Constrained genericity: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Ada}}: I think this solves the issue)
(→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: This time fer shure! --Bullwinkle)
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let your_box = FloatBox.make_box_from_list [2.3; 4.5]</lang>
let your_box = FloatBox.make_box_from_list [2.3; 4.5]</lang>
Unfortunately, it is kind of cumbersome in that, for every type parameter we want to use for this generic type, we will have to explicitly create a module for the resulting type (i.e. <tt>BananaBox</tt>, <tt>FloatBox</tt>). And the operations on that resulting type (i.e. <tt>make_box_from_list</tt>) are tied to each specific module.
Unfortunately, it is kind of cumbersome in that, for every type parameter we want to use for this generic type, we will have to explicitly create a module for the resulting type (i.e. <tt>BananaBox</tt>, <tt>FloatBox</tt>). And the operations on that resulting type (i.e. <tt>make_box_from_list</tt>) are tied to each specific module.
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
=={{header|Perl 6}}=
{{incorrect|Perl 6|While now the conditioning on existence of eat function seems to be right, now instead of a generic type which can be instantiated for specific food types, there's one single foodbox variable where any type of food can be put in.}}

{{works with|Rakudo|2010.09.17}}
<lang perl6>
subset Eatable of Any where { .^can('eat') };
<lang perl6>subset Eatable of Any where { .^can('eat') };

my Eatable @foodbox;
class Cake { method eat() {...} }

role FoodBox[Eatable ::T] {
has T %.foodbox;

class Yummy does FoodBox[Cake] { } # composes correctly
# class Yucky does FoodBox[Int] { } # fails to compose

my Yummy $foodbox .= new;
say $foodbox.perl;</lang>

<lang> => {})</lang>
