Compiler/lexical analyzer: Difference between revisions

Added QB64 Example
(Corrected bug with character literal (missing “next()” to advance to next character).)
(Added QB64 Example)
Line 7,902:
23 1 End_of_input
Tested with QB64 1.5
<lang QB64>dim shared source as string, the_ch as string, tok as string, toktyp as string
dim shared line_n as integer, col_n as integer, text_p as integer, err_line as integer, err_col as integer, errors as integer
declare function isalnum&(s as string)
declare function isalpha&(s as string)
declare function isdigit&(s as string)
declare sub divide_or_comment
declare sub error_exit(line_n as integer, col_n as integer, msg as string)
declare sub follow(c as string, typ2 as string, typ1 as string)
declare sub nextch
declare sub nexttok
declare sub read_char_lit
declare sub read_ident
declare sub read_number
declare sub read_string
const c_integer = "Integer", c_ident = "Identifier", c_string = "String"
dim out_fn as string, out_tok as string
if command$(1) = "" then print "Expecting a filename": end
open command$(1) for binary as #1
source = space$(lof(1))
get #1, 1, source
close #1
out_fn = command$(2): if out_fn <> "" then open out_fn for output as #1
line_n = 1: col_n = 0: text_p = 1: the_ch = " "
call nexttok
select case toktyp
case c_integer, c_ident, c_string: out_tok = tok
case else: out_tok = ""
end select
if out_fn = "" then
print err_line, err_col, toktyp, out_tok
print #1, err_line, err_col, toktyp, out_tok
end if
loop until errors or tok = ""
if out_fn <> "" then close #1
' get next tok, toktyp
sub nexttok
toktyp = ""
restart: err_line = line_n: err_col = col_n: tok = the_ch
select case the_ch
case " ", chr$(9), chr$(10): call nextch: goto restart
case "/": call divide_or_comment: if tok = "" then goto restart
case "%": call nextch: toktyp = "Op_mod"
case "(": call nextch: toktyp = "LeftParen"
case ")": call nextch: toktyp = "RightParen"
case "*": call nextch: toktyp = "Op_multiply"
case "+": call nextch: toktyp = "Op_add"
case ",": call nextch: toktyp = "Comma"
case "-": call nextch: toktyp = "Op_subtract"
case ";": call nextch: toktyp = "Semicolon"
case "{": call nextch: toktyp = "LeftBrace"
case "}": call nextch: toktyp = "RightBrace"
case "&": call follow("&", "Op_and", "")
case "|": call follow("|", "Op_or", "")
case "!": call follow("=", "Op_notequal", "Op_not")
case "<": call follow("=", "Op_lessequal", "Op_less")
case "=": call follow("=", "Op_equal", "Op_assign")
case ">": call follow("=", "Op_greaterequal", "Op_greater")
case chr$(34): call read_string
case chr$(39): call read_char_lit
case "": toktyp = "End_of_input"
case else
if isdigit&(the_ch) then
call read_number
elseif isalpha&(the_ch) then
call read_ident
call nextch
end if
end select
end sub
sub follow(c as string, if_both as string, if_one as string)
call nextch
if the_ch = c then
tok = tok + the_ch
call nextch
toktyp = if_both
if if_one = "" then call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "Expecting " + c): exit sub
toktyp = if_one
end if
end sub
sub read_string
toktyp = c_string
call nextch
tok = tok + the_ch
select case the_ch
case chr$(10): call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "EOL in string"): exit sub
case "": call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "EOF in string"): exit sub
case chr$(34): call nextch: exit sub
case else: call nextch
end select
end sub
sub read_char_lit
toktyp = c_integer
call nextch
if the_ch = chr$(39) then
call error_exit(err_line, err_col, "Empty character constant"): exit sub
end if
if the_ch = "\" then
call nextch
if the_ch = "n" then
tok = "10"
elseif the_ch = "\" then
tok = "92"
call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "Unknown escape sequence:" + the_ch): exit sub
end if
tok = ltrim$(str$(asc(the_ch)))
end if
call nextch
if the_ch <> chr$(39) then
call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "Multi-character constant"): exit sub
end if
call nextch
end sub
sub divide_or_comment
call nextch
if the_ch <> "*" then
toktyp = "Op_divide"
else ' skip comments
tok = ""
call nextch
if the_ch = "*" then
call nextch
if the_ch = "/" then
call nextch
exit sub
end if
elseif the_ch = "" then
call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "EOF in comment"): exit sub
call nextch
end if
end if
end sub
sub read_ident
call nextch
if not isalnum&(the_ch) then exit do
tok = tok + the_ch
select case tok
case "else": toktyp = "keyword_else"
case "if": toktyp = "keyword_if"
case "print": toktyp = "keyword_print"
case "putc":: toktyp = "keyword_putc"
case "while": toktyp = "keyword_while"
case else: toktyp = c_ident
end select
end sub
sub read_number
toktyp = c_integer
call nextch
if not isdigit&(the_ch) then exit do
tok = tok + the_ch
if isalpha&(the_ch) then
call error_exit(err_line, err_col, "Bogus number: " + tok + the_ch): exit sub
end if
end sub
function isalpha&(s as string)
dim c as string
c = left$(s, 1)
isalpha& = c <> "" and instr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_", c) > 0
end function
function isdigit&(s as string)
dim c as string
c = left$(s, 1)
isdigit& = c <> "" and instr("0123456789", c) > 0
end function
function isalnum&(s as string)
dim c as string
c = left$(s, 1)
isalnum& = c <> "" and instr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_", c) > 0
end function
' get next char - fold cr/lf into just lf
sub nextch
the_ch = ""
col_n = col_n + 1
if text_p > len(source) then exit sub
the_ch = mid$(source, text_p, 1)
text_p = text_p + 1
if the_ch = chr$(13) then
the_ch = chr$(10)
if text_p <= len(source) then
if mid$(source, text_p, 1) = chr$(10) then
text_p = text_p + 1
end if
end if
end if
if the_ch = chr$(10) then
line_n = line_n + 1
col_n = 0
end if
end sub
sub error_exit(line_n as integer, col_n as integer, msg as string)
errors = -1
print line_n, col_n, msg
end sub
{{out|case=test case 3}}
<pre> 5 16 keyword_print
5 40 Op_subtract
6 16 keyword_putc
6 40 Op_less
7 16 keyword_if
7 40 Op_greater
8 16 keyword_else
8 40 Op_lessequal
9 16 keyword_while
9 40 Op_greaterequal
10 16 LeftBrace
10 40 Op_equal
11 16 RightBrace
11 40 Op_notequal
12 16 LeftParen
12 40 Op_and
13 16 RightParen
13 40 Op_or
14 16 Op_subtract
14 40 Semicolon
15 16 Op_not
15 40 Comma
16 16 Op_multiply
16 40 Op_assign
17 16 Op_divide
17 40 Integer 42
18 16 Op_mod
18 40 String "String literal"
19 16 Op_add
19 40 Identifier variable_name
20 26 Integer 10
21 26 Integer 92
22 26 Integer 32
23 1 End_of_input</pre>
