Conjugate a Latin verb: Difference between revisions

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Present indicative tense, active voice, of amare to 'love':
amo I love
amas you (singular) love
amat he, she or it loves
amamus we love
amatis you (plural) love
amant they love
Present indicative tense, active voice, of vidēre to 'see':
video I see
vides you (singular) see
videt he, she or it sees
videmus we see
videtis you (plural) see
vident they see
Present indicative tense, active voice, of ducere to 'lead':
duco I lead
ducis you (singular) lead
ducit he, she or it leads
ducimus we lead
ducitis you (plural) lead
ducunt they lead
Present indicative tense, active voice, of audire to 'hear':
audio I hear
audis you (singular) hear
audit he, she or it hears
audimus we hear
auditis you (plural) hear
audiunt they hear