Convert seconds to compound duration: Difference between revisions

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<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Convert is
type Time is range 0 .. 10_000*356*20*60*60; -- at most 10_000 years
subtype Valid_Duration is Time range 1 .. 10_000*356*20*60*60;
type Units is (WK, D, HR, MIN, SEC);
package IO renames Ada.Text_IO;
Divide_By: constant array(Units) of Time := (1_000*53, 7, 24, 60, 60);
Split: array(Units) of Time;
No_Comma: Units;
X: Time;
Test_Cases: array(Positive range <>) of Valid_Duration :=
(6, 60, 3659, 7_259, 86_400, 6_000_000, 6_001_200, 6_001_230, 600_000_000);
for Test_Case of Test_Cases loop
IO.Put(Time'Image(Test_Case) & " SECONDS =");
X := Test_Case;
-- split X up into weeks, days, ..., seconds
No_Comma := Units'First;
for Unit in reverse Units loop -- Unit = SEC, ..., WK (in that order)
Split(Unit) := X mod Divide_By(Unit);
X := X / Divide_By(Unit);
if Unit > No_Comma and Split(Unit)>0 then
No_Comma := Unit;
end if;
end loop;
-- ouput weeks, days, ..., seconds
for Unit in Units loop -- Unit = WK, .., SEC (in that order)
if Split(Unit) > 0 then
IO.Put(Time'Image(Split(Unit)) & " " & Units'Image(Unit) &
(if No_Comma > Unit then "," else ""));
end if;
end loop;

end loop;
end Convert;</lang>


<pre> 6 SECONDS = 6 SEC
3659 SECONDS = 1 HR, 59 SEC
7259 SECONDS = 2 HR, 59 SEC
86400 SECONDS = 1 D
6000000 SECONDS = 9 WK, 6 D, 10 HR, 40 MIN
6001200 SECONDS = 9 WK, 6 D, 11 HR
6001230 SECONDS = 9 WK, 6 D, 11 HR, 30 SEC
600000000 SECONDS = 992 WK, 10 HR, 40 MIN</pre>

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694861 1 wk, 1 d, 1 hr, 1 min, 1 sec
694861 1 wk, 1 d, 1 hr, 1 min, 1 sec

=={{header|Batch File}}==
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