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{{works with|jq|1.4}}

In the following, we use the array [x,y] to represent the complex number x + iy,
but the following functions also accept a number wherever a complex number is acceptable.

'''(1) transpose/0''':

If your jq does not have "transpose" then the following may be used:
<lang jq># transpose/0 expects its input to be a rectangular matrix
# (an array of equal-length arrays):
def transpose:
if (.[0] | length) == 0 then []
else [map(.[0])] + (map(.[1:]) | transpose)
end ;</lang>
'''(2) Operations on real/complex numbers'''
<lang jq># x must be real or complex, and ditto for y;
# always return complex
def plus(x; y):
if (x|type) == "number" then
if (y|type) == "number" then [ x+y, 0 ]
else [ x + y[0], y[1]]
elif (y|type) == "number" then plus(y;x)
else [ x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1] ]

# x must be real or complex, and ditto for y;
# always return complex
def multiply(x; y):
if (x|type) == "number" then
if (y|type) == "number" then [ x*y, 0 ]
else [x * y[0], x * y[1]]
elif (y|type) == "number" then multiply(y;x)
else [ x[0] * y[0] - x[1] * y[1], x[0] * y[1] + x[1] * y[0]]

# conjugate of a real or complex number
def conjugate:
if type == "number" then [.,0]
else [.[0], -(.[1]) ]
'''(3) Array operations'''
<lang jq># a and b are arrays of real/complex numbers
def dot_product(a; b):
a as $a | b as $b
| reduce range(0;$a|length) as $i
(0; . as $s | plus($s; multiply($a[$i]; $b[$i]) ));</lang>
'''(4) Matrix operations'''
<lang jq># convert a matrix of mixed real/complex entries to all complex entries
def to_complex:
def toc: if type == "number" then [.,0] else . end;
map( map(toc) );

# simple matrix pretty-printer
def pp(wide):
def pad: tostring | (wide - length) * " " + .;
def row: reduce .[] as $x (""; . + ($x|pad));
reduce .[] as $row (""; . + "\n\($row|row)");

# Matrix multiplication
# A and B should both be real/complex matrices,
# A being m by n, and B being n by p.
def matrix_multiply(A; B):
A as $A | B as $B
| ($B[0]|length) as $p
| ($B|transpose) as $BT
| reduce range(0; $A|length) as $i
([]; reduce range(0; $p) as $j
(.; .[$i][$j] = dot_product( $A[$i]; $BT[$j] ) )) ;

# Complex identity matrix of dimension n
def complex_identity(n):
def indicator(i;n): [range(0;n)] | map( [0,0]) | .[i] = [1,0];
reduce range(0; n) as $i ([]; . + [indicator( $i; n )] );

# Approximate equality of two matrices
# Are two real/complex matrices essentially equal
# in the sense that the sum of the squared element-wise differences
# is less than or equal to epsilon?
# The two matrices must be conformal.
def approximately_equal(M; N; epsilon):
def norm: multiply(. ; conjugate ) | .[0];
def sqdiff( x; y): plus(x; multiply(y; -1)) | norm;
reduce range(0;M|length) as $i
(0; reduce range(0; M[0]|length) as $j
(.; 0 + sqdiff( M[$i][$j]; N[$i][$j] ) ) ) <= epsilon;</lang>
====Conjugate transposition====
<lang jq># (entries may be real and/or complex)
def conjugate_transpose:
map( map(conjugate) ) | transpose;

# A Hermitian matrix equals its own conjugate transpose
def is_hermitian:
to_complex == conjugate_transpose;

# A matrix is normal if it commutes multiplicatively
# with its conjugate transpose
def is_normal:
. as $M
| conjugate_transpose as $H
| matrix_multiply($H; $M) == matrix_multiply($H; $M);

# A unitary matrix (U) has its inverse equal to its conjugate transpose (T)
# i.e. U^-1 == T; NASC is I == UT == TU
def is_unitary:
. as $M
| conjugate_transpose as $H
| complex_identity(length) as $I
| approximately_equal( $I; matrix_multiply($H;$M); 1e-10)
and approximately_equal( $I ; matrix_multiply($M;$H); 1e-10) ; </lang>

<lang jq>def hermitian_example:
[ [ 3, [2,1]],
[[2,-1], 1 ] ];

def normal_example:
[ [1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 1] ];

def unitary_example:
| [ [ [., 0], [., 0], 0 ],
[ [0, -.], [0, .], 0 ],
[ 0, 0, [0,1] ] ];

def demo:
| ("Hermitian example:", pp(8)),
("Its conjugate transpose is:", (to_complex | conjugate_transpose | pp(8))),
"Hermitian example: \(hermitian_example | is_hermitian )",
"Normal example: \(normal_example | is_normal )",
"Unitary example: \(unitary_example | is_unitary)"

<lang sh>$ jq -r -c -n -f Conjugate_transpose.jq
Hermitian example:

3 [2,1]
[2,-1] 1

Conjugate transpose:

[3,-0] [2,1]
[2,-1] [1,-0]

Hermitian example: true

Normal example: true

Unitary example: true</lang>
