Compiler/lexical analyzer: Difference between revisions

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(Add solution for Racket)
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<lang racket>
#lang racket
(require parser-tools/lex)

[letter (union (char-range #\a #\z) (char-range #\A #\Z))]
[digit (char-range #\0 #\9)]
[underscore #\_]
[identifier (concatenation (union letter underscore)
(repetition 0 +inf.0 (union letter digit underscore)))]
[integer (repetition 1 +inf.0 digit)]
[char-content (char-complement (char-set "'\n"))]
[char-literal (union (concatenation #\' char-content #\')
"'\\n'" "'\\\\'")]
[string-content (union (char-complement (char-set "\"\n")))]
[string-literal (union (concatenation #\" (repetition 0 +inf.0 string-content) #\")
"\"\\n\"" "\"\\\\\"")]
[keyword (union "if" "else" "while" "print" "putc")]
[operator (union "*" "/" "%" "+" "-" "-"
"<" "<=" ">" ">=" "==" "!="
"!" "=" "&&" "||")]
[symbol (union "(" ")" "{" "}" ";" ",")]
[comment (concatenation "/*" (complement (concatenation any-string "*/" any-string)) "*/")])

(define operators-ht
(hash "*" 'Op_multiply "/" 'Op_divide "%" 'Op_mod "+" 'Op_add "-" 'Op_subtract
"<" 'Op_less "<=" 'Op_lessequal ">" 'Op_greater ">=" 'Op_greaterequal "==" 'Op_equal
"!=" 'Op_notequal "!" 'Op_not "=" 'Op_assign "&&" 'Op_and "||" 'Op_or))

(define symbols-ht
(hash "(" 'LeftParen ")" 'RightParen
"{" 'LeftBrace "}" 'RightBrace
";" 'Semicolon "," 'Comma))

(define (lexeme->keyword l) (string->symbol (~a "Keyword_" l)))
(define (lexeme->operator l) (hash-ref operators-ht l))
(define (lexeme->symbol l) (hash-ref symbols-ht l))
(define (lexeme->char l) (match l
["'\\\\'" #\\]
["'\\n'" #\newline]
[_ (string-ref l 1)]))

(define (token name [value #f])
(cons name (if value (list value) '())))

(define (lex ip)
(port-count-lines! ip)
(define my-lexer
[integer (token 'Integer (string->number lexeme))]
[char-literal (token 'Integer (char->integer (lexeme->char lexeme)))]
[string-literal (token 'String lexeme)]
[keyword (token (lexeme->keyword lexeme))]
[operator (token (lexeme->operator lexeme))]
[symbol (token (lexeme->symbol lexeme))]
[comment #f]
[whitespace #f]
[identifier (token 'Identifier lexeme)]
[(eof) (token 'End_of_input)]))
(define (next-token) (my-lexer ip))

(define (string->tokens s)
(port->tokens (open-input-string s)))

(define (port->tokens ip)
(define next-token (lex ip))
(let loop ()
(match (next-token)
[(position-token t (position offset line col) _)
(set! col (+ col 1)) ; output is 1-based
(match t
[#f (loop)] ; skip whitespace/comments
[(list 'End_of_input) (list (list line col 'End_of_input))]
[(list name value) (cons (list line col name value) (loop))]
[(list name) (cons (list line col name) (loop))]
[_ (error)])])))

(define test1 #<<TEST
Hello world
print("Hello, World!\n");


(define test2 #<<TEST
Show Ident and Integers
phoenix_number = 142857;
print(phoenix_number, "\n");


(define test3 #<<TEST
All lexical tokens - not syntactically correct, but that will
have to wait until syntax analysis
/* Print */ print /* Sub */ -
/* Putc */ putc /* Lss */ <
/* If */ if /* Gtr */ >
/* Else */ else /* Leq */ <=
/* While */ while /* Geq */ >=
/* Lbrace */ { /* Eq */ ==
/* Rbrace */ } /* Neq */ !=
/* Lparen */ ( /* And */ &&
/* Rparen */ ) /* Or */ ||
/* Uminus */ - /* Semi */ ;
/* Not */ ! /* Comma */ ,
/* Mul */ * /* Assign */ =
/* Div */ / /* Integer */ 42
/* Mod */ % /* String */ "String literal"
/* Add */ + /* Ident */ variable_name
/* character literal */ '\n'
/* character literal */ '\\'
/* character literal */ ' '

(define test4 #<<TEST
/*** test printing, embedded \n and comments with lots of '*' ***/
print("\nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n");
print("Print a slash n - \\n.\n");

(define test5 #<<TEST
count = 1;
while (count < 10) {
print("count is: ", count, "\n");
count = count + 1;

(define (display-tokens ts)
(for ([t ts])
(for ([x t])
(display x) (display "\t\t"))

"TEST 1"
(display-tokens (string->tokens test1))
"TEST 2"
(display-tokens (string->tokens test2))
"TEST 3"
(display-tokens (string->tokens test3))
"TEST 4"
(display-tokens (string->tokens test4))
"TEST 5"
(display-tokens (string->tokens test5))
