Conditional structures: Difference between revisions

Added Kotlin
(Added Kotlin)
Line 2,389:
Since jq's <tt>and</tt> and <tt>or</tt> are short-circuiting, they can also be used for branching.
<lang scala>// version 1.0.6
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// conventional 'if/else if/else' statement
if (args.size == 0) println("No arguments were supplied")
else if (args.size == 1) println("One argument was supplied")
else println("${args.size} arguments were supplied")
print("Enter an integer : ")
val i = readLine()!!.toInt()
// 'when' statement (similar to 'switch' in C family languages)
when (i) {
0, 1 -> println("0 or 1")
in 2 .. 9 -> println("Between 2 and 9")
else -> println("Out of range")
// both of these can be used as expressions as well as statements
val s = if (i < 0) "negative" else "non-negative"
println("$i is $s")
val t = when {
i > 0 -> "positive"
i == 0 -> "zero"
else -> "negative"
println("$i is $t")
Sample input/output (program invoked without arguments):
No arguments were supplied
Enter an integer : 3
Between 2 and 9
3 is non-negative
3 is positive
