Compiler/code generator: Difference between revisions

Added Algol 68
(Added Algol 68)
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=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
Based on the Algol W sample. This generates .NET IL assembler code which can be compiled with the .NET ilasm assembler to generate an exe that can be run under Windows (and presumably Mono though I haven't tried that).
<lang algol68># RC Compiler code generator #
this writes a .NET IL assembler source to standard output.
If the output is stored in a file called "",
it could be compiled the command:
ilasm /opt /out:rcsample.exe
(Note ilasm may not be in the PATH by default(
Note: The generated IL is *very* naiive
# parse tree nodes #
MODE NODE = STRUCT( INT type, REF NODE left, right, INT value );
INT nidentifier = 1, nstring = 2, ninteger = 3, nsequence = 4, nif = 5, nprtc = 6, nprts = 7
, nprti = 8, nwhile = 9, nassign = 10, nnegate = 11, nnot = 12, nmultiply = 13, ndivide = 14
, nmod = 15, nadd = 16, nsubtract = 17, nless = 18, nlessequal = 19, ngreater = 20
, ngreaterequal = 21, nequal = 22, nnotequal = 23, nand = 24, nor = 25
# op codes #
INT ofetch = 1, ostore = 2, opush = 3, oadd = 4, osub = 5, omul = 6, odiv = 7, omod = 8
, olt = 9, ogt = 10, ole = 11, oge = 12, oeq = 13, one = 14, oand = 15, oor = 16
, oneg = 17, onot = 18, ojmp = 19, ojz = 20, oprtc = 21, oprts = 22, oprti = 23, opushstr = 24
[]INT ndop
= ( -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1
, -1 , -1 , -1 , oneg , -1 , omul , odiv
, omod , oadd , osub , olt , -1 , ogt
, -1 , oeq , -1 , oand , oor
) ;
[]STRING ndname
= ( "Identifier" , "String" , "Integer" , "Sequence" , "If" , "Prtc" , "Prts"
, "Prti" , "While" , "Assign" , "Negate" , "Not" , "Multiply" , "Divide"
, "Mod" , "Add" , "Subtract" , "Less" , "LessEqual" , "Greater"
, "GreaterEqual" , "Equal" , "NotEqual" , "And" , "Or"
) ;
[]STRING opname
= ( "ldloc ", "stloc ", "ldc.i4 ", "add ", "sub ", "mul ", "div ", "rem "
, "clt ", "cgt ", "?le ", "?ge ", "ceq ", "?ne ", "and ", "or "
, "neg ", "?not ", "br ", "brfalse", "?prtc ", "?prts ", "?prti ", "ldstr "
) ;
# string and identifier arrays - a hash table might be better... #
INT max string number = 1024;
[ 0 : max string number ]STRING identifiers, strings;
FOR s pos FROM 0 TO max string number DO
identifiers[ s pos ] := "";
strings [ s pos ] := ""
# label number for label generation #
INT next label number := 0;
# returns the next free label number #
PROC new label = INT: next label number +:= 1;
# returns a new node with left and right branches #
PROC op node = ( INT op type, REF NODE left, right )REF NODE: HEAP NODE := NODE( op type, left, right, 0 );
# returns a new operand node #
PROC operand node = ( INT op type, value )REF NODE: HEAP NODE := NODE( op type, NIL, NIL, value );
# reports an error and stops #
PROC gen error = ( STRING message )VOID:
print( ( message, newline ) );
END # gen error # ;
# reads a node from standard input #
PROC read node = REF NODE:
REF NODE result := NIL;
# parses a string from line and stores it in a string in the text array #
# - if it is not already present in the specified textElement list. #
# returns the position of the string in the text array #
PROC read string = ( REF[]STRING text list, CHAR terminator )INT:
# get the text of the string #
STRING str := line[ l pos ];
l pos +:= 1;
WHILE IF l pos <= UPB line THEN line[ l pos ] /= terminator ELSE FALSE FI DO
str +:= line[ l pos ];
l pos +:= 1
IF l pos > UPB line THEN gen error( "Unterminated String in node file: (" + line + ")." ) FI;
# attempt to find the text in the list of strings/identifiers #
INT t pos := LWB text list;
BOOL found := FALSE;
INT result := LWB text list - 1;
FOR t pos FROM LWB text list TO UPB text list WHILE NOT found DO
IF found := text list[ t pos ] = str THEN
# found the string #
result := t pos
ELIF text list[ t pos ] = "" THEN
# have an empty slot for ther string #
found := TRUE;
text list[ t pos ] := str;
result := t pos
IF NOT found THEN gen error( "Out of string space." ) FI;
END # read string # ;
# gets an integer from the line - no checks for valid digits #
PROC read integer = INT:
INT n := 0;
WHILE line[ l pos ] /= " " DO
( n *:= 10 ) +:= ( ABS line[ l pos ] - ABS "0" );
l pos +:= 1
END # read integer # ;
STRING line, name;
INT l pos := 1, nd type := -1;
read( ( line, newline ) );
line +:= " ";
# get the node type name #
WHILE line[ l pos ] = " " DO l pos +:= 1 OD;
name := "";
WHILE IF l pos > UPB line THEN FALSE ELSE line[ l pos ] /= " " FI DO
name +:= line[ l pos ];
l pos +:= 1
# determine the node type #
nd type := LWB nd name;
IF name /= ";" THEN
# not a null node #
WHILE IF nd type <= UPB nd name THEN name /= nd name[ nd type ] ELSE FALSE FI DO nd type +:= 1 OD;
IF nd type > UPB nd name THEN gen error( "Malformed node: (" + line + ")." ) FI;
# handle the additional parameter for identifier/string/integer, or sub-nodes for operator nodes #
IF nd type = ninteger OR nd type = nidentifier OR nd type = nstring THEN
WHILE line[ l pos ] = " " DO l pos +:= 1 OD;
IF nd type = ninteger THEN result := operand node( nd type, read integer )
ELIF nd type = nidentifier THEN result := operand node( nd type, read string( identifiers, " " ) )
ELSE # nd type = nString # result := operand node( nd type, read string( strings, """" ) )
# operator node #
REF NODE left node = read node;
result := op node( nd type, left node, read node )
END # read node # ;
# returns a formatted op code for code generation #
PROC operation = ( INT op code )STRING: " " + op name[ op code ] + " ";
# defines the specified label #
PROC define label = ( INT label number )VOID: print( ( "lbl_", whole( label number, 0 ), ":", newline ) );
# generates code to load a string value #
PROC gen load string = ( INT value )VOID:
print( ( operation( opushstr ), " ", strings[ value ], """", newline ) )
END # push string # ;
# generates code to load a constant value #
PROC gen load constant = ( INT value )VOID: print( ( operation( opush ), " ", whole( value, 0 ), newline ) );
# generates an operation acting on an address #
PROC gen data op = ( INT op, address )VOID: print( ( operation( op ), " l_", identifiers[ address ], newline ) );
# generates a nullary operation #
PROC gen op 0 = ( INT op )VOID: print( ( operation( op ), newline ) );
# generates a "not" instruction sequence #
PROC gen not = VOID:
gen load constant( 0 );
print( ( operation( oeq ), newline ) )
END # gen not # ;
# generates a negated condition #
PROC gen not op = ( INT op, REF NODE n )VOID:
gen( left OF n );
gen( right OF n );
gen op 0( op );
gen not
END # gen not op # ;
# generates a jump operation #
PROC gen jump = ( INT op, label )VOID: print( ( operation( op ), " lbl_", whole( label, 0 ), newline ) );
# generates code to output something to System.Console.Out #
PROC gen output = ( REF NODE n, STRING output type )VOID:
print( ( " call " ) );
print( ( "class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()", newline ) );
gen( left OF n );
print( ( " callvirt " ) );
print( ( "instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(", output type, ")", newline ) )
END # gen output # ;
# generates the code header - assembly info, namespace, class and start of the Main method #
PROC code header = VOID:
print( ( ".assembly extern mscorlib { auto }", newline ) );
print( ( ".assembly RccSample {}", newline ) );
print( ( ".module RccSample.exe", newline ) );
print( ( ".namespace Rcc.Sample", newline ) );
print( ( "{", newline ) );
print( ( " .class public auto ansi Program extends [mscorlib]System.Object", newline ) );
print( ( " {", newline ) );
print( ( " .method public static void Main() cil managed", newline ) );
print( ( " {", newline ) );
print( ( " .entrypoint", newline ) );
# output the local variables #
BOOL have locals := FALSE;
STRING local prefix := " .locals init (int32 l_";
FOR s pos FROM LWB identifiers TO UPB identifiers WHILE identifiers[ s pos ] /= "" DO
print( ( local prefix, identifiers[ s pos ], newline ) );
local prefix := " ,int32 l_";
have locals := TRUE
IF have locals THEN
# there were some local variables defined - output the terminator #
print( ( " )", newline ) )
END # code header # ;
# generates code for the node n #
PROC gen = ( REF NODE n )VOID:
IF n IS REF NODE( NIL ) THEN # null node #
ELIF type OF n = nidentifier THEN # load identifier #
gen data op( ofetch, value OF n )
ELIF type OF n = nstring THEN # load string #
gen load string( value OF n )
ELIF type OF n = ninteger THEN # load integer #
gen load constant( value OF n )
ELIF type OF n = nsequence THEN # list #
gen( left OF n );
gen( right OF n )
ELIF type OF n = nif THEN # if-else #
INT else label := new label;
gen( left OF n );
gen jump( ojz, else label );
gen( left OF right OF n );
IF right OF right OF n IS REF NODE( NIL ) THEN
# no "else" part #
define label( else label )
# have an "else" part #
INT end if label := new label;
gen jump( ojmp, end if label );
define label( else label );
gen( right OF right OF n );
define label( end if label )
ELIF type OF n = nwhile THEN # while-loop #
INT loop label := new label;
INT exit label := new label;
define label( loop label );
gen( left OF n );
gen jump( ojz, exit label );
gen( right OF n );
gen jump( ojmp, loop label );
define label( exit label )
ELIF type OF n = nassign THEN # assignment #
gen( right OF n );
gen data op( ostore, value OF left OF n )
ELIF type OF n = nnot THEN # bolean not #
gen( left OF n );
gen not
ELIF type OF n = ngreaterequal THEN # compare >= #
gen not op( olt, n )
ELIF type OF n = nnotequal THEN # compare not = #
gen not op( oeq, n )
ELIF type OF n = nlessequal THEN # compare <= #
gen not op( ogt, n )
ELIF type OF n = nprts THEN # print string #
gen output( n, "string" )
ELIF type OF n = nprtc THEN # print character #
gen output( n, "char" )
ELIF type OF n = nprti THEN # print integer #
gen output( n, "int32" )
ELSE # everything else #
gen( left OF n );
gen( right OF n ); # right will be null for a unary op so no code will be generated #
print( ( operation( ndop( type OF n ) ), newline ) )
FI # gen # ;
# generates the code trailer - return instruction, end of Main method, end of class and end of namespace #
PROC code trailer = VOID:
print( ( " ret", newline ) );
print( ( " } // Main method", newline ) );
print( ( " } // Program class", newline ) );
print( ( "} // Rcc.Sample namespace", newline ) )
END # code trailer # ;
# parse the output from the syntax analyser and generate code from the parse tree #
REF NODE code = read node;
code header;
gen( code );
code trailer</lang>
.assembly extern mscorlib { auto }
.assembly RccSample {}
.module RccSample.exe
.namespace Rcc.Sample
.class public auto ansi Program extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public static void Main() cil managed
.locals init (int32 l_count
ldc.i4 1
stloc l_count
ldloc l_count
ldc.i4 10
brfalse lbl_2
call class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
ldstr "count is: "
callvirt instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(string)
call class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
ldloc l_count
callvirt instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(int32)
call class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
ldstr "\n"
callvirt instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(string)
ldloc l_count
ldc.i4 1
stloc l_count
br lbl_1
} // Main method
} // Program class
} // Rcc.Sample namespace
=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
