Constrained random points on a circle: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|D}}: Added first Euphoria header, code, description, output for the task. But isn't it a fuzzy ring?)
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{{works with|Euphoria|4.0.3, 4.0.0 or later}}
This program generates the set of 404 possible points in the ring. It randomly chooses 100 pairs from the set. The 100 pairs are a subset of that set because duplicates are discarded.
<lang euphoria>include std/console.e

sequence validpoints = {}
sequence discardedpoints = {}
sequence rand100points = {}
atom coordresult
integer randindex

--scan for all possible values. store discarded ones in another sequence, for extra reference.
for y = -15 to 15 do
for x = -15 to 15 do
coordresult = sqrt( x * x + y * y )
if coordresult >= 10 and coordresult <= 15 then --if it would fall in the ring area
validpoints &= {{x, y, coordresult}} --concatenate (add to the end) the coordinate pair x, y and the
-- result into a subsequence of sequence validpoints
discardedpoints &= {{x, y, coordresult}} --else put it in the discarded sequence
end if
end for
end for

for i = 1 to 100 label "oneofhundred" do --make 100 random coordinate pairs
randindex = rand(length(validpoints) ) --random value from 1 to the number of 3 value subsequences in validpoints (the data)

if length(rand100points) = 0 then --if rand100points sequence is empty, add the first subsequence to it.
rand100points &= {validpoints[randindex]}
else --if it isn't empty, then..
for j = 1 to length(rand100points) do --loop through each "data chunk" in rand100points
if equal(validpoints[randindex], rand100points[j]) = 1 then --if any are the same as the randomly chosen chunk in
retry "oneofhundred" -- validpoints, then retry from one line below the "oneofhundred" loop without incrementing i.
end if --the continue keyword would increment i instead.

end for
rand100points &= {validpoints[randindex]} --length of rand100points isnt 0 and no data chunks match ones that the program
--already picked before, so add this subsequence chunk to rand100points.
end if
end for

for i = 1 to 32 do --32 lines
for j = 1 to 32 label "xscan" do --32 characters on each line
for k = 1 to length(rand100points) do --for every subsequence in this
if rand100points[k][1]+16 = j and rand100points[k][2]+16 = i then --if the x and y coordinates in the picked points
printf(1, 178) --(adjusted to minimum of 1,1) are at the same place as in the console output grid
continue "xscan" --print a funny character and continue to the next "xscan"
end if
end for
printf(1, 176) --if no picked points were there, print another funny character to represent a blank space
end for
end for

printf(1, "\nNumber of valid coordinate pairs %d :", length(validpoints) )
printf(1, "\nNumber of discarded coordinate pairs : %d", length(discardedpoints) )
printf(1, "\nNumber of randomly picked coordinate pairs : %d\n", length(rand100points) )
Number of valid coordinate pairs 404 :
Number of discarded coordinate pairs : 557
Number of randomly picked coordinate pairs : 100
Press Any Key to continue...</pre>
