang j>q:</lang> Example (including formatting):<lang j> ('1 : 1',":&> ,"1 ': ',"1 ":@q:) 2+i.10 1 : 1 2 : 2 3 : 3 4 : 2 2 5 : 5 6 : 2 3 7 : 7 8 : 2 2 2 9 : 3 3 10: 2 5 11: 11</lang>

Perl 6

The first two multi prime lines are adapted from Perl 6's entry at Primality by Trial Division. <lang perl6>multi prime(Int $n where ( $n <= 1)) { False } multi prime(Int $n --> Bool) {

   $n %% none 2, 3, *+2 ...^ * > sqrt $n;


multi next_prime(2) { 3 } multi next_prime(Int $check is copy --> Int) {

   repeat until prime($check) { $check += 2 }
   return $check;


  1. binding to an array memoizes primes list

my @primes := 2, { next_prime($^a) } ... *;

multi factors(1) { 1 } multi factors(Int $remainder is copy) {

 gather for @primes -> $factor {
   # How many times can we divide by this prime?
   while $remainder %% $factor {
       take $factor;
       last if ($remainder /= $factor) == 1;
   last if $remainder == 1;


say "$_: ", factors($_).join(" x ") for 1..*;</lang>

The first twenty numbers:

1: 1
2: 2
3: 3
4: 2 x 2
5: 5
6: 2 x 3
7: 7
8: 2 x 2 x 2
9: 3 x 3
10: 2 x 5
11: 11
12: 2 x 2 x 3
13: 13
14: 2 x 7
15: 3 x 5
16: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
17: 17
18: 2 x 3 x 3
19: 19
20: 2 x 2 x 5

Here we use a multi declaration with a constant parameter to match the degenerate case. We use copy parameters when we wish to reuse the formal parameter as a mutable variable within the function. (Parameters default to readonly in Perl 6.) Note the use of gather/take as the final statement in the function, which is a common Perl 6 idiom to set up a coroutine within a function to return a lazy list on demand.

The second last is a workaround since rakudo does not yet support loop exit via loop labels.


Use the 'factor' function from Prime decomposition#PicoLisp. <lang PicoLisp>(for N 20

  (prinl N ": " (or (glue " * " (factor N)) 1)) )</lang>


1: 1
2: 2
3: 3
4: 2 * 2
5: 5
6: 2 * 3
7: 7
8: 2 * 2 * 2
9: 3 * 3
10: 2 * 5
11: 11
12: 2 * 2 * 3
13: 13
14: 2 * 7
15: 3 * 5
16: 2 * 2 * 2 * 2
17: 17
18: 2 * 3 * 3
19: 19
20: 2 * 2 * 5