Conway's Game of Life: Difference between revisions

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(add Game of Life for Dart developed during Hackergarten Vienna)
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<lang dart>/**
* States of a cell. A cell is either [ALIVE] or [DEAD].
* The state contains its [symbol] for printing.
class State {
const State(this.symbol);

static final ALIVE = const State('#');
static final DEAD = const State(' ');

final String symbol;

* The "business rule" of the game. Depending on the count of neighbours,
* the [cellState] changes.
class Rule {

reactToNeighbours(int neighbours) {
if (neighbours == 3) {
cellState = State.ALIVE;
} else if (neighbours != 2) {
cellState = State.DEAD;

var cellState;

* A coordinate on the [Grid].
class Point {
const Point(this.x, this.y);

operator +(other) => new Point(x + other.x, y + other.y);

final int x;
final int y;

* List of the relative indices of the 8 cells around a cell.
class Neighbourhood {
List<Point> points() {
return [
new Point(LEFT, UP), new Point(MIDDLE, UP), new Point(RIGHT, UP),
new Point(LEFT, SAME), new Point(RIGHT, SAME),
new Point(LEFT, DOWN), new Point(MIDDLE, DOWN), new Point(RIGHT, DOWN)

static final LEFT = -1;
static final MIDDLE = 0;
static final RIGHT = 1;
static final UP = -1;
static final SAME = 0;
static final DOWN = 1;

* The grid is an endless, two-dimensional [field] of cell [State]s.
class Grid {
Grid(this.xCount, this.yCount) {
_field = new Map();
_neighbours = new Neighbourhood().points();

set(point, state) {
_field[_pos(point)] = state;

State get(point) {
var state = _field[_pos(point)];
return state != null ? state : State.DEAD;

int countLiveNeighbours(point) =>
_neighbours.filter((offset) => get(point + offset) == State.ALIVE).length;

_pos(point) => '${(point.x + xCount) % xCount}:${(point.y + yCount) % yCount}';

print() {
var sb = new StringBuffer();
iterate((point) { sb.add(get(point).symbol); }, (x) { sb.add("\n"); });
return sb.toString();

iterate(eachCell, [finishedRow]) {
for (var x = 0; x < xCount; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < yCount; y++) {
eachCell(new Point(x, y));
if(finishedRow != null) {

final xCount, yCount;
List<Point> _neighbours;
Map<String, State> _field;

* The game updates the [grid] in each step using the [Rule].
class Game {

tick() {
var newGrid = createNewGrid();

grid.iterate((point) {
var rule = new Rule(grid.get(point));
newGrid.set(point, rule.cellState);

grid = newGrid;

createNewGrid() => new Grid(grid.xCount, grid.yCount);

printGrid() => print(grid.print());

Grid grid;

main() {
// Run the GoL with a blinker.

runBlinker() {
var game = new Game(createBlinkerGrid());

for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

createBlinkerGrid() {
var grid = new Grid(4, 4);
return grid;

loadBlinker(grid) => blinkerPoints().forEach((point) => grid.set(point, State.ALIVE));

blinkerPoints() => [new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(2, 1)];</lang>

Test cases driving the design of this code:
<lang dart>#import('<path to sdk>/lib/unittest/unittest.dart');
main() {
group('rules', () {
test('should let living but lonely cell die', () {
var rule = new Rule(State.ALIVE);
expect(rule.cellState, State.DEAD);
test('should let proper cell live on', () {
var rule = new Rule(State.ALIVE);
expect(rule.cellState, State.ALIVE);
test('should let dead cell with three neighbours be reborn', () {
var rule = new Rule(State.DEAD);
expect(rule.cellState, State.ALIVE);
test('should let living cell with too many neighbours die', () {
var rule = new Rule(State.ALIVE);
expect(rule.cellState, State.DEAD);

group('grid', () {
var origin = new Point(0, 0);
test('should have state', () {
var grid = new Grid(1, 1);
expect(grid.get(origin), State.DEAD);
grid.set(origin, State.ALIVE);
expect(grid.get(origin), State.ALIVE);
test('should have dimension', () {
var grid = new Grid(2, 3);
expect(grid.get(origin), State.DEAD);
grid.set(origin, State.ALIVE);
expect(grid.get(origin), State.ALIVE);
expect(grid.get(new Point(1, 2)), State.DEAD);
grid.set(new Point(1, 2), State.ALIVE);
expect(grid.get(new Point(1, 2)), State.ALIVE);
test('should be endless', () {
var grid = new Grid(2, 4);
grid.set(new Point(2, 4), State.ALIVE);
expect(grid.get(origin), State.ALIVE);
grid.set(new Point(-1, -1), State.ALIVE);
expect(grid.get(new Point(1, 3)), State.ALIVE);
test('should print itself', () {
var grid = new Grid(1, 2);
grid.set(new Point(0, 1), State.ALIVE);
expect(grid.print(), " #\n");

group('game', () {
test('should exists', () {
var game = new Game(null);
expect(game, isNotNull);
test('should create a new grid when ticked', () {
var grid = new Grid(1, 1);
var game = new Game(grid);
expect(game.grid !== grid);
test('should have a grid with the same dimension after tick', (){
var game = new Game(new Grid(2, 3));
expect(game.grid.xCount, 2);
expect(game.grid.yCount, 3);
test('should apply rules to middle cell', (){
var grid = new Grid(3, 3);
grid.set(new Point(1, 1), State.ALIVE);
var game = new Game(grid);
expect(game.grid.get(new Point(1, 1)), State.DEAD);

grid.set(new Point(0, 0), State.ALIVE);
grid.set(new Point(1, 0), State.ALIVE);
game = new Game(grid);
expect(game.grid.get(new Point(1, 1)), State.ALIVE);
test('should apply rules to all cells', (){
var grid = new Grid(3, 3);
grid.set(new Point(0, 1), State.ALIVE);
grid.set(new Point(1, 0), State.ALIVE);
grid.set(new Point(1, 1), State.ALIVE);
var game = new Game(grid);
expect(game.grid.get(new Point(0, 0)), State.ALIVE);




