Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2): Difference between revisions

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return 0;
This uses the <code>Generator</code> class, <code>R2CF</code> class and <code>printcf</code> procedure from [[Continued fraction arithmetic/Continued fraction r2cf(Rational N)#Tcl|the r2cf task]].
{{works with|Tcl|8.6}}
<lang tcl>oo::class create NG2 {
variable a b a1 b1 a2 b2 a12 b12 cf1 cf2
superclass Generator
constructor {args} {
lassign $args a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
method operands {N1 N2} {
set cf1 $N1
set cf2 $N2
return [self]
method Ingress1 t {
lassign [list [expr {$a2+$a12*$t}] [expr {$a+$a1*$t}] $a12 $a1 \
[expr {$b2+$b12*$t}] [expr {$b+$b1*$t}] $b12 $b1] \
a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
method Exhaust1 {} {
lassign [list $a12 $a1 $a12 $a1 $b12 $b1 $b12 $b1] \
a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
method Ingress2 t {
lassign [list [expr {$a1+$a12*$t}] $a12 [expr {$a+$a2*$t}] $a2 \
[expr {$b1+$b12*$t}] $b12 [expr {$b+$b2*$t}] $b2] \
a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
method Exhaust2 {} {
lassign [list $a12 $a12 $a2 $a2 $b12 $b12 $b2 $b2] \
a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
method Egress {} {
set t [expr {$a/$b}]
lassign [list $b12 $b1 $b2 $b \
[expr {$a12 - $b12*$t}] [expr {$a1 - $b1*$t}] \
[expr {$a2 - $b2*$t}] [expr {$a - $b*$t}]] \
a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
return $t
method DoIngress1 {} {
try {tailcall my Ingress1 [$cf1]} on break {} {}
oo::objdefine [self] forward DoIngress1 my Exhaust1
set cf1 ""
tailcall my Exhaust1
method DoIngress2 {} {
try {tailcall my Ingress2 [$cf2]} on break {} {}
oo::objdefine [self] forward DoIngress2 my Exhaust2
set cf2 ""
tailcall my Exhaust2
method Ingress {} {
if {$b==0} {
if {$b2 == 0} {
tailcall my DoIngress1
} else {
tailcall my DoIngress2
if {!$b2} {
tailcall my DoIngress2
if {!$b1} {
tailcall my DoIngress1
if {[my FirstSource?]} {
tailcall my DoIngress1
} else {
tailcall my DoIngress2
method FirstSource? {} {
expr {abs($a1*$b*$b2 - $a*$b1*$b2) > abs($a2*$b*$b1 - $a*$b1*$b2)}
method NeedTerm? {} {
expr {
($b*$b1*$b2*$b12==0) ||
!($a/$b == $a1/$b1 && $a/$b == $a2/$b2 && $a/$b == $a12/$b12)
method Done? {} {
expr {$b==0 && $b1==0 && $b2==0 && $b12==0}
method Produce {} {
# Until we've drained both continued fractions...
while {$cf1 ne "" || $cf2 ne ""} {
if {[my NeedTerm?]} {
my Ingress
} else {
yield [my Egress]
# Drain our internal state
while {![my Done?]} {
yield [my Egress]
<lang tcl>set op [[NG2 new 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] operands [R2CF new 1/2] [R2CF new 22/7]]
printcf "\[3;7\] + \[0;2\]" $op
set op [[NG2 new 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1] operands [R2CF new 13/11] [R2CF new 22/7]]
printcf "\[1:5,2\] * \[3;7\]" $op
set op [[NG2 new 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 1] operands [R2CF new 13/11] [R2CF new 22/7]]
printcf "\[1:5,2\] - \[3;7\]" $op
set op [[NG2 new 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0] operands [R2CF new 484/49] [R2CF new 22/7]]
printcf "div test" $op
set op1 [[NG2 new 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] operands [R2CF new 2/7] [R2CF new 13/11]]
set op2 [[NG2 new 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 1] operands [R2CF new 2/7] [R2CF new 13/11]]
set op3 [[NG2 new 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1] operands $op1 $op2]
printcf "layered test" $op3</lang>
[3;7] + [0;2] -> 3,1,1,1,4
[1:5,2] * [3;7]-> 3,1,2,2
[1:5,2] - [3;7]-> -2,25,1,2
div test -> 3,7
layered test -> -2,1,2,5,1,2,1,26,3