Convert seconds to compound duration: Difference between revisions

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<lang COBOL> identification division.
program-id. fmt-dura.
data division.
working-storage section.
1 input-seconds pic 9(8).
1 formatted-duration pic x(30) global.
1 fractions.
2 weeks pic z(3)9.
2 days pic z(3)9.
2 hours pic z(3)9.
2 minutes pic z(3)9.
2 seconds pic z(3)9.
1 .
2 weeks-str pic x(4) value "wk".
2 days-str pic x(4) value "d".
2 hours-str pic x(4) value "hr".
2 minutes-str pic x(4) value "min".
2 seconds-str pic x(4) value "sec".
1 work binary global.
2 str-pos pic 9(4).
2 chars-transferred pic 9(4).
procedure division.
display "Enter duration (seconds): " no advancing
accept input-seconds
divide input-seconds by 60 giving input-seconds
remainder seconds
divide input-seconds by 60 giving input-seconds
remainder minutes
divide input-seconds by 24 giving input-seconds
remainder hours
divide input-seconds by 7 giving weeks
remainder days
move 1 to str-pos
call "fmt" using weeks weeks-str
call "fmt" using days days-str
call "fmt" using hours hours-str
call "fmt" using minutes minutes-str
call "fmt" using seconds seconds-str
display formatted-duration
stop run

identification division.
program-id. fmt.
data division.
working-storage section.
77 nothing pic x.
linkage section.
1 formatted-value pic x(4).
1 duration-size pic x(4).
procedure division using formatted-value duration-size.
if function numval (formatted-value) not = 0
perform insert-comma-space
unstring formatted-value delimited all space
into nothing formatted-duration (str-pos:)
count chars-transferred
add chars-transferred to str-pos
string space delimited size
duration-size delimited space
into formatted-duration pointer str-pos
exit program

if str-pos > 1
move ", " to formatted-duration (str-pos:)
add 2 to str-pos
end program fmt.
end program fmt-dura.</lang>
<pre>Enter duration (seconds): 7259
2 hr, 59 sec
Enter duration (seconds): 86400
1 d
Enter duration (seconds): 6000000
9 wk, 6 d, 10 hr, 40 min</pre>
<lang d>
<lang d>