Copy a string: Difference between revisions

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<div class="messagebox">This task is about [[copying a string]]. </div>
Ada provides three diffferent kinds of strings. The String type is a fixed length string. The Bounded_String type is a string with variable length up to a specified maximum size. The Unbounded_String type is a variable length string with no specified maximum size. The Bounded_String type behaves a lot like C strings, while the Unbounded_String type behaves a lot like the C++ String class.
===Fixed Length String Copying.===
Src : String := "Hello";
Dest : String := Src;
Ada provides the ability to manipulate slices of strings.
Src : String "Rosetta Stone";
Dest : String := Src(1..7); -- Assigns "Rosetta" to Dest
Dest2 : String := Src(9..13); -- Assigns "Stone" to Dest2
===Bounded Length String Copying===
-- Instantiate the generic package Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length with a maximum length of 80 characters
package Flexible_String is new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length(80);
use Flexible_String;
Src : Bounded_String := To_Bounded_String("Hello");
Dest : Bounded_String := Src;
Ada Bounded_String type provides a number of functions for dealing with slices.
=== Unbounded Length String Copying===
-- The package Ada.Strings.Unbounded contains the definition of the Unbounded_String type and all its methods
Src : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String("Hello");
Dest : Unbounded_String := Src;
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