Copy a string: Difference between revisions

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Puppydrum64 (talk | contribs)
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B DS CL64 b
REFA DS A @a</lang>
=={{header|68000 Assembly}}==
Making a reference to an existing string is simple. Just load its memory location into an address register.
<lang 68000devpac>myString: DC.B "HELLO WORLD",0
LEA myString,A3</lang>
Copying a string involves a little more work:
<lang 68000devpac>StringRam equ $100000
myString: DC.B "HELLO WORLD",0
LEA myString,A3
LEA StringRam,A4
MOVE.B (A3)+,D0
MOVE.B D0,(A4)+ ;we could have skipped D0 but this makes it easier to check for the terminator.
BEQ Terminated
BRA CopyString
Terminated: ;the null terminator is already stored along with the string itself, so we are done.
=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==