Convert seconds to compound duration: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Combine into a single file for ease of testing)
(Adds Clojure solution)
Line 1,018:
86400 sec is 1 d
6000000 sec is 9 wk, 6 d, 10 hr, 40 min
<lang clojure>(require '[clojure.string :as string])
(def seconds-in-minute 60)
(def seconds-in-hour (* 60 seconds-in-minute))
(def seconds-in-day (* 24 seconds-in-hour))
(def seconds-in-week (* 7 seconds-in-day))
(defn seconds->duration [seconds]
(let [weeks ((juxt quot rem) seconds seconds-in-week)
wk (first weeks)
days ((juxt quot rem) (last weeks) seconds-in-day)
d (first days)
hours ((juxt quot rem) (last days) seconds-in-hour)
hr (first hours)
min (quot (last hours) seconds-in-minute)
sec (rem (last hours) seconds-in-minute)]
(string/join ", "
(filter #(not (string/blank? %))
(conj []
(when (> wk 0) (str wk " wk"))
(when (> d 0) (str d " d"))
(when (> hr 0) (str hr " hr"))
(when (> min 0) (str min " min"))
(when (> sec 0) (str sec " sec")))))))
(seconds->duration 7259)
(seconds->duration 86400)
(seconds->duration 6000000)</lang>
"2 hr, 59 sec"
"1 d"
"9 wk, 6 d, 10 hr, 40 min"