Compiler/syntax analyzer: Difference between revisions

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m (Correct prt_list production as specified in the discussion page for this page. Thanks Tybalt89)
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<lang java>
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;

class Parser {
private List<Token> source;
private Token token;
private int position;

static class Node {
public NodeType nt;
public Node left, right;
public String value;

Node() {
this.nt = null;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
this.value = null;
Node(NodeType node_type, Node left, Node right, String value) {
this.nt = node_type;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.value = value;
public static Node make_node(NodeType nodetype, Node left, Node right) {
return new Node(nodetype, left, right, "");
public static Node make_node(NodeType nodetype, Node left) {
return new Node(nodetype, left, null, "");
public static Node make_leaf(NodeType nodetype, String value) {
return new Node(nodetype, null, null, value);

static class Token {
public TokenType tokentype;
public String value;
public int line;
public int pos;

Token(TokenType token, String value, int line, int pos) {
this.tokentype = token; this.value = value; this.line = line; this.pos = pos;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%5d %5d %-15s %s", this.line, this.pos, this.tokentype, this.value);

static enum TokenType {
End_of_input(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_None),
Op_multiply(false, true, false, 13, NodeType.nd_Mul),
Op_divide(false, true, false, 13, NodeType.nd_Div),
Op_mod(false, true, false, 13, NodeType.nd_Mod),
Op_add(false, true, false, 12, NodeType.nd_Add),
Op_subtract(false, true, false, 12, NodeType.nd_Sub),
Op_negate(false, false, true, 14, NodeType.nd_Negate),
Op_not(false, false, true, 14, NodeType.nd_Not),
Op_less(false, true, false, 10, NodeType.nd_Lss),
Op_lessequal(false, true, false, 10, NodeType.nd_Leq),
Op_greater(false, true, false, 10, NodeType.nd_Gtr),
Op_greaterequal(false, true, false, 10, NodeType.nd_Geq),
Op_equal(false, false, true, 9, NodeType.nd_Eql),
Op_notequal(false, true, false, 9, NodeType.nd_Neq),
Op_assign(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_Assign),
Op_and(false, true, false, 5, NodeType.nd_And),
Op_or(false, true, false, 4, NodeType.nd_Or),
Keyword_if(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_If),
Keyword_else(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_None),
Keyword_while(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_While),
Keyword_print(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_None),
Keyword_putc(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_None),
LeftParen(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_None),
RightParen(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_None),
LeftBrace(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_None),
RightBrace(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_None),
Semicolon(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_None),
Comma(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_None),
Identifier(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_Ident),
Integer(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_Integer),
String(false, false, false, -1, NodeType.nd_String);

private final int precedence;
private final boolean right_assoc;
private final boolean is_binary;
private final boolean is_unary;
private final NodeType node_type;

TokenType(boolean right_assoc, boolean is_binary, boolean is_unary, int precedence, NodeType node) {
this.right_assoc = right_assoc;
this.is_binary = is_binary;
this.is_unary = is_unary;
this.precedence = precedence;
this.node_type = node;
boolean isRightAssoc() { return this.right_assoc; }
boolean isBinary() { return this.is_binary; }
boolean isUnary() { return this.is_unary; }
int getPrecedence() { return this.precedence; }
NodeType getNodeType() { return this.node_type; }
static enum NodeType {
nd_None(""), nd_Ident("Identifier"), nd_String("String"), nd_Integer("Integer"), nd_Sequence("Sequence"), nd_If("If"),
nd_Prtc("Prtc"), nd_Prts("Prts"), nd_Prti("Prti"), nd_While("While"),
nd_Assign("Assign"), nd_Negate("Negate"), nd_Not("Not"), nd_Mul("Multiply"), nd_Div("Divide"), nd_Mod("Mod"), nd_Add("Add"),
nd_Sub("Subtract"), nd_Lss("Less"), nd_Leq("LessEqual"),
nd_Gtr("Greater"), nd_Geq("GreaterEqual"), nd_Eql("Equal"), nd_Neq("NotEqual"), nd_And("And"), nd_Or("Or");

private final String name;

NodeType(String name) { = name;

public String toString() { return; }
static void error(int line, int pos, String msg) {
if (line > 0 && pos > 0) {
System.out.printf("%s in line %d, pos %d\n", msg, line, pos);
} else {
Parser(List<Token> source) {
this.source = source;
this.token = null;
this.position = 0;
Token getNextToken() {
this.token = this.source.get(this.position++);
return this.token;
Node expr(int p) {
Node result = null, node;
TokenType op;
int q;

if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.LeftParen) {
result = paren_expr();
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Op_add || this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Op_subtract) {
op = (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Op_subtract) ? TokenType.Op_negate : TokenType.Op_add;
node = expr(TokenType.Op_negate.getPrecedence());
result = (op == TokenType.Op_negate) ? Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_Negate, node) : node;
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Op_not) {
result = Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_Not, expr(TokenType.Op_not.getPrecedence()));
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Identifier) {
result = Node.make_leaf(NodeType.nd_Ident, this.token.value);
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Integer) {
result = Node.make_leaf(NodeType.nd_Integer, this.token.value);
} else {
error(this.token.line, this.token.pos, "Expecting a primary, found: " + this.token.tokentype);

while (this.token.tokentype.isBinary() && this.token.tokentype.getPrecedence() >= p) {
op = this.token.tokentype;
q = op.getPrecedence();
if (!op.isRightAssoc()) {
node = expr(q);
result = Node.make_node(op.getNodeType(), result, node);
return result;
Node paren_expr() {
expect("paren_expr", TokenType.LeftParen);
Node node = expr(0);
expect("paren_expr", TokenType.RightParen);
return node;
void expect(String msg, TokenType s) {
if (this.token.tokentype == s) {
error(this.token.line, this.token.pos, msg + ": Expecting '" + s + "', found: '" + this.token.tokentype + "'");
Node stmt() {
Node s, s2, t = null, e, v;
if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Keyword_if) {
e = paren_expr();
s = stmt();
s2 = null;
if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Keyword_else) {
s2 = stmt();
t = Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_If, e, Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_If, s, s2));
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Keyword_putc) {
e = paren_expr();
t = Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_Prtc, e);
expect("Putc", TokenType.Semicolon);
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Keyword_print) {
expect("Print", TokenType.LeftParen);
while (true) {
if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.String) {
e = Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_Prts, Node.make_leaf(NodeType.nd_String, this.token.value));
} else {
e = Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_Prti, expr(0), null);
t = Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_Sequence, t, e);
if (this.token.tokentype != TokenType.Comma) {
expect("Print", TokenType.RightParen);
expect("Print", TokenType.Semicolon);
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Semicolon) {
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Identifier) {
v = Node.make_leaf(NodeType.nd_Ident, this.token.value);
expect("assign", TokenType.Op_assign);
e = expr(0);
t = Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_Assign, v, e);
expect("assign", TokenType.Semicolon);
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.Keyword_while) {
e = paren_expr();
s = stmt();
t = Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_While, e, s);
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.LeftBrace) {
while (this.token.tokentype != TokenType.RightBrace && this.token.tokentype != TokenType.End_of_input) {
t = Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_Sequence, t, stmt());
expect("LBrace", TokenType.RightBrace);
} else if (this.token.tokentype == TokenType.End_of_input) {
} else {
error(this.token.line, this.token.pos, "Expecting start of statement, found: " + this.token.tokentype);
return t;
Node parse() {
Node t = null;
while (this.token.tokentype != TokenType.End_of_input) {
t = Node.make_node(NodeType.nd_Sequence, t, stmt());
return t;
void printAST(Node t) {
int i = 0;
if (t == null) {
} else {
System.out.printf("%-14s", t.nt);
if (t.nt == NodeType.nd_Ident || t.nt == NodeType.nd_Integer || t.nt == NodeType.nd_String) {
System.out.println(" " + t.value);
} else {
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length > 0) {
try {
String value, token;
int line, pos;
Token t;
boolean found;
List<Token> list = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, TokenType> str_to_tokens = new HashMap<>();

str_to_tokens.put("End_of_input", TokenType.End_of_input);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_multiply", TokenType.Op_multiply);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_divide", TokenType.Op_divide);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_mod", TokenType.Op_mod);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_add", TokenType.Op_add);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_subtract", TokenType.Op_subtract);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_negate", TokenType.Op_negate);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_not", TokenType.Op_not);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_less", TokenType.Op_less);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_lessequal", TokenType.Op_lessequal);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_greater", TokenType.Op_greater);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_greaterequal", TokenType.Op_greaterequal);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_equal", TokenType.Op_equal);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_notequal", TokenType.Op_notequal);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_assign", TokenType.Op_assign);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_and", TokenType.Op_and);
str_to_tokens.put("Op_or", TokenType.Op_or);
str_to_tokens.put("Keyword_if", TokenType.Keyword_if);
str_to_tokens.put("Keyword_else", TokenType.Keyword_else);
str_to_tokens.put("Keyword_while", TokenType.Keyword_while);
str_to_tokens.put("Keyword_print", TokenType.Keyword_print);
str_to_tokens.put("Keyword_putc", TokenType.Keyword_putc);
str_to_tokens.put("LeftParen", TokenType.LeftParen);
str_to_tokens.put("RightParen", TokenType.RightParen);
str_to_tokens.put("LeftBrace", TokenType.LeftBrace);
str_to_tokens.put("RightBrace", TokenType.RightBrace);
str_to_tokens.put("Semicolon", TokenType.Semicolon);
str_to_tokens.put("Comma", TokenType.Comma);
str_to_tokens.put("Identifier", TokenType.Identifier);
str_to_tokens.put("Integer", TokenType.Integer);
str_to_tokens.put("String", TokenType.String);

Scanner s = new Scanner(new File(args[0]));
String source = " ";
while (s.hasNext()) {
String str = s.nextLine();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str);
line = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
pos = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
token = st.nextToken();
value = "";
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
value += st.nextToken() + " ";
found = false;
if (str_to_tokens.containsKey(token)) {
found = true;
list.add(new Token(str_to_tokens.get(token), value, line, pos));
if (found == false) {
throw new Exception("Token not found: '" + token + "'");
Parser p = new Parser(list);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
error(-1, -1, "Exception: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
error(-1, -1, "Exception: " + e.getMessage());
} else {
error(-1, -1, "No args");
