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m →‎{{header|Babel}}: Updated to interactive-mode syntax
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{{task|Basic language learning}} [[Category: String manipulation]] [[Category:Simple]]
[[Category: String manipulation]]
{{omit from|bc}}
This task is about copying a string.
Where it is relevant, distinguish between copying the contents of a string
versus making an additional reference to an existing string.
<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">V src = ‘hello’
V dst = copy(src)</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|360 Assembly}}==
To copy a string, we use an MVC (Move Character). To make a reference to a string, we use a LA (Load Address).
<syntaxhighlight lang="360asm">* Duplicate a string
MVC A,=CL64'Hello' a='Hello'
MVC B,A b=a memory copy
MVC A,=CL64'Goodbye' a='Goodbye'
XPRNT A,L'A print a
XPRNT B,L'B print b
* Make reference to a string a string
MVC A,=CL64'Hi!' a='Hi!'
LA R1,A r1=@a set pointer
ST R1,REFA refa=@a store pointer
XPRNT A,L'A print a
XPRNT 0(R1),L'A print %refa
A DS CL64 a
B DS CL64 b
REFA DS A @a</syntaxhighlight>
put STACK MANIPULATION to work-machine
=={{header|6502 Assembly}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="6502asm">source equ $10 ;$10 was chosen arbitrarily
source_hi equ source+1 ;the high byte MUST be after the low byte, otherwise this will not work.
dest equ $12
dest_hi equ dest+1
LDA #<MyString ;get the low byte of &MyString
STA source
LDA #>MyString ;get the high byte
STA source_hi ;we just created a "shallow reference" to an existing string.
;As it turns out, this is a necessary step to do a deep copy.
LDA #<RamBuffer
STA dest
LDA #>RamBuffer
STA dest_hi
;assumes that RamBuffer is big enough to hold the source string, and that the memory ranges do not overlap.
;if you've ever wondered why C's strcpy is considered "unsafe", this is why.
LDY #0
LDA (source),y
STA (dest),y
BEQ .done
BNE .again ;exit after 256 bytes copied or the null terminator is reached, whichever occurs first.
byte "hello",0
byte 0,0,0,0,0,0</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|68000 Assembly}}==
Making a reference to an existing string is simple. Just load its memory location into an address register.
<syntaxhighlight lang="68000devpac">myString: DC.B "HELLO WORLD",0
LEA myString,A3</syntaxhighlight>
Copying a string involves a little more work:
<syntaxhighlight lang="68000devpac">StringRam equ $100000
myString: DC.B "HELLO WORLD",0
LEA myString,A3
LEA StringRam,A4
MOVE.B (A3)+,D0
MOVE.B D0,(A4)+ ;we could have used "MOVE.B (A3)+,(A4)+" but this makes it easier to check for the terminator.
BEQ Terminated
BRA CopyString
Terminated: ;the null terminator is already stored along with the string itself, so we are done.
;program ends here.</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
The technique varies depending on whether you just want a new reference to the old string or to actually duplicate it in RAM. Strangely, this is one of the few things that's actually easier to do correctly in assembly than in high-level languages - it's very unlikely you'll do the wrong one by accident.
===Making a new reference===
This technique is useful if you wish to create a struct/record that needs to be able to retrieve a string quickly. All you need to do is get a pointer to the desired string and store it in RAM.
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">.model small
.stack 1024
myString byte "Hello World!",0 ; a null-terminated string
myStruct word 0
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax ;load data segment into DS
mov bx,offset myString ;get the pointer to myString
mov word ptr [ds:myStruct],bx
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h ;quit program and return to DOS</syntaxhighlight>
===Creating a "deep copy"===
This method will actually make a byte-for-byte copy somewhere else in RAM.
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">.model small
.stack 1024
myString byte "Hello World!",0 ; a null-terminated string
StringRam byte 256 dup (0) ;256 null bytes
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax ;load data segment into DS
mov es,ax ;also load it into ES
mov si,offset myString
mov di,offset StringRam
mov cx,12 ;length of myString
cld ;make MOVSB auto-increment rather than auto-decrement (I'm pretty sure DOS begins with
;the direction flag cleared but just to be safe)
rep movsb ;copies 12 bytes from [ds:si] to [es:di]
mov al,0 ;create a null terminator
stosb ;store at the end. (It's already there since we initialized StringRam to zeroes, but you may need to do this depending
;on what was previously stored in StringRam, if you've copied a string there already.
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h ;quit program and return to DOS</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="aarch64 assembly">
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */
/* program copystr64.s */
/* Constantes file */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../"
/* Initialized data */
/* UnInitialized data */
.align 4
qPtString: .skip 8
szString1: .skip 80
/* code section */
.global main
main: // entry of program
// display start string
ldr x0,qAdrszString
bl affichageMess
// copy pointer string
ldr x0,qAdrszString
ldr x1,qAdriPtString
str x0,[x1]
// control
ldr x1,qAdriPtString
ldr x0,[x1]
bl affichageMess
// copy string
ldr x0,qAdrszString
ldr x1,qAdrszString1
ldrb w2,[x0],1 // read one byte and increment pointer one byte
strb w2,[x1],1 // store one byte and increment pointer one byte
cmp x2,#0 // end of string ?
bne 1b // no -> loop
// control
ldr x0,qAdrszString1
bl affichageMess
100: // standard end of the program */
mov x0,0 // return code
mov x8,EXIT // request to exit program
svc 0 // perform the system call
qAdrszString: .quad szString
qAdriPtString: .quad qPtString
qAdrszString1: .quad szString1
/* File Include fonctions */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly */
.include "../"
<langsyntaxhighlight ABAPlang="abap">data: lv_string1 type string value 'Test',
lv_string2 type string.
lv_string2 = lv_string1.</langsyntaxhighlight>
===Inline Declaration===
{{works with|ABAP|7.4 Or above only}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="abap">DATA(string1) = |Test|.
DATA(string2) = string1.</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="action!">PROC Main()
CHAR ARRAY str1,str2,str3(10)
PrintF(" base=%S%E",str1)
PrintF(" copy=%S%E",str3)
PrintF(" base=%S%E",str1)
PrintF(" copy=%S%E",str3)
[ Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer]
Strings are immutable in ActionScript, and can safely be assigned with the assignment operator, much as they can in Java.[]
<langsyntaxhighlight ActionScriptlang="actionscript">var str1:String = "Hello";
var str2:String = str1;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 26 ⟶ 287:
===Fixed Length String Copying.===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ada">Src : String := "Hello";
Dest : String := Src;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Ada provides the ability to manipulate slices of strings.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ada">Src : String := "Rosetta Stone";
Dest : String := Src(1..7); -- Assigns "Rosetta" to Dest
Dest2 : String := Src(9..13); -- Assigns "Stone" to Dest2</langsyntaxhighlight>
===Bounded Length String Copying===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ada">-- Instantiate the generic package Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length with a maximum length of 80 characters
package Flexible_String is new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length(80);
use Flexible_String;
Src : Bounded_String := To_Bounded_String("Hello");
Dest : Bounded_String := Src;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Ada Bounded_String type provides a number of functions for dealing with slices.
=== Unbounded Length String Copying===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ada">-- The package Ada.Strings.Unbounded contains the definition of the Unbounded_String type and all its methods
Src : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String("Hello");
Dest : Unbounded_String := Src;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 52 ⟶ 313:
Copying an intrinsic string:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="aime">text s, t;
t = "Rosetta";
s = t;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Data of the non intrinsic byte array type can be referred more than once.
Copying a binary array of bytes:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="aime">data s, t;
# Copy -t- into -s-
b_copy(s, t);
Line 64 ⟶ 325:
# or:
s = t;
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
In ALGOL 68 strings are simply flexible length arrays of CHAR;
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="algol68">(
STRING src:="Hello", dest;
=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="algolw">begin
% strings are (fixed length) values in algol W. Assignment makes a copy %
string(10) a, copyOfA;
Line 83 ⟶ 344:
a := "new value";
write( a, copyOfA )
new value some text
In Apex, Strings are a primitive data type
<syntaxhighlight lang="apex">String original = 'Test';
String cloned = original;
//"original == cloned" is true
cloned += ' more';
//"original == cloned" is false</syntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight AppleScriptlang="applescript">set src to "Hello"
set dst to src</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="arm assembly">
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */
/* program copystr.s */
/* Constantes */
.equ STDOUT, 1 @ Linux output console
.equ EXIT, 1 @ Linux syscall
.equ WRITE, 4 @ Linux syscall
/* Initialized data */
/* UnInitialized data */
.align 4
iPtString: .skip 4
szString1: .skip 80
/* code section */
.global main
main: /* entry of program */
push {fp,lr} /* saves 2 registers */
@ display start string
ldr r0,iAdrszString
bl affichageMess
@ copy pointer string
ldr r0,iAdrszString
ldr r1,iAdriPtString
str r0,[r1]
@ control
ldr r1,iAdriPtString
ldr r0,[r1]
bl affichageMess
@ copy string
ldr r0,iAdrszString
ldr r1,iAdrszString1
ldrb r2,[r0],#1 @ read one byte and increment pointer one byte
strb r2,[r1],#1 @ store one byte and increment pointer one byte
cmp r2,#0 @ end of string ?
bne 1b @ no -> loop
@ control
ldr r0,iAdrszString1
bl affichageMess
100: /* standard end of the program */
mov r0, #0 @ return code
pop {fp,lr} @restaur 2 registers
mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program
swi 0 @ perform the system call
iAdrszString: .int szString
iAdriPtString: .int iPtString
iAdrszString1: .int szString1
/* display text with size calculation */
/* r0 contains the address of the message */
push {fp,lr} /* save registres */
push {r0,r1,r2,r7} /* save others registers */
mov r2,#0 /* counter length */
1: /* loop length calculation */
ldrb r1,[r0,r2] /* read octet start position + index */
cmp r1,#0 /* if 0 its over */
addne r2,r2,#1 /* else add 1 in the length */
bne 1b /* and loop */
/* so here r2 contains the length of the message */
mov r1,r0 /* address message in r1 */
mov r0,#STDOUT /* code to write to the standard output Linux */
mov r7, #WRITE /* code call system "write" */
swi #0 /* call systeme */
pop {r0,r1,r2,r7} /* restaur others registers */
pop {fp,lr} /* restaur des 2 registres */
bx lr /* return */
<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">a: new "Hello"
b: a ; reference the same string
; changing one string in-place
; will change both strings
'b ++ "World"
print b
print a
c: "Hello"
d: new c ; make a copy of the older string
; changing one string in-place
; will change only the string in question
'd ++ "World"
print d
print c</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="asymptote">string src, dst;
src = "Hello";
dst = src;
src = " world...";
write(dst, src);</syntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="autohotkey">src := "Hello"
dst := src</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="autoit">$Src= "Hello"
$dest = $Src</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="awk">BEGIN {
a = "a string"
b = a
sub(/a/, "X", a) # modify a
print b # b is a copy, not a reference to...
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="axe">Lbl STRCPY
While {r₂}
Line 122 ⟶ 511:
Line 128 ⟶ 517:
To copy a string in Babel is the same as copying any other object. Use the cp operator to make a deep-copy.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="babel">babel> "Hello, world\n" dup cp dup 0 "Y" 0 1 move8
babel> << <<
Yello, world
Hello, world
Line 141 ⟶ 530:
==={{header|Applesoft BASIC}}===
<langsyntaxhighlight ApplesoftBasiclang="applesoftbasic">100 DEF FN P(A) = PEEK (A) + PEEK(A + 1) * 256 : FOR I = FN P(105) TO FN P(107) - 1 STEP 7 : ON PEEK(I + 1) < 128 OR PEEK(I) > 127 GOTO 130 : ON LEFT$(P$, 1) <> CHR$(PEEK(I)) GOTO 130
110 IF LEN(P$) > 1 THEN ON PEEK(I + 1) = 128 GOTO 130 : IF MID$(P$, 2, 1) <> CHR$(PEEK(I + 1) - 128) GOTO 130
120 POKE I + 4, P / 256 : POKE I + 3, P - PEEK(I + 4) * 256 : RETURN
130 NEXT I : STOP</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight ApplesoftBasiclang="applesoftbasic">S$ = "HELLO" : REM S$ IS THE ORIGINAL STRING
C$ = S$ : REM C$ IS THE COPY</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight ApplesoftBasiclang="applesoftbasic">P$ = "S" : P = 53637 : GOSUB 100"POINT STRING S AT SOMETHING ELSE
Strings by value or by reference
Strings can be stored by value or by reference. By value means that a copy of the original string is stored in a variable. This happens automatically when when a string variable name ends with the '$' symbol.
Sometimes it may be necessary to refer to a string by reference. In such a case, simply declare a variable name as STRING but omit the '$' at the end. Such a variable will point to the same memory location as the original string. The following examples should show the difference between by value and by reference.
When using string variables by value:
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">a$ = "I am here"
b$ = a$
a$ = "Hello world..."
PRINT a$, b$</syntaxhighlight>
This will print "Hello world...I am here". The variables point to their individual memory areas so they contain different strings. Now consider the following code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">a$ = "Hello world..."
b = a$
a$ = "Goodbye..."
PRINT a$, b</syntaxhighlight>
This will print "Goodbye...Goodbye..." because the variable 'b' points to the same memory area as 'a$'.
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">src$ = "Hello"
dst$ = src$
src$ = " world..."
print dst$; src$</syntaxhighlight>
{{works with|QBasic|1.1}}
{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}
{{works with|PB|7.1}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">src$ = "Hello" ' is the original string
dst$ = src$ ' is the copy
src$ = " world..."
PRINT dst$; src$</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">
src = "Hello"
dst = src
src = " world..."
PRINT dst; src
==={{header|True BASIC}}===
{{works with|QBasic}}
{{works with|BASIC256}}
{{works with|Yabasic}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">LET src$ = "Hello"
LET dst$ = src$
LET src$ = " world..."
PRINT dst$; src$
<syntaxhighlight lang="yabasic">src$ = "Hello"
dst$ = src$
src$ = " world..."
print dst$, src$
==={{header|Commodore BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">10 A$ = "HELLO"
30 B$ = A$
50 A$ = "HI"
70 PRINT A$, B$</syntaxhighlight>
Commodore BASIC can't do pointers or 'reference to'
==={{header|Sinclair ZX81 BASIC}}===
Creating a new reference to an existing string is not possible, or at least not easy. (You could probably do it with <code>PEEK</code>s and <code>POKE</code>s.) This program demonstrates that an assignment statement copies a string, by showing that the two strings can afterwards be independently modified.
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">10 LET A$="BECAUSE I DO NOT HOPE TO TURN AGAIN"
20 LET B$=A$
30 LET A$=A$( TO 21)
60 LET B$=A$+B$(22 TO 29)
70 PRINT B$</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Batch File}}==
Since the only variables are environment variables,
creating a string copy is fairly straightforward:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="dos">set src=Hello
set dst=%src%</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> source$ = "Hello, world!"
REM Copy the contents of a string:
Line 171 ⟶ 649:
?(^same$+4) = ?(^source$+4)
?(^same$+5) = ?(^source$+5)
PRINT same$</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Binary Lambda Calculus}}==
In BLC, every value is immutable, including byte-strings. So one never needs to copy them; references are shared.
BQN strings are character arrays. Like all other types of arrays, they are immutable.
String copying in BQN is left to be defined by the implementation, but [[CBQN]] and [[mlochbaum/BQN]](main implementations) copy only the reference until the original source is modified.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bqn">a ← "Hello"
b ← a
•Show a‿b
a ↩ "hi"
•Show a‿b</syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="bqn">⟨ "Hello" "Hello" ⟩
⟨ "hi" "Hello" ⟩</syntaxhighlight>
Line 180 ⟶ 673:
Still, you won't be able to test whether you got the original or a copy other than by looking at overall memory usage of the Bracmat program at the OS-level or by closely timing comparison operations.
You obtain a new reference to a string or a copy of the string by simple assignment using the <code>=</code> or the <code>:</code> operator:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="bracmat">abcdef:?a;
Line 188 ⟶ 681:
!a:!b { variables a and b are the same and probably referencing the same string }
!a:!d { variables a and d are also the same but not referencing the same string }
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdlib.h> /* exit(), free() */
#include <stdio.h> /* fputs(), perror(), printf() */
#include <string.h>
Line 250 ⟶ 743:
return 0;
==={{libheader|BSD libc}}===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdlib.h> /* exit() */
#include <stdio.h> /* fputs(), printf() */
#include <string.h>
Line 274 ⟶ 767:
return 0;
Versión 2, using Gadget library.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
#include <gadget/gadget.h>
String v, w = "this message is a message";
Let( v, "Hello world!");
Print "v = %s\nw = %s\n\n", v,w;
Get_fn_let( v, Upper(w) );
Print "v = %s\nw = %s\n\n", v,w;
Store ( v, Str_tran_last( Upper(w), "MESSAGE", "PROOF" ) );
Print "v = %s\nw = %s\n\n", v,w;
Free secure v, w;
v = Hello world!
w = this message is a message
w = this message is a message
w = this message is a message
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">string src = "Hello";
string dst = src;</syntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <iostream>
#include <string>
Line 286 ⟶ 830:
original = "Now we change the original! ";
std::cout << "my_copy still is " << my_copy << std::endl;
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
<lang csharp>string src = "Hello";
string dst = src;</lang>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="clojure">(let [s "hello"
s1 s]
(println s s1))</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight cobollang="cobolfree">MOVE "Hello" TO src
MOVE src TO dst</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 308 ⟶ 848:
Hence, any string copy operations are by value.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="coldfusion"><cfset stringOrig = "I am a string." />
<cfset stringCopy = stringOrig /></langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(let* ((s1 "Hello") ; s1 is a variable containing a string
(s1-ref s1) ; another variable with the same value
(s2 (copy-seq s1))) ; s2 has a distinct string object with the same contents
Line 322 ⟶ 862:
(fill s2 #\!) ; overwrite s2
(princ s1)
(princ s2)) ; will print "Hello!!!!!"</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Component Pascal}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="oberon2">
str1: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
str2: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
str3: ARRAY 25 OF CHAR;
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="oberon2">
str1 := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
str3 := str1; (* don't compile, incompatible assignement *)
str3 := str1$; (* runtime error, string too long *)
str2 := str1$; (* OK *)
=={{header|Computer/zero Assembly}}==
Assuming a string to be a zero-terminated array of bytes, this program takes a string beginning at address <tt>src</tt> and makes a copy of it beginning at address <tt>dest</tt>. As an example, we copy the string "Rosetta".
<syntaxhighlight lang="czasm">ldsrc: LDA src
stdest: STA dest
BRZ done ; 0-terminated
LDA ldsrc
ADD one
STA ldsrc
LDA stdest
ADD one
STA stdest
JMP ldsrc
done: STP
one: 1
src: 82 ; ASCII
<syntaxhighlight lang="crystal">s1 = "Hello"
s2 = s1</syntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="d">void main() {
string src = "This is a string";
Line 352 ⟶ 927:
// copy just the fat reference of the string
auto dest3 = src;
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="dc">[a string] # push "a string" on the main stack
d # duplicate the top value
f # show the current contents of the main stack</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 367 ⟶ 942:
Delphi strings are reference counted with [[wp:Copy-on-write|copy on write]] semantics.
<langsyntaxhighlight Delphilang="delphi">program CopyString;
Line 381 ⟶ 956:
Goodbye, World!</pre>
DWScript strings are value-type, from the language point of view,
you can't have a reference to a String,
no more than you can have a reference to an Integer or a Float
(unless you wrap in an object of course).
Internally they're transparently implemented
via either immutable reference or copy-on-write.
Strings in Dyalect are immutable:
<syntaxhighlight lang="dyalect">var src = "foobar"
var dst = src</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Déjà Vu}}==
Line 393 ⟶ 984:
However, one can still create a copy of a string
by concatenating it with an empty string.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="dejavu">local :orgininal "this is the original"
local :scopy concat( original "" )
!. scopy</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>"this is the original"</pre>
DWScript strings are value-type, from the language point of view,
you can't have a reference to a String,
no more than you can have a reference to an Integer or a Float
(unless you wrap in an object of course).
Internally they're transparently implemented
via either immutable reference or copy-on-write.
Line 413 ⟶ 995:
Various operations, such as taking the substring (run) from the beginning to the end (<code><var>someString</var>.run(0)</code>) might create a copy,
but this is not guaranteed.
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
a$ = "hello"
b$ = a$
print b$
Strings are immutable. A copy will return the same object.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
(define-syntax-rule (string-copy s) (string-append s)) ;; copy = append nothing
→ #syntax:string-copy
Line 423 ⟶ 1,013:
t → "abc"
(eq? s t) → #t ;; same reference, same object
Copies the current buffer contents in its entirety.
=={{header|EDSAC order code}}==
Expects the final character of a string to be marked with a 1 in the least significant bit, as in [[Hello world/Line printer#EDSAC order code]]. The source string should be loaded at <i>θ</i>+34; it is copied into storage tank 6. The copy is then printed out.
<syntaxhighlight lang="edsac">[ Copy a string
A program for the EDSAC
Copies the source string into storage
tank 6, which is assumed to be free,
and then prints it from there
Works with Initial Orders 2 ]
[ 0 ] A34@ [ copy the string ]
[ 1 ] T192F
[ 2 ] H34@
[ 17 ] O192F [ print the copy ]
[ 18 ] H192F
[ 30 ] ZF
[ 31 ] PF
[ 32 ] PD
[ 33 ] P1F
[ 34 ] *F
<pre>ROSETTA CODE</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="elena">
#var src := "Hello".;
#var dst := src.; // copying the reference
#var copy := src .clone. (); // copying the content
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="elixir">src = "Hello"
dst = src</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|ErlangEmacs Lisp}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(let* ((str1 "hi")
<lang erlang>Src = "Hello".
(str1-ref str1)
Dst = Src.</lang>
(str2 (copy-sequence str1)))
(eq str1 str1-ref) ;=> t
(eq str1 str2) ;=> nil
(equal str1 str1-ref) ;=> t
(equal str1 str2)) ;=> t</syntaxhighlight>
in EMal strings are mutable
<syntaxhighlight lang="emal">
text original = "Yellow world"
text ref = original # copying the reference
text copied = *original # copying the content
original[0] = "H" # texts are indexable and mutable
original[5] = ","
ref.append("!") # texts are coercible and growable
copied += "?"
| original == ref == "Hello, world!"
| copied == "Yellow world?"
<syntaxhighlight lang="erlang">Src = "Hello".
Dst = Src.</syntaxhighlight>
Line 454 ⟶ 1,144:
Euphoria will complain at the time your code does the assignment.
<langsyntaxhighlight Euphorialang="euphoria">sequence first = "ABC"
sequence newOne = first</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|F Sharp|F#}}==
.NET strings are immutable, so it is usually not useful to make a deep copy.
However if needed, it is possible using a static method of the <code>System.String</code> type:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">let str = "hello"
let additionalReference = str
let deepCopy = System.String.Copy( str )
printfn "%b" <| System.Object.ReferenceEquals( str, additionalReference ) // prints true
printfn "%b" <| System.Object.ReferenceEquals( str, deepCopy ) // prints false</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 472 ⟶ 1,162:
Strings will be immutable in a future release.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="factor">"This is a mutable string." dup ! reference
"Let's make a deal!" dup clone ! copy
"New" " string" append . ! new string
"New string"</langsyntaxhighlight>
Factor string buffers (sbufs) are mutable and growable.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="factor">SBUF" Grow me!" dup " OK." append
SBUF" Grow me! OK."</langsyntaxhighlight>
Convert a string buffer to a string.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="factor">SBUF" I'll be a string someday." >string .
"I'll be a string someday."</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 494 ⟶ 1,184:
Thus the way you copy a string depends on where the source string comes from:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="forth">\ Allocate two string buffers
create stringa 256 allot
create stringb 256 allot
Line 502 ⟶ 1,192:
\ Copy the contents of one string buffer into another
stringa count stringb place</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="fortran">str2 = str1</langsyntaxhighlight>
Because Fortran uses fixed length character strings if str1 is shorter than str2 then str2 is padded out with trailing spaces.
If str1 is longer than str2 it is truncated to fit.
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">' FB 1.05.0 Win64
Dim s As String = "This is a string"
Dim t As String = s
' a separate copy of the string contents has been made as can be seen from the addresses
Print s, StrPtr(s)
Print t, StrPtr(t)
' to refer to the same string a pointer needs to be used
Dim u As String Ptr = @s
Print *u, StrPtr(*u)
This is a string 10623504
This is a string 10623552
This is a string 10623504
Strings are immutable after construction, so "copying" a string just creates a new reference to a string. All string manipulation routines return a new string.
<syntaxhighlight lang="frink">
a = "Monkey"
b = a
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
include "NSLog.incl"
CFStringRef original, copy
original = @"Hello!"
copy = fn StringWithString( original )
NSLog( @"%@", copy )
Note that the DIM statement is optionalrequired in Gambas.
'''[ Click this link to run this code]'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="gambas">Public Sub main()
Dim src As String
Dim dst As String
<lang gambas>DIM src AS String
DIM dst AS String
src = "Hello"
dst = src</lang>
Print src
Print dst
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="gap">#In GAP strings are lists of characters. An affectation simply copy references
a := "more";
b := a;
Line 533 ⟶ 1,278:
b{[1..4]} := "less";
# "more"</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight GMLlang="gml">src = "string";
dest = src;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Just use assignment:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="go">src := "Hello"
dst := src</langsyntaxhighlight>
Strings in Go are immutable. Because of this, there is no need to distinguish between copying the contents and making an additional reference.
Technically, Go strings are immutable byte slices.
Line 549 ⟶ 1,294:
Its internal reference is likely to point to the same underlying array as src,
but the language does not specify this behavior or make any guarantees about it.
::<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
// creature string
var creature string = "shark"
// point to creature
var pointer *string = &creature
// creature string
fmt.Println("creature =", creature) // creature = shark
// creature location in memory
fmt.Println("pointer =", pointer) // pointer = 0xc000010210
// creature through the pointer
fmt.Println("*pointer =", *pointer) // *pointer = shark
// set creature through the pointer
*pointer = "jellyfish"
// creature through the pointer
fmt.Println("*pointer =", *pointer) // *pointer = jellyfish
// creature string
fmt.Println("creature =", creature) // creature = jellyfish
Line 555 ⟶ 1,323:
Example and counter-example:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="groovy">def string = 'Scooby-doo-bee-doo' // assigns string object to a variable reference
def stringRef = string // assigns another variable reference to the same object
def stringCopy = new String(string) // copies string value into a new object, and assigns to a third variable reference</langsyntaxhighlight>
Test Program:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="groovy">assert string == stringRef // they have equal values (like Java equals(), not like Java ==)
assert // they are references to the same objext (like Java ==)
assert string == stringCopy // they have equal values
assert ! // they are references to different objects (like Java !=)</langsyntaxhighlight>
'''Caveat Lector''': Strings are immutable objects in Groovy, so it is wasteful and utterly unnecessary to ever make copies of them within a Groovy program.
Line 569 ⟶ 1,337:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="guiss">Start.Programs,Accessories,Notepad,
Type:Hello world[pling],Highlight:Hello world[pling],
<syntaxhighlight lang="visualfoxpro">cSource := "Hello World"
cDestination := cSource</syntaxhighlight>
Line 579 ⟶ 1,351:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="hicest">src = "Hello World"
dst = src</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="i">//Strings are immutable in 'i'.
software {
a = "Hello World"
b = a //This copies the string.
a += "s"
=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
Strings in Icon are immutable.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="icon">procedure main()
a := "qwerty"
b := a
b[2+:4] := "uarterl"
write(a," -> ",b)
Under the covers 'b' is created as a reference to the same string as 'a';
Line 601 ⟶ 1,386:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="j">src =: 'hello'
dest =: src</langsyntaxhighlight>
J has copy-on-write semantics.
Line 609 ⟶ 1,394:
In Java, Strings are immutable, so it doesn't make that much difference to copy it.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="java">String src = "Hello";
String newAlias = src;
String strCopy = new String(src);
Line 615 ⟶ 1,400:
//"newAlias == src" is true
//"strCopy == src" is false
//"strCopy.equals(src)" is true</langsyntaxhighlight>
Instead, maybe you want to create a <code>StringBuffer</code> (mutable string) from an existing String or StringBuffer:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="java">StringBuffer srcCopy = new StringBuffer("Hello");</langsyntaxhighlight>
Objects can be copied in JavaScript via simple reassignment.
Changes to the properties of one will be reflected in the other:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="javascript">var container = {myString: "Hello"};
var containerCopy = container; // Now both identifiers refer to the same object
containerCopy.myString = "Goodbye"; // container.myString will also return "Goodbye"</langsyntaxhighlight>
If you copy property values with reassignment, such as properties of the global object (<code>window</code> in browsers), only the value will be copied and not the reference
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="javascript">var a = "Hello";
var b = a; // Same as saying window.b = window.a
b = "Goodbye" // b contains a copy of a's value and a will still return "Hello"</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="joy">"hello" dup</syntaxhighlight>
Strings are immutable.
jq is a functional language and all data types, including strings, are immutable. If a string were to be copied (e.g. by exploding and imploding it), the resultant string would be equal in all respects to the original, and from the jq programmer's perspective, the two would be identical.
jq does however have a type of variable, though their values actually don't change -- they are just context-dependent. For example, consider the sequence of steps in the following function:<langsyntaxhighlight lang="jq">def demo:
"abc" as $s # assignment of a string to a variable
| $s as $t # $t points to the same string as $s
Line 645 ⟶ 1,435:
<lang joy>"hello" dup</lang>
Strings are immutable.
Strings are immutable in Julia. Assignment of one string valued variable to another is effectively a copy, as subsequent changes to either variable have no effect on the other.
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">
<lang Julia>
s = "Rosetta Code"
t = s
Line 665 ⟶ 1,450:
println("s = \"", s, "\" and, after this change, t = \"", t, "\"")
Line 674 ⟶ 1,459:
<langsyntaxhighlight KonsolScriptlang="konsolscript">Var:String str1 = "Hello";
Var:String str2 = str1;</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scala">val hs = "Hello"
val calias = ""s + h</lang>/ alias === s
val copy = "" + s // copy !== s</syntaxhighlight>
In LabVIEW, one can simply wire an input to more than one output.<br/>
{{VI snippet}}<br/>[[File:LabVIEW_Copy_a_string.png]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
{def S1 hello world} // set S1 to "hello world"
-> S1
{S1} // get the value of S1
-> hello world
{def S2 S1} // define S2 as S1
-> S2
{S2} // the value of S2 is S1
-> S1
{{S2}} // get the value of the value of S2
-> hello world
{def S3 {S1}} // set S3 to the value of S1
-> S3
{S3} // get the value of S3
-> hello world
<syntaxhighlight lang ="lang5">'hello dup</langsyntaxhighlight>
While other datatypes like arrays require ->asCopy & ->asCopyDeep methods,
assigning strings creates a copy, not a reference, as is seen below.
<langsyntaxhighlight Lassolang="lasso">local(x = 'I saw a rhino!')
local(y = #x)
Line 708 ⟶ 1,514:
#x //I saw one too
#y //it was grey.</langsyntaxhighlight>
Strings are immutable in Latitude, so it is seldom necessary to explicitly copy one. However, a copy can be distinguished from the original using <code>===</code>
<syntaxhighlight lang="latitude">a := "Hello".
b := a.
c := a clone.
println: a == b. ; True
println: a == c. ; True
println: a === b. ; True
println: a === c. ; False</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|LC3 Assembly}}==
Copying a string is the same as copying any other zero-terminated array. This program copies the string at <tt>SRC</tt> to <tt>COPY</tt>, then prints the copy to show it has worked.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="lc3asm"> .ORIG 0x3000
Line 733 ⟶ 1,549:
<pre>What, has this thing appeared again tonight?</pre>
Line 739 ⟶ 1,555:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(let* ((a '"data assigned to a")
(b a))
(: io format '"Contents of 'b': ~s~n" (list b)))</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 750 ⟶ 1,566:
One can also use <code>set</code> to copy a sting when one is in the LFE REPL:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="lisp">> (set a '"data")
> a
Line 757 ⟶ 1,573:
> b
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="lb">src$ = "Hello"
dest$ = src$
print src$
print dest$
<syntaxhighlight lang="lingo">str = "Hello world!"
str2 = str</syntaxhighlight>
Syntax-wise strings are not immuatable in Lingo. You can alter an existing string without new assignment:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lingo">put "X" before str
put "X" after str
put "X" into char 6 of str
put str
-- "XHellX world!X"</syntaxhighlight>
But memory-wise they are immutable: Lingo internally stores references to strings, and as soon as a string is altered, a new copy is created on the fly, so other references to the original string are not affected by the change.
<langsyntaxhighlight Lisaaclang="lisaac">+ scon : STRING_CONSTANT;
+ svar : STRING;
Line 775 ⟶ 1,605:
svar.append "!\n";
STRING_CONSTANT is immutable, STRING is not.
<langsyntaxhighlight Clang="c">string a = "A string";
string b = a;
a =~ s/$/\./;
<langsyntaxhighlight LiveCodelang="livecode">put "foo" into bar
put bar into baz
answer bar && baz</langsyntaxhighlight>
Copies are nearly always made, on function calls parameters may be passed by reference (pointer) by prepending @ to a parameter in the function definition, however this is the only case where it is usually performed.
Line 793 ⟶ 1,624:
As a functional language, words are normally treated as symbols and cannot be modified. The EQUAL? predicate compares contents instead of identity. In [[UCB Logo]] the .EQ predicate tests for "thing" identity.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="logo">make "a "foo
make "b "foo
print .eq :a :b ; true, identical symbols are reused
Line 802 ⟶ 1,633:
make "c word :b "|| ; force a copy of the contents of a word by appending the empty word
print equal? :b :c ; true
print .eq :b :c ; false</langsyntaxhighlight>
Lua strings are immutable, so only one reference to each string exists.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="lua">
a = "string"
b = a
print(a == b) -->true
print(b) -->string</langsyntaxhighlight>
In Maple, you cannot really copy a string in the sense that there can be two copies of the string in memory. As soon as you create a second copy of a string that already exists, it get turned into a reference to the first copy. However, you can copy a reference to a string by a simple assignment statement.
<syntaxhighlight lang="maple">
<lang Maple>
> s := "some string";
s := "some string"
Line 828 ⟶ 1,659:
> u := t: # copy reference
=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight Mathematicalang="mathematica">a="Hello World"
<langsyntaxhighlight MATLABlang="matlab">string1 = 'Hello';
string2 = string1;</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="maxima">/* It's possible in Maxima to access individual characters by subscripts, but it's not the usual way.
Also, the result is "Lisp character", which cannot be used by other Maxima functions except cunlisp. The usual
way to access characters is charat, returning a "Maxima character" (actually a one characte string). With the latter,
Line 857 ⟶ 1,688:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="maxscript">str1 = "Hello"
str2 = copy str1</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 868 ⟶ 1,698:
Metafont will always copy a string (does not make references).
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="metafont">string s, a;
s := "hello";
a := s;
Line 874 ⟶ 1,704:
message s; % writes "hello world"
message a; % writes "hello"
<syntaxhighlight lang="miniscript">phrase = "hi"
copy = phrase
print phrase
print copy</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|MIPS Assembly}}==
This does a full copy of the string, not just copying the pointer to the string's contents.
<syntaxhighlight lang="mips">.data
addi $sp, $sp, -4
sw $s0, 0($sp)
add $s0, $zero, $zero
add $t1, $s0, $a1
lb $t2, 0($t1)
add $t3, $s0, $a0
sb $t2, 0($t3)
beq $t2, $zero, L2
addi $s0, $s0, 1
j L1
lw $s0, 0($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 4
jr $ra
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="mirah">src = "Hello"
new_alias = src
Line 885 ⟶ 1,747:
puts 'non-interned strings are not equal' if str_copy != src
puts 'compare strings with equals()' if str_copy.equals(src)
Strings in Modula-3 have the type <code>TEXT</code>.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="modula3">VAR src: TEXT := "Foo";
VAR dst: TEXT := src;</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">SET S1="Greetings, Planet"
SET S2=S1</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="nanoquery">a = "Hello"
b = a</syntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight Nekolang="neko">var src = "Hello"
var dst = src</langsyntaxhighlight>
Nemerle gives you the option of declaring a variable - even a string - as mutable, so the caveats of languages with only immutable strings don't necessarily apply. However, Nemerle binds the value of the string to the new name when copying; to sort of emulate copying a reference you can use lazy evaluation.
<langsyntaxhighlight Nemerlelang="nemerle">using System;
using System.Console;
using Nemerle;
Line 919 ⟶ 1,785:
// I am not changed
In addition to the string capabilities provided by the Java String libraries (see [[#Java|Java]] for some examples) NetRexx provides comprehensive string capabilities through the built-in Rexx type. Rexx strings can be copied by simple assignment; as follows:
<langsyntaxhighlight NetRexxlang="netrexx">/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary
Line 932 ⟶ 1,798:
say s1
say s2</langsyntaxhighlight>
In this example a string is created, the string is copied then the copy is modified with the <tt>changestr</tt> built-in function. Finally both strings are displayed to confirm that the original string wasn't modified by the call to <tt>changestr</tt>.
Line 942 ⟶ 1,808:
<langsyntaxhighlight NewLISPlang="newlisp">(define (assert f msg) (if (not f) (println msg)))
(setq s "Greetings!" c (copy s))
(reverse c) ; Modifies c in place.
(assert (= s c) "Strings not equal.")</lang>
; another way
; Nehal-Singhal 2018-05-25
> (setq a "abcd")
> (setq b a)
> b
> (= a b)
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="nim">var
c = "This is a string"
d = c # Copy of contentc into a new string</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ns-hubasic">10 A$ = "HELLO"
20 B$ = A$
30 A$ = "HI"
40 PRINT A$, B$</syntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="oberon2">MODULE CopyString;
String = ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
Line 964 ⟶ 1,850:
a := "plain string";
END CopyString.</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="objeck">a := "GoodBye!";
b := a;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 975 ⟶ 1,861:
Note that both <code>copy</code> and <code>initWithString:</code>/<code>stringWithString:</code> are optimized to return the original string object (possibly retained) if it is immutable.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="objc">NSString *original = @"Literal String";
NSString *new = [original copy];
NSString *anotherNew = [NSString stringWithString:original];
NSString *newMutable = [original mutableCopy];</langsyntaxhighlight>
Mutable strings - you can get either new mutable (if you use <code>mutableCopy</code>) or immutable (if you use <code>copy</code>) string:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="objc">NSMutableString *original = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"Literal String"];
NSString *immutable = [original copy];
NSString *anotherImmutable = [NSString stringWithString:original];
NSMutableString *mutable = [original mutableCopy];</langsyntaxhighlight>
Copying a CString into an NSString:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="objc">const char *cstring = "I'm a plain C string";
NSString *string = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:cstring];</langsyntaxhighlight>
Copying from data, possibly not null terminated:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="objc">char bytes[] = "some data";
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:bytes length:9 encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];</langsyntaxhighlight>
And of course, if a C string is needed, you can use standard functions like strcpy.
<syntaxhighlight lang ="ocaml">let dstsrc = String.copy src"foobar"</langsyntaxhighlight>
Before OCaml 4.02 (2014), strings were mutable and explicit deep copying was needed:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">let dst = String.copy src</syntaxhighlight>
Between 4.02 and 4.06 (2017), immutable strings were optionally enabled via a flag: <code>-safe-string</code>. A <code>Bytes</code> module was added to provide safe and unsafe mutable views on strings. The two modules were synonymous unless the aforementioned flag was added.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">(* Transition-period synonymy between types, explicit type annotations are just for emphasis *)
let dst1 : string = Bytes.copy (src : bytes)
let dst2 : bytes = Bytes.copy (src : string)
(* fails to compile with -safe-string *)</syntaxhighlight>
After 4.06, immutable strings became the default, <code>Bytes</code> still exists, but its type is now distinct. The only way to get mutable strings and type synonymy back is at configure-time on the compiler itself.<br/>
<code>String.copy</code> issues a deprecation warning, and a (shallow) copy would simply be an assignment by default:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">let dst = src</syntaxhighlight>
To get a mutable deep-copy still, just convert the string to bytes via <code>Bytes.of_string</code>, which copies for safety, or <code>String.sub/map/init/..</code> for an immutable copy.
depending on your compiler version, choose the example accordingly.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="octave">str2 = str1</langsyntaxhighlight>
To make a copy of the reference, just dup the string
<langsyntaxhighlight Oforthlang="oforth">"abcde" dup</langsyntaxhighlight>
There is no need to copy a string content as strings are immutable. If really needed :
<langsyntaxhighlight Oforthlang="oforth">StringBuffer new "abcde" << </langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
<lang oxygenbasic>
(define a "The String.")
string s, t="hello"
; copy the string
(define b (runes->string (string->runes a)))
(print "a: " a)
(print "b: " b)
(print "b is an a: " (eq? a b))
(print "b same as a: " (equal? a b))
; another way: marshal the string
(define c (fasl-decode (fasl-encode a) #f))
(print "a: " a)
(print "c: " c)
(print "c is an a: " (eq? a c))
(print "c same as a: " (equal? a c))
a: The String.
b: The String.
b is an a: #false
b same as a: #true
a: The String.
c: The String.
c is an a: #false
c same as a: #true
<langsyntaxhighlight ooRexxlang="oorexx">/* Rexx ***************************************************************
* 16.05.2013 Walter Pachl
Line 1,036 ⟶ 1,963:
Say 's2='s2
i1=s1~identityhash; Say 's1~identityhash='i1
i2=s2~identityhash; Say 's2~identityhash='i2</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>s1=This is a Rexx string
Line 1,046 ⟶ 1,973:
<syntaxhighlight lang="oxygenbasic">
string s, t="hello"
Assignment in GP always copies.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="parigp">s1=s</langsyntaxhighlight>
In PARI, strings can be copied and references can be made.
<langsyntaxhighlight Clang="c">GEN string_copy = gcopy(string);
GEN string_ref = string;</langsyntaxhighlight>
''See also: [[#Delphi|Delphi]]''
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal" highlight="9,13,15">program copyAString;
{ The Extended Pascal `string` schema data type
is essentially a `packed array[1..capacity] of char`. }
source, destination: string(80);
source := 'Hello world!';
{ In Pascal _whole_ array data type values can be copied by assignment. }
destination := source;
{ Provided `source` is a _non-empty_ string value
you can copy in Extended Pascal sub-ranges _of_ _string_ types, too.
Note, the sub-range notation is not permitted for a `bindable` data type. }
destination := source[1..length(source)];
{ You can also employ Extended Pascal’s `writeStr` routine: }
writeStr(destination, source);
<lang pascal>program in,out;
Strings in PascalABC.NET are references.
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal" highlight="9,13,15">
pString = ^string;
s1,s2 : string ;
pStr : pString ;
var s: string := 'Hello';
var /*s1 direct:= copy */s;
s1 := 'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.'
s2 := s1 ;
/* By Reference */
pStr := @s1 ;
pStr := @s2 ;
Line 1,090 ⟶ 2,020:
To copy a string, just use ordinary assignment:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="perl">my $original = 'Hello.';
my $new = $original;
$new = 'Goodbye.';
print "$original\n"; # prints "Hello."</langsyntaxhighlight>
To create a reference to an existing string, so that modifying the referent changes the original string, use a backslash:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="perl">my $original = 'Hello.';
my $ref = \$original;
$$ref = 'Goodbye.';
print "$original\n"; # prints "Goodbye."</langsyntaxhighlight>
If you want a new name for the same string, so that you can modify it without dereferencing a reference, assign a reference to a typeglob:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="perl">my $original = 'Hello.';
our $alias;
local *alias = \$original;
$alias = 'Good evening.';
print "$original\n"; # prints "Good evening."</langsyntaxhighlight>
Note that <tt>our $alias</tt>, though in most cases a no-op, is necessary under stricture. Beware that <tt>local</tt> binds dynamically, so any subroutines called in this scope will see (and possibly modify!) the value of <tt>$alias</tt> assigned here.
To make a lexical variable that is an alias of some other variable, the [ Lexical::Alias] module can be used:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="perl">use Lexical::Alias;
my $original = 'Hello.';
my $alias;
alias $alias, $original;
$alias = 'Good evening.';
print "$original\n"; # prints "Good evening."</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
There is no special handling needed to copy a string; just assign it to a new variable:
<lang perl6>my $original = 'Hello.';
my $copy = $original;
say $copy; # prints "Hello."
$copy = 'Goodbye.';
say $copy; # prints "Goodbye."
say $original; # prints "Hello."</lang>
You can also bind a new variable to an existing one so that each refers to, and can modify the same string.
<lang perl6>my $original = 'Hello.';
my $bound := $original;
say $bound; # prints "Hello."
$bound = 'Goodbye.';
say $bound; # prints "Goodbye."
say $original; # prints "Goodbye."</lang>
<!-- SqrtNegInf 2016-01-16 This is NYI, so until such time as it is, leaving this section commented
You can also create a read-only binding which will allow read access to the string but prevent modification except through the original variable.
<lang perl6>my $original = 'Hello.';
my $bound-ro ::= $original;
say $bound-ro; # prints "Hello."
try {
$bound-ro = 'Runtime error!';
say "$!"; # prints "Cannot modify readonly value"
say $bound-ro; # prints "Hello."
$original = 'Goodbye.';
say $bound-ro; # prints "Goodbye."</lang>
Use of strings is utterly intuitive with no unexpected side effects. For example
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">-->
<lang Phix>string this = "feed"
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">one</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"feed"</span>
string that = this -- (that becomes "feed", this remains "feed")
<span style="color: #004080;">string</span> <span style="color: #000000;">two</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #000000;">one</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (two becomes "feed", one remains "feed")</span>
that[2..3] = "oo" -- (that becomes "food", this remains "feed")
<span style="color: #000000;">two<span style="color: #0000FF;">[<span style="color: #000000;">2<span style="color: #0000FF;">..<span style="color: #000000;">3<span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008000;">"oo"</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (two becomes "food", one remains "feed")</span>
this[1] = 'n' -- (that remains "food", this becomes "need")
<span style="color: #000000;">one<span style="color: #0000FF;">[<span style="color: #000000;">1<span style="color: #0000FF;">]</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #008000;">'n'</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (two remains "food", one becomes "need")</span>
<span style="color: #0000FF;">?<span style="color: #0000FF;">{<span style="color: #000000;">one<span style="color: #0000FF;">,<span style="color: #000000;">two<span style="color: #0000FF;">}
Line 1,171 ⟶ 2,068:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="php">$src = "Hello";
$dst = $src;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Use <code>copy_term/1</code> to ensure that the original string is not changed.
<syntaxhighlight lang="picat">go =>
S1 = "string",
S2 = S1,
S2[1] := 'x', % also changes S1
S3 = "string",
S4 = copy_term(S3),
S4[1] := 'x', % no change of S3
<pre>s1 = string
s1 = xtring
s2 = xtring
s3 = string
s4 = xtring</pre>
<langsyntaxhighlight PicoLisplang="picolisp">(setq Str1 "abcdef")
(setq Str2 Str1) # Create a reference to that symbol
(setq Str3 (name Str1)) # Create new symbol with name "abcdef"</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="pike">int main(){
string hi = "Hello World.";
string ih = hi;
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="pli"> declare (s1, s2) character (20) varying;
s1 = 'now is the time';
s2 = s1;</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 1,194 ⟶ 2,119:
In Pop11 normal data are represented by references, so plain assignment will copy references. To copy data one has to use copy procedure:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="pop11">vars src, dst;
'Hello' -> src;
copy(src) -> dst;</langsyntaxhighlight>
One can also combine assignment (initialization) with variable declarations:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="pop11">vars src='Hello';
vars dst=copy(src);</langsyntaxhighlight>
In PostScript,
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="postscript">(hello) dup length string copy</langsyntaxhighlight>
Since PowerShell uses .NET behind the scenes and .NET strings are immutable you can simply assign the same string to another variable without breaking anything:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="powershell">$str = "foo"
$dup = $str</langsyntaxhighlight>
To actually create a copy the <code>Clone()</code> method can be used:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="powershell">$dup = $str.Clone()</langsyntaxhighlight>
<lang PureBasic>src$ = "Hello"
dst$ = src$</lang>
<langsyntaxhighlight ProDOSlang="prodos">editvar /newvar /value=a /userinput=1 /title=Enter a string to be copied:
editvar /newvar /value=b /userinput=1 /title=Enter current directory of the string:
editvar /newvar /value=c /userinput=1 /title=Enter file to copy to:
copy -a- from -b- to -c- </langsyntaxhighlight>
Values in Prolog are immutable so unifying with a variable that already has the value of a string will effectively copy that string.
You cannot reassign a value once it has been unified, it is not logical to have a value equal more than one thing.
<syntaxhighlight lang="prolog">?- A = "A test string", A = B.
A = B, B = "A test string".</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">src$ = "Hello"
dst$ = src$</syntaxhighlight>
{{works with|Python|2.3, 2.4, and 2.5}}
Since strings are immutable, all copy operations return the same string., Probablywith the reference iscount increased. as appropriate
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="python">>>> src = "hello"
>>> a = src
>>> b = src[:]
Line 1,234 ⟶ 2,166:
>>> d = copy.deepcopy(src)
>>> src is a is b is c is d
To actually copy a string:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="python">>>> a = 'hello'
>>> b = ''.join(a)
>>> a == b
>>> b is a ### Might be True ... depends on "interning" implementation details!
As a result of object "interning" some strings such as the empty string and single character strings like 'a' may be references to the same object regardless of copying. This can potentially happen with any Python immutable object and should be of no consequence to any proper code.
Be careful with ''is'' - use it only when you want to compare the identity of the object. To compare string values, use the ''=='' operator. For numbers and strings any given Python interpreter's implementation of "interning" may cause the object identities to coincide. Thus any number of names to identical numbers or strings might become references to the same objects regardless of how those objects were derived (even if the contents were properly "copied" around). The fact that these are immutable objects makes this a reasonable behavior.
Strings are immutable.
<syntaxhighlight lang="quackery">$ "hello" dup</syntaxhighlight>
Copy a string by value:
<langsyntaxhighlight Rlang="r">str1 <- "abc"
str2 <- str1</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="racket">
<lang Racket>
#lang racket
Line 1,270 ⟶ 2,209:
(string-fill! s3 #\!)
(printf "~a~a~a~a\n" s1 s2 s3 s4)) ; outputs "HeyHey!!!!!!"
(formerly Perl 6)
There is no special handling needed to copy a string; just assign it to a new variable:
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>my $original = 'Hello.';
my $copy = $original;
say $copy; # prints "Hello."
$copy = 'Goodbye.';
say $copy; # prints "Goodbye."
say $original; # prints "Hello."</syntaxhighlight>
You can also bind a new variable to an existing one so that each refers to, and can modify the same string.
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>my $original = 'Hello.';
my $bound := $original;
say $bound; # prints "Hello."
$bound = 'Goodbye.';
say $bound; # prints "Goodbye."
say $original; # prints "Goodbye."</syntaxhighlight>
<!-- SqrtNegInf 2016-01-16 This is NYI, so until such time as it is, leaving this section commented
You can also create a read-only binding which will allow read access to the string but prevent modification except through the original variable.
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line># y $original = 'Hello.';
#my $bound-ro ::= $original;
#say $bound-ro; # prints "Hello."
#try {
# $bound-ro = 'Runtime error!';
# say "$!"; # prints "Cannot modify readonly value"
# };
say $bound-ro; # prints "Hello."
$original = 'Goodbye.';
say $bound-ro; # prints "Goodbye."</syntaxhighlight>
Line 1,276 ⟶ 2,250:
Copy a string by reference:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="raven">'abc' as a
a as b</langsyntaxhighlight>
Copy a string by value:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="raven">'abc' as a
a copy as b</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight REBOLlang="rebol">REBOL [
Title: "String Copy"
Date: 2009-12-16
Author: oofoe
Line 1,307 ⟶ 2,279:
y: copy/part skip x 2 3
print ["Partial copy from offset:" mold x "," mold y]</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 1,316 ⟶ 2,288:
Partial copy: "Slackeriffic!" , "Slacker"
Partial copy from offset: "Slackeriffic!" , "ack"</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="red">
originalString: "hello wordl"
copiedString: originalString
; OR
copiedString2: copy originalString
<syntaxhighlight lang="retro">'this_is_a_string dup s:temp</syntaxhighlight>
<lang Retro>"this is a string" dup tempString</lang>
The example shows how to copy the contents of one string into another string.
Note that delimiters for literal strings, REXX accepts either of:
Note that REXX accepts either an apostrophe &nbsp; &nbsp; ''' <big>'</big> ''' &nbsp; &nbsp; or a (double) quote &nbsp; &nbsp; ''' <big>"</big> ''' &nbsp; &nbsp; for literal strings.
::* &nbsp; ''' <big>'</big> ''' &nbsp; &nbsp; (an apostrophe)
::* &nbsp; ''' <big>"</big> ''' &nbsp; &nbsp; (a double quote)
Also note that &nbsp; ''all'' &nbsp; REXX values (variables) are stored as (varying length) &nbsp; ''character strings''.
stored as (varying length) &nbsp; ''character strings''.
<lang rexx>src = "this is a string"
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">src = "this is a string"
dst = src</lang>
dst = src</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ring">
cStr1 = "Hello!" # create original string
cStr2 = cStr1 # make new string from original
<langsyntaxhighlight RLaBlang="rlab">>> s1 = "A string"
A string
>> s2 = s1
A string</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="robotic">
<lang ring>
cStr1 =set "Hello!$string1" to "This #is create originala string"
set "$string2" to "$string1"
cStr2 = cStr1 # make new string from original
* "&$string2&"
Copy a string in stack:
Copy a string from one variable to another:
"Example" 'STR1' STO
In Ruby, String are mutable.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">original = "hello"
reference = original # copies reference
copy1 = original.dup # instance of original.class
Line 1,351 ⟶ 2,348:
p reference #=> "hello world!"
p copy1 #=> "hello"
p copy2 #=> "hello"</langsyntaxhighlight>
There is a method of Object#clone, too, in the copy of the object.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">original = "hello".freeze # prevents further modifications
copy1 = original.dup # copies contents (without status)
copy2 = original.clone # copies contents (with status)
Line 1,360 ⟶ 2,357:
p copy1 << " world!" #=> "hello world!"
p copy2.frozen? #=> true
p copy2 << " world!" #=> can't modify frozen String (RuntimeError)</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Run BASIC}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">origString$ = "Hello!" ' create original string
newString$ = origString$ ' make new strig from original</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="rust">fn main() {
let s1 = "A String";
let mut s2 = s1;
Line 1,374 ⟶ 2,371:
println!("s1 = {}, s2 = {}", s1, s2);
Output: <syntaxhighlight lang="text">s1 = A String, s2 = Another String</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="sather">class MAIN is
main is
s ::= "a string";
Line 1,385 ⟶ 2,382:
-- s1 is a copy
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scala"> val src = "Hello"
// Its actually not a copy but a reference
// That is not a problem because String is immutable
Line 1,400 ⟶ 2,397:
assert((src eq cop)) // Still no copyed image
val copy = src.reverse.reverse // Finally double reverse makes a copy
assert(src == copy && !(src eq copy))// Prove, but it really makes no sense.</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scheme">(define dst (string-copy src))</langsyntaxhighlight>
In ''sed'', there are two distinct locations for storing a string: The "pattern space" and the "hold space". The <code>h</code> command copies pattern space to hold space. The <code>g</code> command copies hold space to pattern space.
<syntaxhighlight lang="seed7">var string: dest is "";
dest := "Hello";</syntaxhighlight>
<lang seed7>var string: dest is "";
dest := "Hello";</lang>
<syntaxhighlight lang="sensetalk">(* In SenseTalk, assignments normally always make copies of values. *)
put "glorious" into myWord
put myWord into yourWord
(* Assignments can also be made by reference if desired. *)
put a reference to myWord into myRef
set another to refer to myRef
put "ly" after myWord
put "in" before another
put "myWord: " & myWord
put "yourWord: " & yourWord
put "myRef: " & myRef
put "another: " & another
myWord: ingloriously
yourWord: glorious
myRef: ingloriously
another: ingloriously
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="shiny">src: 'hello'
cpy: src</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">var original = "hello"; # new String object
var reference = original; # points at the original object
var copy1 =; # creates a new String object
var copy2 = original+''; # ==//==</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="simula">BEGIN
! "copy-a-string.sim", line 9: ./copy-a-string: Putchar: Constant text object
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="slate">[ | :s | s == s copy] applyTo: {'hello'}. "returns False"</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="smalltalk">|s1 s2|
"bind the var s1 to the object string on the right"
s1 := 'i am a string'.
Line 1,434 ⟶ 2,496:
s2 := s1.
"bind s2 to a copy of the object bound to s1"
s2 := (s1 copy).</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="snobol4">
* copy a to b
b = a = "test"
Line 1,445 ⟶ 2,507:
b "t" = "T"
output = b
Line 1,458 ⟶ 2,520:
Instead, maybe you want to create a <code>CharArray.array</code> (mutable string) from an existing <code>string</code>:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="sml">val src = "Hello";
val srcCopy = CharArray.array (size src, #"x"); (* 'x' is just dummy character *)
CharArray.copyVec {src = src, dst = srcCopy, di = 0};
src = CharArray.vector srcCopy; (* evaluates to true *)</langsyntaxhighlight>
or from another <code>CharArray.array</code>:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="sml">val srcCopy2 = CharArray.array (CharArray.length srcCopy, #"x"); (* 'x' is just dummy character *)
CharArray.copy {src = srcCopy, dst = srcCopy2, di = 0};</langsyntaxhighlight>
Just use assignment:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="swift">var src = "Hello"
var dst = src</langsyntaxhighlight>
Strings in Swift are value types, so assigning copies the string.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="tcl">set src "Rosetta Code"
set dst $src</langsyntaxhighlight>
Tcl copies strings internally when needed.
To be exact, it uses a basic value model based on simple objects that are immutable when shared (i.e., when they have more than one effective reference to them); when unshared, they can be changed because the only holder of a reference has to be the code requesting the change.
Line 1,481 ⟶ 2,543:
=={{header|TI-83 BASIC}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ti83b">:"Rosetta Code"→Str1
=={{header|TI-89 BASIC}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ti89b">:"Rosetta Code"→str1
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="toka">" hello" is-data a
a string.clone is-data b</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">#lang transd
MainModule : {
_start: (λ
(with s "Hello!" s1 "" s2 ""
(= s1 s) // duplication of 's' content
(rebind s2 s) // another reference to 's'
(= s "Good bye!")
(lout s)
(lout s1)
(lout s2)
Good bye!
Good bye!
Strings are immutable character sequences,
so copying a string just means duplicating the reference at the top of the stack:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="trith">"Hello" dup</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="tuscript">$$ MODE TUSCRIPT
=={{header|UNIX Shell}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="bash">foo="Hello"
bar=$foo # This is a copy of the string</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ursa">decl string a b
set a "hello"
set b a</syntaxhighlight>
Line 1,511 ⟶ 2,599:
so the string is immutable.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="v">"hello" dup</langsyntaxhighlight>
This program copies string in variable a to variable b. Mutating variable a subsequently doesn't alter variable b. Variable b is not a reference.
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">Sub copystring()
a = "Hello World!"
b = a
a = "I'm gone"
Debug.Print b
Debug.Print a
End Sub</syntaxhighlight>{{out}}
<pre>Hello World!
I'm gone</pre>
=={{header|Vim Script}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="vim">let str1 = "original string"
let str2 = str1
let str1 = "new string"
echo "String 1:" str1
echo "String 2:" str2</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 1,529 ⟶ 2,629:
{{works with|Visual Basic .NET|9.0+}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">'Immutable Strings
Dim a = "Test string"
Dim b = a 'reference to same string
Line 1,537 ⟶ 2,637:
Dim x As New Text.StringBuilder("Test string")
Dim y = x 'reference
Dim z = New Text.StringBuilder(x.ToString) 'new string</langsyntaxhighlight>
Alternatively, you can use, with all versions of the .NET framework:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Dim a As String = "Test String"
Dim b As String = String.Copy(a) ' New string</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
Strings in Vlang are immutable. There is no need to distinguish between copying and making an additional reference.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Vlang">
text := "Hello"
copy_of := text
A string in Wren is an ''immutable'' array of bytes.
Although technically a reference type, this means there is no need to distinguish between copying the contents of a string and making an additional reference. We can therefore just use assignment to copy a string.
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">var s = "wren"
var t = s
System.print("Are 's' and 't' equal? %(s == t)")</syntaxhighlight>
Are 's' and 't' equal? true
=={{header|X86 Assembly}}==
{{works with|nasm}}
creating a second 0 terminated string with the same content:
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
section .data
string db "Hello World", 0
section .bss
string2 resb 12
section .text
global _main
mov ecx, 0
mov al, [string + ecx]
mov [string2 + ecx], al
inc ecx
cmp al, 0 ;copy until we find the terminating 0
je end
jmp looping
xor eax, eax
creating a second string; first byte signals length of string
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
section .data
string db 11,"Hello World"
section .bss
string2 resb 12
section .text
global _main
xor ecx, ecx ;clear ecx
mov cl, [string]
mov [string2], cl ;copy byte signaling length
mov edx, 1
looping: ;copy each single byte
mov al, [string + edx]
mov [string2 + edx], al
inc edx
dec ecx
cmp ecx, 0
jg looping
xor eax, eax
=={{header|X86-64 Assembly}}==
===UASM 2.52===
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
option casemap:none
option literals:on
printf proto :dword, :VARARG
exit proto :dword
s db "Goodbye, World!",0
d db 20 dup (?)
dp dq ?
tb dd ?
main proc
lea rsi, s ;; Put the address of var S into the source index(RSI)
xor rcx, rcx ;; Zero out RCX
inc rcx ;; Advanced the index by 1
cmp byte ptr [rsi+rcx],0 ;; check the current byte for terminating 0
jne _getsize ;; nope, jump back and check again
mov tb, ecx ;; tb = Total bytes, Keep a copy of the size of the string
lea rsi, s ;; Copy the address of s into the source index(rsi)
lea rdi, d ;; Copy the address of d into the destination index(rdi)
rep movsb ;; Copy bytes from ESI to EDI until RCX is 0
lea rax, s ;; Get the address of S
mov dp, rax ;; Copy it from RAX to dp
mov rbx,rdi ;; Make a copy of RDI, cause over writes due to ABI call args T_T
invoke printf, CSTR("-> s (0x%x) = %s",10), rsi, addr s
invoke printf, CSTR("-> d (0x%x) = %s",10), rbx, addr d
invoke printf, CSTR("-> dp (0x%x) = %s",10), addr dp, dp
invoke printf, CSTR("-> bytes copied: %i",10), tb
xor rsi, rsi
call exit
main endp
-> s (0x40303f) = Goodbye, World!
-> d (0x40309f) = Goodbye, World!
-> dp (0x4030a4) = Goodbye, World!
-> bytes copied: 15
===NASM 2.15===
<syntaxhighlight lang="asm">
%macro sysdef 2
%define sys_%1 %2
sysdef write, 1
%macro prolog 1
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, %1
%macro epilog 1
add rsp, %1
pop rbp
%macro xlea 2
lea %1, [rel %2]
%macro inv 1-7 0,0,0,0,0,0
mov r9,%7
mov r8,%6
mov r10,%5
mov rdx,%4
mov rsi,%3
mov rdi,%2
mov rax,sys_%1
section .rodata
sz1 db "Goodbye, World!",0xa,0
section .bss
sz2 resq 1
section .text
prolog 0x38
%define dest rbp-0x18
%define src rbp-0x10
%define n rbp-0x8
mov qword [rbp-0x28], rdi
mov qword [rbp-0x30], rsi
mov qword [rbp-0x38], rdx
mov rax, qword [rbp-0x28]
mov qword [dest], rax
mov rax, qword [rbp-0x30]
mov qword [src], rax
mov rax, qword [rbp-0x38]
mov qword [n], rax
cmp qword [n], 0
je _stlc_done
dec qword [n]
cmp qword [n], 0
je _stlc_done
mov rbx, qword [src]
lea rax, [rbx+1]
mov qword [src], rax
mov rax, qword [dest]
lea rcx, [rax+1]
mov qword [dest], rcx
movzx ebx, byte [rbx]
mov byte [rax], bl
movzx eax, byte [rax]
test al, al
je _stlc_done
jmp _stlc_doloop
epilog 0x38
prolog 0x10
%define s rbp-0x8
mov qword [rbp-0x10], rdi
mov rax, qword [rbp-0x10]
mov qword [s], rax
mov rsi, qword [s]
xor rcx, rcx
cmp byte [rsi+rcx], 0
je _stl_exit
inc rcx
jne _stl_count
mov rax, rcx
epilog 0x10
global main
prolog 0x20
%define tmp rbp-0x20
xlea rbx, sz1
mov qword [tmp], rbx
mov rdi, qword [tmp]
call strlen
mov rcx, rax
push rcx
mov rdx, rcx
xlea rsi, sz1
xlea rdi, sz2
call strlcpy
xlea rbx, sz2
pop rcx
inv write, 1, rbx, rcx
inv exit, 0
epilog 0x20
Goodbye, World!
Line 1,549 ⟶ 2,903:
The string copy routine from the standard library is shown.
<langsyntaxhighlight XPL0lang="xpl0">proc StrCopy(A, B); \Copy string: A --> B
char A, B; \Strings: B must already have enough space "Reserved"
int I; \Beware if strings overlap
Line 1,561 ⟶ 2,915:
S2:= S1; \S2 now also points to the string
StrCopy(S1, S3); \S3 points to a separate copy of the string
=={{header|Z80 Assembly}}==
===Making An Additional Reference===
Making an additional reference to a string is easy. If you know the address of the beginning of the string, store that address in RAM somewhere else.
<syntaxhighlight lang="z80">ld hl,MyString
ld (PointerVariable),hl
MyString: ;assembler equates this label to a memory location at compile time
byte "Hello",0
word 0 ;placeholder for the address of the above string, gets written to by the code above.</syntaxhighlight>
'''NOTE:''' If you're programming for the Game Boy, you can't store a 16-bit value directly into RAM from <code>HL</code>. There are other methods to achieve the same result, and here's one:
<syntaxhighlight lang="z80">ld a,<MyString ; < represents the low byte of the address. Some assemblers use LOW() with the label in the parentheses.
ld (PointerVariable),a
ld a,>MyString ; > represents the high byte of the address. Some assemblers use HIGH() with the label in the parentheses.
ld (PointerVariable+1),a</syntaxhighlight>
===Copying A String===
As long as you have enough RAM space to hold the entire string, you can copy it somewhere else in memory. If you know the string's length in advance a simple <code>LDIR</code> will be sufficient. This method will use the null terminator to tell the copy function when to stop:
<syntaxhighlight lang="z80">StrCpy:
;input: HL = base address of string you wish to copy
; DE = where you want to copy it to.
; This program assumes that the string is null-terminated, and that there is enough RAM to hold the entire string.
ld a,(hl)
or a ;compare A to 0.
ret z
ld (de),a
inc hl
inc de
jr StrCpy</syntaxhighlight>
If you're using the "Pascal style" where the string length is prepended before the string itself, you can use this method instead, assuming your string is shorter than 255 bytes in length.
<syntaxhighlight lang="z80">ld hl,myString
ld c,(hl)
ld b,0
inc c
ld de,buffer
ldir ;copies from (HL) to (DE), BC times.
byte 5 ;len("Hello")
byte "Hello"
byte 0
byte 0,0,0,0,0</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="zig">const std = @import("std");
const debug = std.debug;
const mem = std.mem;
test "copy a string" {
const source = "A string.";
// Variable `dest1` will have the same type as `source`, which is
// `*const [9:0]u8`.
const dest1 = source;
// Variable `dest2`'s type is [9]u8.
// The difference between the two is that `dest1` string is null-terminated,
// while `dest2` is not.
var dest2: [source.len]u8 = undefined;
mem.copy(u8, dest2[0..], source[0..]);
debug.assert(mem.eql(u8, dest1[0..], "A string."));
debug.assert(mem.eql(u8, dest2[0..], "A string."));
Strings are immutable so copy is just return the string:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="zkl">"abc".copy() // noop</langsyntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="zonnon">
module Main;
s,r: string;
c: array 60 of char;
s := "plain string";r := s; writeln(s);
(* copy string to array of char *)
copy(s,c);c[0] := 'P';
(* copy array of char to string *)
end Main.
For typing:
<syntaxhighlight lang="zoomscript">var a
var b
a = "World"
b = a
a = "Hello"
print (a," ",b)</syntaxhighlight>
For importing:
¶0¶var a¶0¶var b¶0¶a = "World"¶0¶b = a¶0¶a = "Hello"¶0¶print (a," ",b)
=={{header|ZX Spectrum Basic}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="basic">10 LET a$ = "Hello": REM a$ is the original string
20 LET b$ = a$: REM b$ is the copy</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Amazing Hopper}}==
Version 1:
Assign variable "s" to variable "b".
<syntaxhighlight lang="hopper">
#include <hopper.h>
s = "string to copy"
t = s
string to copy
string to copy
Version 2:
Soft copy to variable (CPY).
<syntaxhighlight lang="hopper">
#include <hopper.h>
{"1:","string to copy"},cpy(s),println
1:string to copy
2:string to copy
Version 3:
From stack to var: hard copy (move, MOV).
<syntaxhighlight lang="hopper">
#include <hopper.h>
{"string to copy"},mov(s)
string to copy