Compiler/lexical analyzer: Difference between revisions

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m (Read symbols into the lex-symbols package.)
(added Scheme example)
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<lang scheme>
(import (scheme base)
(scheme char)
(scheme file)
(scheme process-context)
(scheme write))

(define *symbols* (list (cons #\( 'LeftParen)
(cons #\) 'RightParen)
(cons #\{ 'LeftBrace)
(cons #\} 'RightBrace)
(cons #\; 'Semicolon)
(cons #\, 'Comma)
(cons #\* 'Op_multiply)
(cons #\/ 'Op_divide)
(cons #\% 'Op_mod)
(cons #\+ 'Op_add)
(cons #\- 'Op_subtract)))

(define *keywords* (list (cons 'if 'Keyword_if)
(cons 'else 'Keyword_else)
(cons 'while 'Keyword_while)
(cons 'print 'Keyword_print)
(cons 'putc 'Keyword_putc)))

;; return list of tokens from current port
(define (read-tokens)
; information on position in input
(define line 1)
(define col 0)
(define next-char #f)
; get char, updating line/col posn
(define (get-next-char)
(if (char? next-char) ; check for returned character
(let ((c next-char))
(set! next-char #f)
(let ((c (read-char)))
(cond ((and (not (eof-object? c))
(char=? c #\newline))
(set! col 0)
(set! line (+ 1 line))
(set! col (+ 1 col))
(define (push-char c)
(set! next-char c))
; step over any whitespace or comments
(define (skip-whitespace+comment)
(let loop ()
(let ((c (get-next-char)))
(cond ((eof-object? c)
((char-whitespace? c) ; ignore whitespace
((char=? c #\/) ; check for comments
(if (char=? (peek-char) #\*) ; found start of comment
(begin ; eat comment
(let m ((c (get-next-char)))
(cond ((eof-object? c)
(error "End of file in comment"))
((and (char=? c #\*)
(char=? (peek-char) #\/))
(get-next-char)) ; eat / and end
(m (get-next-char)))))
(loop)) ; continue looking for whitespace / more comments
(push-char #\/))) ; not comment, so put / back and return
(else ; return to stream, as not a comment or space char
(push-char c))))))
; read next token from input
(define (next-token)
(define (read-string) ; returns string value along with " " marks
(let loop ((chars '(#\"))) ; " (needed to appease Rosetta code's highlighter)
(cond ((eof-object? (peek-char))
(error "End of file while scanning string literal."))
((char=? (peek-char) #\newline)
(error "End of line while scanning string literal."))
((char=? (peek-char) #\") ; "
(get-next-char) ; consume the final quote
(list->string (reverse (cons #\" chars)))) ; " highlighter)
(loop (cons (get-next-char) chars))))))
(define (read-identifier initial-c) ; returns identifier as a Scheme symbol
(do ((chars (list initial-c) (cons c chars))
(c (get-next-char) (get-next-char)))
((or (eof-object? c) ; finish when hit end of file
(not (or (char-numeric? c) ; or a character not permitted in an identifier
(char-alphabetic? c)
(char=? c #\_))))
(push-char c) ; return last character to stream
(string->symbol (list->string (reverse chars))))))
(define (read-number initial-c) ; returns integer read as a Scheme integer
(let loop ((res (digit-value initial-c))
(c (get-next-char)))
(cond ((char-alphabetic? c)
(error "Invalid number - ends in alphabetic chars"))
((char-numeric? c)
(loop (+ (* res 10) (digit-value c))
(push-char c) ; return non-number to stream
; select op symbol based on if there is a following = sign
(define (check-eq-extend start-line start-col opeq op)
(if (char=? (peek-char) #\=)
(begin (get-next-char) ; consume it
(list start-line start-col opeq))
(list start-line start-col op)))
(let* ((start-line line) ; save start position of tokens
(start-col col)
(c (get-next-char)))
(cond ((eof-object? c)
(list start-line start-col 'End_of_input))
((char-alphabetic? c) ; read an identifier
(let ((id (read-identifier c)))
(if (assq id *keywords*) ; check if identifier is a keyword
(list start-line start-col (cdr (assq id *keywords*)))
(list start-line start-col 'Identifier id))))
((char-numeric? c) ; read a number
(list start-line start-col 'Integer (read-number c)))
(case c
((#\( #\) #\{ #\} #\; #\, #\* #\/ #\% #\+ #\-)
(list start-line start-col (cdr (assq c *symbols*))))
(check-eq-extend start-line start-col 'Op_lessequal 'Op_less))
(check-eq-extend start-line start-col 'Op_greaterequal 'Op_greater))
(check-eq-extend start-line start-col 'Op_equal 'Op_assign))
(check-eq-extend start-line start-col 'Op_notequal 'Op_not))
((#\& #\|)
(if (char=? (peek-char) c) ; looks for && or ||
(begin (get-next-char) ; consume second character if valid
(list start-line start-col
(if (char=? c #\&) 'Op_and 'Op_or)))
(push-char c)))
((#\") ; "
(list start-line start-col 'String (read-string)))
(let* ((c1 (get-next-char))
(c2 (get-next-char)))
(cond ((or (eof-object? c1)
(eof-object? c2))
(error "Incomplete character constant"))
((char=? c1 #\')
(error "Empty character constant"))
((and (char=? c2 #\') ; case of single character
(not (char=? c1 #\\)))
(list start-line start-col 'Integer (char->integer c1)))
((and (char=? c1 #\\) ; case of escaped character
(char=? (peek-char) #\'))
(get-next-char) ; consume the ending '
(cond ((char=? c2 #\n)
(list start-line start-col 'Integer 10))
((char=? c2 #\\)
(list start-line start-col 'Integer (char->integer c2)))
(error "Unknown escape sequence"))))
(error "Multi-character constant")))))
(error "Unrecognised character")))))))
(let loop ((tokens '())) ; loop, ignoring space/comments, while reading tokens
(let ((tok (next-token)))
(if (eof-object? (peek-char)) ; check if at end of input
(reverse (cons tok tokens))
(loop (cons tok tokens))))))

(define (lexer filename)
(with-input-from-file filename
(lambda () (read-tokens))))

;; output tokens to stdout, tab separated
;; line number, column number, token type, optional value
(define (display-tokens tokens)
(lambda (token)
(display (list-ref token 0))
(display #\tab) (display (list-ref token 1))
(display #\tab) (display (list-ref token 2))
(when (= 4 (length token))
(display #\tab) (display (list-ref token 3)))

;; read from filename passed on command line
(if (= 2 (length (command-line)))
(display-tokens (lexer (cadr (command-line))))
(display "Error: provide program filename\n"))

Output shown for "hello.c" example. Tested against all programs in [[Compiler/Sample programs]].

<pre>4 1 Keyword_print
4 6 LeftParen
4 7 String "Hello, World!\n"
4 24 RightParen
4 25 Semicolon
5 1 End_of_input