Convert seconds to compound duration: Difference between revisions

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(Made this a normal task. I think this is the time... but feel free to undo this action if necessary.)
(→‎{{header|Tcl}}: Added zkl)
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Ok! sec2str 86400 = 1 d
Ok! sec2str 6000000 = 9 wk, 6 d, 10 hr, 40 min</pre>
<lang zkl>fcn toWDHMS(sec){ //-->(wk,d,h,m,s)
foreach u in (T(60, 60, 24, 7)){
<lang zkl>units:=T("wk","d","hr","min","sec");
foreach s in (T(7259,86400,6000000)){
toWDHMS(s).zip(units).pump(List,fcn([(t,u)]){ t and "%d %s".fmt(t,u) or "" })
.filter().concat(", ").println();
2 d, 59 min
1 wk
6 wk, 10 d, 40 hr