Convert decimal number to base 2-9

Revision as of 11:47, 22 July 2021 by CalmoSoft (talk | contribs)

Do it even your language has built-in function for it.

Convert decimal number to base 2-9 is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
Write a functio to convert decimal positive integer number n to base 2-9


<lang ring> see "working..." + nl dec = 192

for n = 2 to 9

   db = decimaltobase(dec,n)
   see "decimal number " + dec + " in base " + " + n + is: " + db + nl


see "done..." + nl

func decimaltobase(nr,base)

    decList = 0:15
    baseList = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"]
    binList = [] 
    binary = 0
    remainder = 1
    while(nr != 0)
         remainder = nr % base
         ind = find(decList,remainder)
         rem = baseList[ind]
         nr = floor(nr/base) 
    binlist = reverse(binList)
    binList = list2str(binList)
    binList = substr(binList,nl,"")  
    return binList


decimal number 192 in base 2 is: 11000000
decimal number 192 in base 3 is: 21010
decimal number 192 in base 4 is: 3000
decimal number 192 in base 5 is: 1232
decimal number 192 in base 6 is: 520
decimal number 192 in base 7 is: 363
decimal number 192 in base 8 is: 300
decimal number 192 in base 9 is: 233