Conway's Game of Life: Difference between revisions

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A fast version using a thechnique from Abrash's Black Book. Set your console to 34 rows minimum, as it uses a 32x32 cells world
<lang vb>
option explicit
const pix="##"
const cl_on=16
const cl_mnum=15
randomize timer
const tlcr=2, tlcc=2
const maxdim =31
settitle "Conway's game of life"

dim a(31,31)

dim ans0:ans0=chr(27)&"["
dim gen,n
'init1 'objects
init2 400 'random

toxy tlcr-1,tlcc+maxdim*2+4,gen & " " & n
toxy tlcr,tlcc+maxdim*2+3,""
loop until n=0

sub pause() wscript.stdout.write vbcrlf & "Press Enter":wscript.stdin.readline: end sub
sub settitle(s) wscript.StdOut.Write chr(27)&"]0;"& s &chr(7):end sub
sub cls() wscript.StdOut.Write ans0 &"2J"&ans0 &"?25l":end sub
sub toxy(r,c,s) wscript.StdOut.Write ans0 & r & ";" & c & "f" & s :end sub
function iif(a,b,c) if a then iif=b else iif=c end if :end function

sub init1
dim x
update 0,1,1,x:update 1,2,1,x:update 2,0,1,x:update 2,1,1,x:update 2,2,1,x
update 3,13,1,x:update 4,13,1,x:update 5,13,1,x
update 11,1,1,x:update 11,2,1,x: update 12,1,1,x:update 12,2,1,x
update 13,3,1,x:update 13,4,1,x: update 14,3,1,x:update 14,4,1,x
end sub

sub init2 (n)
dim i,r,c,x
for i=1 to n
loop until (a(r,c) and cl_on)=0
update r,c,1,x
end sub

sub paintframe
dim r,c,s
const frame="@"
'toxy 1,tlcc-1, "Conway's Game of Life"
toxy tlcr-1,tlcc-1,string(maxdim*2+4,frame)
for r=0 to maxdim
toxy tlcr+r,tlcc-1,s
toxy tlcr+maxdim+1,tlcc-1,string(maxdim*2+4,frame)
end sub

function nextgen()
dim r,c,pre,cnt,a1,onoff,chg
a1=a 'does a hard a copy of a
for r=0 to maxdim
for c=0 to maxdim
if a1(r,c)then 'check only cells alive or having neighbors
pre=a1(r,c) and cl_on
cnt=a1(r,c) and cl_mnum
'check life condition and update cell
if pre<>0 and (cnt<2 or cnt>3) then
update r,c,0,nextgen
elseif pre=0 and cnt=3 then
update r,c,1,nextgen
end if
end if
end function

sub update(r,c,onoff,nextgen)
'displays cell and update neighbors count in neighbors
dim cp,cm,rp,rm,inc,mask
a(r,c)= (a(r,c) and cl_mnum) or mask 'update cell
toxy tlcr+r,tlcc+c*2,iif (onoff,pix," ") 'display cell
cp=(c+1) and maxdim 'wrap around
cm=(c-1) and maxdim
rp=(r+1) and maxdim
rm=(r-1) and maxdim
if onoff then inc=1 else inc=-1
'update count in neighbors
a(rp,cp)=(a(rp,cp) and cl_on) or ((a(rp,cp) and cl_mnum)+inc)
a(rp,c)=(a(rp,c) and cl_on) or ((a(rp,c) and cl_mnum)+inc)
a(rp,cm)=(a(rp,cm) and cl_on) or ((a(rp,cm) and cl_mnum)+inc)
a(r,cp)=(a(r,cp) and cl_on) or ((a(r,cp) and cl_mnum)+inc)
a(r,cm)=(a(r,cm) and cl_on) or ((a(r,cm) and cl_mnum)+inc)
a(rm,cp)=(a(rm,cp) and cl_on) or ((a(rm,cp) and cl_mnum)+inc)
a(rm,c)=(a(rm,c) and cl_on) or ((a(rm,c) and cl_mnum)+inc)
a(rm,cm)=(a(rm,cm) and cl_on) or ((a(rm,cm) and cl_mnum)+inc)
end sub
