Conjugate transpose: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|REXX}}: changed whitespace, aligned procedure/function statements
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: changed whitespace, used templates for the output sections.)
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: changed whitespace, aligned procedure/function statements)
Line 2,441:
parse arg N elements; if N==''|N=="," then N=3 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
k= 0; do r=1 for N
do c=1 for N; k= k+1; M.r.c= word( word(elements, k) 1,1); end /*c*/1)
end /*rc*/
end /*r*/
call showCmat 'M' ,N /*display a nicely formatted matrix. */
identity.= 0; do d=1 for N; identity.d.d= 1; end /*d*/
Line 2,459 ⟶ 2,460:
rP: procedure; parse arg r ','; return word( r 0, 1) /*◄──maybe return a 0 ↑ */
conjCmat: parse arg matX,matY,rows 1 cols; call normCmat matY, rows
do r=1 for rows; _=
do c=1 for cols; v= value(matY'.'r"."c)
rP= rP(v); cP= -cP(v); call value matX'.'c"."r, rP','cP
end /*c*/
end /*r*/; return
isHermitian: parse arg matX,matY,rows 1 cols; call normCmat matX, rows
call normCmat matY, rows
do r=1 for rows; _=
do c=1 for cols
if value(matX'.'r"."c) \= value(matY'.'r"."c) then return 0
end /*c*/
end /*r*/; return 1
isUnary: parse arg matX,rows 1 cols
do r=1 for rows; _=
do c=1 for cols; z= value(matX'.'r"."c); rP= rP(z); cP= cP(z)
if abs( sqrt( rP(z) **2 + cP(z)**2) - (r==c)) >= .0001 then return 0
end /*c*/
end /*r*/; return 1
multCmat: parse arg matA,matB,matT,rows 1 cols; call value matT'.', 0
do r=1 for rows; _=
do c=1 for cols
do k=1 for cols; T= value(matT'.'r"."c); Tr= rP(T); Tc= cP(T)
A= value(matA'.'r"."k); Ar= rP(A); Ac= cP(A)
B= value(matB'.'k"."c); Br= rP(B); Bc= cP(B)
Pr= Ar*Br - Ac*Bc; Pc= Ac*Br + Ar*Bc; Tr= Tr+Pr; Tc= Tc+Pc
call value matT'.'r"."c,Tr','Tc
end /*k*/
end /*c*/
end /*r*/; return
normCmat: parse arg matN,rows 1 cols
do r=1 to rows; _=
do c=1 to cols; v= translate( value(matN'.'r"."c), , "IiJj")
parse upper var v real ',' cplx
if real\=='' then real= real / 1
if cplx\=='' then cplx= cplx / 1; if cplx=0 then cplx=
if cplx\=='' then cplx= cplx"j"
call value matN'.'r"."c, strip(real','cplx, "T", ',')
end /*c*/
end /*r*/; return
showCmat: parse arg matX,rows,cols; if cols=='' then cols= rows; @@= left('', 6)
say; say center('matrix' matX, 79, '─'); call normCmat matX, rows, cols
do r=1 to rows; _=
do c=1 to cols; _= _ @@ left( value(matX'.'r"."c), 9); end /*c*/
end say _/*c*/
end /*r*/; say; return_
end /*r*/; say; return
sqrt: procedure; parse arg x; if x=0 then return 0; d=digits(); numeric form; h=d+6