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Points of convex hull in clockwise order:
Points of convex hull in clockwise order:
-3/-9 -9/-3 -3/15 5/19 12/17 17/5 19/-8 -3/-9</pre>
-3/-9 -9/-3 -3/15 5/19 12/17 17/5 19/-8 -3/-9</pre>
Calculates convex hull from list of points (f32, f32). This can be executed entirely in the Rust Playground.
<lang Rust>
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Point {
x: f32,
y: f32

fn calculate_convex_hull(points: &Vec<Point>) -> Vec<Point> {
//There must be at least 3 points
if points.len() < 3 { return points.clone(); }

let mut hull = vec![];

//Find the left most point in the polygon
let (left_most_idx, _) = points.iter()
.min_by(|lhs, rhs| lhs.1.x.partial_cmp(&rhs.1.x).unwrap())
.expect("No left most point");

let mut p = left_most_idx;
let mut q = 0_usize;

loop {
//The left most point must be part of the hull

q = (p + 1) % points.len();

for i in 0..points.len() {
if orientation(&points[p], &points[i], &points[q]) == 2 {
q = i;

p = q;

//Break from loop once we reach the first point again
if p == left_most_idx { break; }

return hull;

//Calculate orientation for 3 points
//0 -> Straight line
//1 -> Clockwise
//2 -> Counterclockwise
fn orientation(p: &Point, q: &Point, r: &Point) -> usize {
let val = (q.y - p.y) * (r.x - q.x) -
(q.x - p.x) * (r.y - q.y);

if val == 0. { return 0 };
if val > 0. { return 1; } else { return 2; }

fn main(){
let points = vec![pt(16,3), pt(12,17), pt(0,6), pt(-4,-6), pt(16,6), pt(16,-7), pt(16,-3), pt(17,-4), pt(5,19), pt(19,-8), pt(3,16), pt(12,13), pt(3,-4), pt(17,5), pt(-3,15), pt(-3,-9), pt(0,11), pt(-9,-3), pt(-4,-2), pt(12,10)];
let hull = calculate_convex_hull(&points);
.for_each(|pt| println!("{:?}", pt));

fn pt(x: i32, y: i32) -> Point {
return Point {x:x as f32, y:y as f32};

Scala Implementation to find Convex hull of given points collection. Functional Paradigm followed
Scala Implementation to find Convex hull of given points collection. Functional Paradigm followed